Artist problems.
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Noah could hear her now, her footsteps rushing towards him. Knowing now that she would be by his side in less than a moment he began to feel more panicked, needing to find his glasses before she got to him. 
But it was too late. He tensed up a little as she knelt beside him, stroking his mop of hair. He kept his head lowered still and frowned a little as he heard the clicking of the glasses being picked up by his mother. Before he could come  up with any sort of excuses for why he couldn’t find them she was already speaking up and wrapping her arms around him. 
Head still lowered and hair still messily in his face it seemed he had managed to keep his scars hidden even as she moved to help put his sunglasses back on him. Pale hands reached up as she went to place them upon his face and grabbed them, putting them the rest of the way on himself and adjusting them so they were on comfortably. 
It seemed she wasn’t questioning why he had been searching around like that, which seemed a little odd but he figured she had come up with a conclusion that would have matched whatever his excuse would have been. Like getting dirt in his eyes when he fell or something like that. Well, if she wasn’t going to question it then he wouldn’t bring it up.
Jane’s words didn’t help Noah’s frown to leave his features. Noah took her hand and allowed her to help him up before shaking his head and raising his hand a little as though to gesture her to stop. 
“No, don’t apologize. I shouldn’t have run off, and I don’t blame you for being frightened by it. It was inconsiderate of me.” He told her. Of course in the moment he hadn’t realized that but after having heard how frantic her voice had been when she called for him everything became crystal clear. Her son, who had been missing for who knows how long just returned then suddenly goes and darts randomly into the woods, of course she was scared. He felt like a jerk. 
 “I told you I was okay, I wasn’t kidding.” He assured her. Though Noah did have a small cut on his cheek from a branch that had whipped him while he had headed through the woods. He didn’t count little things like that though.
Noah shook his head a little once again. “I’m sorry for darting out here on you like that though....I was just...I needed to be sure....” He didn’t really know how to explain at the moment. He didn’t know how much Jezebet may have told her about that hellish realm. Either way, he didn’t want to bring all of that up right now. He just wanted to enjoy this walk with his mom, and take in everything about this world he had missed so much. Even the simplest thing such as a breeze was amazing for him right now.
“Never mind, we can talk about it later. We should just get to the lake.” He said, wanting to change the subject and save it for later.  
“You’re alright though yeah?” He questioned, just wanting to be sure. Even if Noah had changed while away he would still always be a worry wort just like his mother.  
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He just needed to know. He just needed to know it wasn’t a loop, that he wouldn’t end up back at the house. As he continued onward Jane’s first attempt to grab the young mans attention went unsuccessful. Noah was too focused on trying to tell how far he had gone, if he had made it far enough yet.
Soon a less conflicted smile formed upon his lips, slowing his pace a little as it did. He was sure he was home, there is not way he couldn’t be. While his mothers chest was filing with pain and fear Noah’s was filling with excitement and relief, that is until he heard his mothers second plea. 
Her distressed tone took him by surprise, having not realize how his behavior may have frightened her. Noah had halted in his path now. “Mom..?!” He called out to her, wanting her to call back to him again so he would know where to find her. She wasn’t too far away but of course Noah couldn’t see her. Only now was he fully understanding how stupid his actions had been. 
The brunette turned his head about as though he was looking for her, though was actually listening for her. He felt a pang of guilt as now realized how running off like that could have scared her. Thinking the sound of a couple twigs snapping were her he turned to head in that direction. Unfortunately he was now so focused on listening for his mother that he wasn’t paying attention to his feet. Noah’s left foot snagged on a rather large and  twisted root that stuck out from the ground and before he knew it he was hitting the dirt with a loud thud.
“Shit.” He cursed as he started to push himself up a little. He wondered if his mom had seen him fall, if she was going to be all frantic with concern now. Just to be safe “I’m okay!” he called out to her, wherever she was. Noah would do the same thing when he was little. Whenever he would fall down or stumble while playing the first thing he would do was assure his mom he was okay and unharmed due to how worried she would always get. 
Now sitting up and starting to brush himself off for his mothers sake he noticed something. His glasses, they weren’t on his face. Frantically Noah got on his hands and knees trying to find them, feeling a lot like Velma from Scooby Doo. He didn’t know how close or far his mom was but he kept his head a little low, and let his bangs stay messily in his face as a means to hide his eyes, or rather, the scarring around them.
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Precious child looks just like his daddy :3
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And here’s Aldrik, I hope you like him! ^-^
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Noah hadn’t heard his mother approach or her words about the length of the walk. He was too caught up in his thoughts and hadn’t become aware of her closeness until she placed a hand upon his shoulder. The brunette flinched slightly at her touch, her voice pulling him back to reality. 
He was still smiling, but his lips quivered a little as though he was about to break into tears. Noah continued to appear as though he was staring ahead of himself as he spoke up.
“I-It’s the property line....this, right here, it’s the property line. The property ends here.” He told her, his words soft and quiet at first before becoming a bit more eager, almost excited. Despite this though there was a sense of hesitation and doubt in his voice. His conflicting tone ony served to match an expression that was somehow a mix between happiness and fear.
If he was really home, truly home, he would be able to continue forward without any barriers or without somehow magically looping back to the house. If he really was home then he would be venturing out into a place that he didn’t know truly by heart even if he had been there in the past. Without a cane to guide him he would certainly have some difficulties traversing through the woods just beyond the property line even with his excellent hearing. That wouldn’t stop him though. He needed to go, he needed to be sure!
If he was human his heart would be beating like mad in chest. He was filled to the brim with both excitement and anxiety. Even now he still held the fear that he wasn’t really home. 
Abruptly Noah hastened forward, literally blindly heading into the woods at a rather brisk pace, leaving his mother behind again. Making sure not to drag his feet at any point he managed to avoid tripping over roots and rocks. He narrowly avoided the trees he came across, only knowing he was getting too close to one based on how much pine needles or roots he felt beneath his feet. Despite these tactics though stray branches and young saplings would still get in his way. Branches tugged at his cloths and whipped at him as he trudged past everything without any of his previous hesitation.
Noah didn’t even know if he was going the right way, he just kept going, not pausing when he stubbed his toe or when a branch scratched open the skin on his cheek, or even to wait for his mother.  
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Just better quality images of my drawings of Cain (left) and Noah (right)! ^^
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petition to Let Jane Rest™
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I’ve recently hit a milestone so I wanted to do something to celebrate! I’m hosting this giveaway to thank you all for your support so far.  It will be up for three weeks and as usual the winner will get a painting from yours truly. ♥
To enter the giveaway you must be following me. You can reblog this post as many times as you want. Each reblog and like counts as a separate entry! The winner will be picked on JULY 26th!!! Remember to keep your askbox open. The winner will have 3 days to claim the prize or else I will pick a new winner.
I’m looking forward to this and I hope you are too! Thank you so much for you support and GOOD LUCK! ♥ /Joana Neves
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It was only when Jane patted his hand that he realized he had been holding onto her wrist for so long. With that he gently, though briskly, released his grip on her. His sense of touch along with sound was his means of sight now. Holding onto her was his way of seeing her almost, knowing she was really there. He decided he would have to refrain from making such behavior obvious though...he didn’t want her to find out about his eyes after all. Still, no longer did he expect himself to be meandering about with his hands shoved deep into his pockets or something.
The brunette followed Jane, her clacking heels being his guide. As soon made it through the threshold of the front door he felt the breeze brush against his skin and flow through his messy hair. A smile formed upon his lips and in that moment he felt quite the same as his mother, a ton of weights being lifted from him leaving him feeling practically as though he could float away. 
Noah nodded. “That’s a great idea.” He told her, smiling still and seeming to be just as eager to get there as he had been to get out of the house in general. The young man promptly headed down the front steps of the porch, hand lightly trailing down the banister. Now he was ahead of Jane, leading the way rather than following. 
Wet grass dampened the bottoms of Noah’s pants as he headed across the yard and around the side of the house. He couldn’t be sure if it was the dew of morning or the dampness of a recent rain shower but regardless the coolness of it didn’t bother him in the slightest but rather he found it to be quite pleasant.
At this point Noah wasn’t paying close attention as to how close or far his mother had gotten but instead seemed to be focused on making it to the woods that lined the back of the property. Despite there being no guides such as a railing, fence, or pathway Noah managed to traverse the back yard with ease. He knew this damned property by heart now and didn’t need his eyes to know where exactly everything was. 
Once he made it to where the treeline started he paused, resting his hand against the rough bark of the nearest tree. It seemed as though perhaps he was waiting for his mom to catch up, after all, he had practically power walked over here without realizing it.
It wasn’t that though, he wasn’t waiting for her. The pads of his fingers pressed more roughly against the bark of the tree as he face the woods, appearing as though he was perhaps starring at something hidden in there. Though previously impatient about getting out and walking to the lake his pause showed hesitation, his body seeming to stiffen a little as he just sort of stood there. 
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Cain was a difficult subject no matter what the context was, but Noah always knew his mother would always love both of her sons. Luckily she was on board with the idea of worrying about Cain later more or less.
“Huh?” He hadn’t even realized he wasn’t wearing shoes. Noah had grown out of the pair he had been wearing so long ago that he was just used to not wearing shoes at all at this point. On top of that being able to feel the ground with his feet helped to give him a better sense of his location. 
Noah shook his head. “It’s fine, you probably don’t have anything that fits me anyway.” He told her, which was probably true unless she had some of Jeff’s cloths and shoes laying around. “Don’t worry about that sort of thing right now.” He told her, finding his cloths to be unimportant at the moment.  
He didn’t pull hard but he did once again tug a little as a means to urge her outside. The brunette could easily go on ahead of her but it seemed he didn’t want to let go. Noah didn’t really realize this but it was like a subconscious part of him felt as though she would be the one to vanish if he let her go. Noah didn’t notice his behaviors were a little bit odd either, but being gone and trapped in some bizarre world could certainly change a person.
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Once again Noah was filled with a sense of relief, his shoulders relaxing as she spoke of his nephew. A soft smile formed upon his lips, more than glad to hear the boy had made it back safe and sound. He couldn’t wait to see Jezebet and his brother Aldrik as well. He wondered how Aldrik had handled his twin going missing. He could only hope and assume they had a wonderful reunion.
Before Noah could inquire about his other nephew his brothers name caught his attention. His smile faded away in an instant and his nose crinkled a bit as though he had tasted something awful. The brunette shook his head a little before speaking. 
“Uh...yeah...he’s back too...” He told her, suddenly seeming a bit distant. It was clear he didn’t want to talk about the subject of his brother. “He’s upstairs, but uh...just leave him be for now.” he told her. Noah figured she would want to see her other son even if the guy hated her. It didn’t matter that he was her son though, he needed to convince her not to see him. Not yet anyway. There was plenty he wanted to talk with her about first but he didn’t want to overwhelm her with everything that had happened after just getting here.
Noah then gently grasped his mothers wrist, tugging it a little as though to urge her to follow him. “We should go outside. We should go for a walk.” He abruptly suggested seemingly at random. He didn’t know what the weather was like outside, or even what time it was at the moment, but he didn’t care. 
Like Jezebet he had developed a need to keep moving. That and he wanted to smell and feel fresh air, sunlight or moonlight, anything. He clearly didn’t care about his appearance either, which contrasted greatly with the Noah of the past who had always been a bit concerned about his looks. After all, he was quite the mess with his wild hair and old ripped and torn cloths along with them not fitting him quite right anymore. He wasn’t even wearing any shoes. Still, he didn’t care. 
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As though their roles had completely reversed Noah was now the one stroking her hair as a means to help calm her. Of course, he knew there was no holding back tears for either of them though. “I thought the same...” He told her, squeezing her a little more in return.
“Yes, I’m home...” He said, assuring not just her but also himself. “I love you too.” he added softly. It still felt so surreal to him, even despite being in his mothers arms. Perhaps it would just take time to adjust but at the moment he still felt as though he was in a dream. Noah had no real concept of how long he had been gone. There was no day, no night, no sense of time at all in the world he had been trapped in. He just knew it felt like an eternity.
Being caught up in his own emotions he had almost forgotten something rather important. Pulling away slightly and resting his hands on his mothers shoulders she would only be able to guess that his gaze was intently on hers. “Where is Jezebet? He was supposed to make it back here, he made it right?” He questioned her, words flowing quickly, his tone filled with worry and concern. He needed to be told that Jezebet was safe and that he had truly made it out of that hell. 
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Nothing’s the matter; I promise. Come now, give me your hand. Let’s go.
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There is was, a sound that was so familiar, and yet it felt like a distant memory. His mothers heels clacking throughout the dwelling was the first thing to alert him of her presence. As a kid he had always wondered how she managed to sneak up on him with those damned things. 
He couldn’t see her but her voice told him everything he needed to know. I was almost surreal for him. After having been trapped in such an empty place for so long, and with someone who despised him, hearing his mothers voice almost didn’t feel real. He was almost beginning to have the same concerns as her, that perhaps she wasn’t really there and that his mind was simply playing tricks on him. It wouldn’t be the first time he hallucinated something since being trapped in the other world. Such a place really did test ones mental state. In the end there was only one way to tell if she was truly there, he would need to touch her.
Hidden eyes began to well with stinging tears as he descended from the stairwell, being cautious as he didn’t want accidentally allow himself to trip and fall. A faint, nervous, smile found its way upon pale lips as the brunette made his way over to his mother, her breathing guiding him to her location.
“Y-yeah...?” He finally responded, replying to her almost as though she had simply called to him for something like everything was back to normal, aside from the crack in his voice of course. It was impossible not to get emotional in this moment, how couldn’t he be? The brunette reached out and wrapped his arms around his mother, hugging her tightly, partially to make sure she was really there but mostly because he had missed her more than he ever imagined he could. The embrace was a tad awkward at first, seeing as his mother seemed to be shorter than he remembered, or maybe he had grown. Either way he didn’t care, she was there and she was real and he was home and that was all that mattered..
Tears rolled down his cheeks, escaping under the shield that was Noah’s glasses. The young man shook his head slightly as he held onto the raven. “I...I can’t believe it...I didn’t think I’d make it back...” He said, sounding almost like he was speaking more to himself than to her. “I didn’t think...” his words trailed off, not finishing his sentence. He was overwhelmed with a sense of relief, like an enormous weight had been lifted off of him, so why dwell on past doubts?
“I’ve missed you Mom...”
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Drew these while camping so that is why the picture quality is shit right now plus my markers were crapping out on me, mostly with skin tones. Here we have the current Noah and Cain! Pale, malnurished, wrecks.
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Vast and foreboding darkness was something that was beginning to feel just as normal as the cold emptiness that the ghost of something that was supposed to be home embodied. It was a world like that of your loneliest nightmares. It was like living trapped within a mirror with nothing but a corrupted reflection of yourself that thirsted for your flesh and sought for your slow demise. It was like a fate worse than hell or any other place the damned resided, a seemingly inescapable limbo...except...there was in fact a way to depart from this world...
Body crumpling to the floor, gasping as lungs begged for air he felt the space around himself cease shaking. It was as though an earthquake had overtaken the land and yet was as sudden and quick as a lightning strike. Where it once seemed it was all at an end everything around him now fell subject to a startling calm. It was startling only because it worryingly seemed as though nothing had occurred at all, as though everything had returned to a horrifying normal.  
He lay there on the floor for a few moments, allowing his body to reach the same level of calm as his surroundings. Even without a heartbeat he could feel a tightness in his chest.
With his head rested upon the floor and an ear against the hard wood he could hear the moans and creaks of the old building protesting against the wind that blew about outside. A corner of his mouth pulled up at this, There was wind. Before he could even appreciate this fact another sound was brought to his attention. The sound of a cat or other small animal jumping down from a piece of furniture downstairs. A pale hand moved across the rough lacquer of aged wooden floor boards as a half smile found its way upon a face that hadn’t expressed such a thing in ages.
Home. He was home. This was the real deal, not some lifeless imitation!
Slender hands pushed up his thin body from the floor, sitting himself up and pushing some of his  messy brown hair out of his face. Feeling about he found the nightstand and used it to help pull himself to his feet. Knowing the exact set up of the room he sat back without hesitation, his body finding the bed with ease. Everything still smelled the same, it didn’t even seem dusty. This led to the foolish idea that ‘Maybe it hasn’t been that long.’ 
Feeble hands searched the nightstand, finding its contents exactly where it had been left. Grabbing a hair tie he pulled up his long hair back into a rather messy pony tail, allowing more than a few strands to frame his face along with his bangs. It was a failed attempt to look a little less disheveled. Still searching about he found his old sunglasses and put them on, once again taking up the old habit of hiding his eyes.
The young man got up, letting his fingertips needlessly drag against the wall adjacent to him. Making his way to the door he pulled it open, allowing the sound of the door unlatching to echo throughout the house. Just as he was about to step out into the hall the sound of someones muffled voice caught his attention. 
“Oh. You made it too.” He said evenly before shutting and locking the door behind himself.  
Slow cautious steps caused old flooring to protest beneath him as he made it to the stairwell. Gripping the railing with one hand he made it halfway down before pausing as he got to the point where he knew the stairs opened up into the living room. He reached out a hand and knocked two knuckles against the wall, allowing the sound to fill the room. Everything was still there in its place, like nothing had changed. She had to still be there. There was no way she was gone. But was she home...? 
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Jezebet flinched as the other grabbed at him, roughly pulling him high enough to feel his feet leave the ground. Dark eyes examined the others features. He wasn’t horrified by the mans disfigured face as most would be, though when your own face is left with deep scars its hard to find someone else’s frightening. Instead the boy look almost confused by the man.
The child winced as he was dropped to the floor, again finding himself in the shadow of the looming killer. He swallowed hard as he felt the cold blade graze his flesh. Perhaps he would end up with more scars at the hand of another tonight.
Light hues glanced from the knife to the others face, his hands resting on the floor behind him in order to support himself as he leaned back from the blade. “Screaming for help means nothing. N-no one could hear me but you...screaming in pain is pretty involuntary...” He told the man, eyes carefully shifting between the knife and the others face. 
Jezebet, though fearful, didn’t see a point in crying for help. It would just be a waste of energy and would only cause him to get more worked up. He didn’t want that, he wanted to be able to think through things as clearly as possible. He needed to in order to get out of this....he wasn’t going to just let this man hurt him, not without fighting back. Still, he rather it not get to that, he didn’t want anymore violence.
“I’m not any fun. I’ll bore you.” He told the man, not sure if that would actually deter him at all. Jezebet was managing to keep himself relatively calm despite his predicament, at least on the outside anyway...
-|OPEN|- NSFW gore/torture
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