feast0nmeee · 3 hours
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One of my favorite genres of post
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feast0nmeee · 2 days
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on the left is a roll of toilet paper
on the right is my arm
do u see how pale i am
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feast0nmeee · 3 months
my google search history:
how to stop being depressed how to get rid of depression fast how to not be depressed anymore how to become undepressed how to end depressive episode and/or disorder
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feast0nmeee · 3 months
i think abt whether im annoying when i talk a lot and then when i stay silent i think abt whether im boring them, there's no in between at all
Sometimes I talk a lot and sometimes I don’t talk at all and somehow both are embarrassing
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feast0nmeee · 3 months
what workout routine do you guys have? i wanna bulk up and lose extra fats but i don't know..
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feast0nmeee · 3 months
a planned but flawed daughter*
i am not my mother and i am not my father but a third worse thing
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feast0nmeee · 1 year
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feast0nmeee · 1 year
hahaha wtf
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feast0nmeee · 2 years
Some rando: I know this! they're gonna escape the tower together :))
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Me: ...btch you forgot this 🔴 put it back on your nose 🤡
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feast0nmeee · 2 years
You can't come up to me and tell me these two didn't do smth the same
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feast0nmeee · 3 years
You were my first.
Like how I saw a rainbow for the very first time, you were my very first romantic partner.
Filled with sunshines and rainbows our relationship were, now broken down into memories and words written on papers.
I knew our relationship wasn't going to last ever since we started, but I found myself staying with you longer than I intended.
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