BEHOLD. My Tolkien stuff. she/they :: bi :: wannabe fic writer :: sideblog of @crowned-with-antlers
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The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began.
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I’m not built for this kind of chaos in a roomie. I’ll never know peace again… but, like, it might be amusing. I just might end up in a padded room if I survive it.
We ain’t getting the security deposit back that’s for damn sure
Which Tolkien character is your roommate?
Spin the wheel to see whether you'll enjoy your time as a roommate. 🤣
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It's a cliché to say that Tolkien's experiences in WWI affected all aspects of his writing, how he wrote about friendship and grief, how he wrote about desolate blasted landscapes. But I wish someone who knows more about Tolkien's military career could help me understand how Tolkien related to retreats. His description of Faramir keeping his people together on the retreat from Osgiliath is one of the best-written sequences in the trilogy, and hardly anyone remembers it. It's about a desperate retreat, and a leader whose presence, whose strength manages to keep it from turning into a rout. There's something very vivid in the descriptions: don't break formation, don't start running or they'll pick you off one by one, keep together, keep moving, hold all of that fear at bay. Tolkien describes that retreat as genuinely heroic, a superhuman act of will, one that exhausts Faramir almost to death, and Denethor still does not accept it as heroic because it's a retreat. It saved men but it lost territory, therefore in his eyes it's a failure.
Tolkien has strong opinions about heroic retreats, in the Silmarillion he sometimes gives the retreat-through-the-dangerous-wilderness plotline to female characters (Emeldir, Idril), he always writes them with respect. Sometimes, getting out of there and keeping most of your people alive is a great act of valour. I feel like he must have had a personal experience about what it means to retreat, and what it means to hold a retreat together, and what it means to get no thanks for it.
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Feanor being handed a baby or toddler whenever he starts to rant bc it’s the One Thing guaranteed to stop him shouting.
Finwë discovered this quite by accident when Feanor was first presented with his baby sister because as soon as she was pressed into his arms he stopped complaining and started cooing.
Fingolfin going around armed with a baby (his own children, his brothers’ children, and grandchildren) whenever he knows he might say something that will upset Feanor. (Such as ‘hello’)
Feanor getting ready to swear the Oath and having Baby Idril (or Toddler Tyelpe) instantly pressed into his arms. The Oath doesn’t happen, the baby is comforted from the Dark and Scary Noises. It’s a win win situation.
#feanor#silmarillion#queuenta silmarillion#laugh track#prev tags>#feanor: hear me manwë! varda!#feanor: handed cute baby#feanor: aren’t you the cutest little chubby cheeked cheeked angel? yes you are! yes you are!#manwë: … is he talking to us?
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Dwarf Week Day 3: dwarven language(s) ↳ Khuzdul
#dwarves#khuzdul#kili#thorin oakenshield#gimli son of gloin#bifur#dain ironfoot#queuenta silmarillion
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“War is the province of men, Eowyn.”
“I am no man.”
Eowyn and Eomer at The Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Drew this around mid November 2023 and thought I’d share it just for funsies. Still holds up as my best piece ever.
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*puts a non finished Yavanna on here that I lost motivation for to finish*
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When movie!Boromir says "by the blood of my people your lands are kept safe", I just get chills. The strain in his voice, the despair, he feels their sacrifice, he feels their suffering. The fact his home has been at war for years, that he seen so many deaths, so much destruction, hasn't been enough to numb him to the loss. He loves his people, he loves his home. And the Ring promises him an instant end to all of that.
It's hard to feel that the temptation the Ring has for him, more than the rest of the Fellowship, is due to a comparative lack of virtue on his part, and more a desperate urgency to end the bloodshed of his people. Although other members of the Fellowship have fought and suffered defending Middle Earth at this point, it is Boromir who lives in sight of Mordor, it's Boromir whose people live in sight of Mordor.
Of course the Ring is going to tempt him the most,
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Departing Son of Gondor
Not to long ago my LOTR obsession rose from the grave, and it has been reigning ever since. What a time to have the art skills that I have now <3
(also yes, I am well aware I got the quote slightly wrong, forgive me, I was doing it from memory)
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Some unexpected heroes
#samwise gamgee#frodo baggins#pippin took#merry brandybuck#hobbitses#queuenta silmarillion#sweet art
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I've been thinking for a long time about what would happen if the Ring started corrupting Legolas. He is a killing machine and the son of a king easily manipulated by a thirst for power. I think it would be fatal for the whole fellowship.
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#incorrect quotes#fucking MOOD#samwise gamgee#frodo baggins#hobbitses#laugh track#queuenta silmarillion
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#look… LOOK as a whole I don’t like rop BUT Disa can stay#disa#dwarves#queuenta silmarillion#the rings of power
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@silmsmutweek Day 2: Coast

Although he offers gold and land
He does not seem to understand
The Lady does not yield to gifts
Or that her restless spirit drifts
She must go soon and travel west
One matter left to put to rest:
“Of jewels and mountains I do tire
Please give me what we both desire”
Eyes devoid of usual ire,
His face grows red, as hot as fire
He draws a long and nervous breath:
“Do as you like, my dear Haleth”
“I will abide, Lord Caranthir
No longer have you power here”
With one quick movement of her wrist,
Holds raven hair within her fist
Skin as soft as flower petal
Muscles hard as sturdy metal
She marvels at him, quite impressed
And rakes her nails across his chest
She tames and teases, makes him wait
Watches him writhe in servile state
Desperate whimpers from his lips
Follow each movement of her hips
Thus begins a steady motion
Rough as waves on stormy ocean
Fierce as flame with heat fast rising
Passion wild and unsurprising
Then gentle as a meadow stream
As fleeting as a long lost dream
They stare into each others eyes,
Allow the night to hear their cries
He follows with a thankful kiss
She comes to realize through her bliss:
No Man could ever be as fair
Or long endure what he can bear
Eventually his words are found:
“Forever are our spirits bound!
I’ve loved you since I came along
Upon you fighting, standing strong-
Would never think in my long life
I’d take a mortal as my wife!”
She sighs and speaks “But don’t you see?
Your customs hold no sway on me!
I’ll cherish you, your fire, your touch,
Your noble kindness stirred me much
Our time I will not soon forget
But no more am I in your debt
My people are my sole concern
To other lands we must return
So let me leave and find my way,
In elven bed I cannot stay.”
They part in friendship and respect
Though still he wishes to object
To keep her safe within his halls
Protect her from what fate befalls
Of course she knows this cannot be
But holds tight to his memory
No matter how she chides herself
O’er falling deeply for an elf
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Time for Frodo to hang out with his cousins! I always imagined that every time Fili or Kili proposed to babysit him, it would always end up with a disaster one way or another 💀, they still make a very cute trio! With tiny Frodo with them, they’ve become practically unstoppable lmfao. I also gave Frodo a tail thanks to @xxm0thm4n-ph4nt0mxx ´a request. I’ll definitely add it in the future, hobbits with tails are honestly so fun to draw!
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