Indie + Semi-Selective Canon Diverse Korekiyo Shinguji from New Dangan Ronpa V3 Please read the guidelines & profile before interacting Written by Dove
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❁ Danganronpa: Reload ❁
Within the heart of Tokyo, Japan, Hope’s Peak Academy reaches high up into the clouds. As a landmark of the city, it serves as a school dedicated to offering an educational institution befitting of the cream of the crop, the best of the best, and supporting them in honing their talent and thus, cultivating hope. Once the name Hope’s Peak Academy is mentioned, the next thing you will hear has always been “If you graduate from this school, you’ll be set for life.” Coming from all over the country and sometimes even other continents, the students of HPA get to craft new friendships, grow as a person, strive for new heights and meanwhile explore the depths of Tokyo. How eventful will your way to graduation be? Hope’s Peak is in reach for you, so don’t miss out!
We’re introducing a brand new roleplay server for the visual novel Danganronpa! With all casts united, we’re offering everyone who’d like to explore their characters, improve as writers or just make friends a place to do so. In a non-despair Hope’s Peak Academy universe, all characters get to enjoy the happiness they deserve and get some neat character development while they’re at it. Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced roleplayer, we’ll be excited to receive your applications! The two mods will happily answer all your questions and introduce you the new world of Danganronpa: Reload!
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#| promo |#[ aY LISTEN-- Kork is right in there jhbNJSKD ]#[ but this is a p interesting concept so !! ]
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[ I know I just got back but uh hh h hh I think I sorta lost my muse for him once more? Insecurities are neat!
Okay but I'm going to be a bit selective with who to reply to, so please be patient and bear with me-
Sorry for the inconvenience! ]
#[ Korekiyo bb I'm sorry I have to do this once mORE ]#[ in the mean time I'll be @ my shuichi blog ]#[ OutOfStories ]
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[ Maki ] heroicfxilures·:
Honestly, Maki didn’t quite mind talking about.. this topic. Although she hated exactly how he talked about it. Maki didn’t like the way he was trying to glorify it. Sure, some people enjoyed murder or saw some sort of art about it, but Maki hated murderers. She hated them so much, as much as she hated herself.
She shifted, looking off. An empty mask laying on her futures.
“No..I don’t mind. I just.. don’t understand why you’re even talking to me.”
-- Perhaps Korekiyo might have said something wrong while he was sharing some thoughts about the matter, and it only just struck him. But it doesn't really seem to matter to him, he could just explain his thoughts on the matter eventually.
Maki was...Interesting to say the least. She was like a book waiting to be discovered. He could tell that something about her was hidden, and he was so eager to find out about that. It was the mere curiosity, and he wanted to get to know her a bit better.
Why would a caretaker be so hostile?
" Don't you wish to get to know your classmates a bit better, my dear? You seemed to be left alone, and I can understand if you wish to have some time for yourself. "
The anthropologist responded meekly as his golden hues stared deep within her eyes, it seems like he sounds relaxed. --
#[ hewwo tob! <3 ]#[ aksjdf i'm so sorry kork is weird rn- ]#; ic | main | ;#heroicfxilure#; v: unknown ;
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[ Maki ] heroicfxilures·:
@fclklcrism liked for a starter!
“…I’m not exactly sure what you mean.”
-- “ Ah...What is it you’re unsure of? “
Tilting his head a bit, Korekiyo was explaining certain things to her. To be more specific...How murder can be a form of art to some. It was an interesting topic to him, and he did want to share it with someone. Of course, he wasn’t sure if Maki would...Even be fond of it, but it was still nice to share some information.
“ If you wish, we could discuss something else. Whatever piques your interests, my dear. “ --
#[ your starter's gud dw~ <3 ]#[ ty for writing this btw !! ]#[ it's really nice to be writing with you again btw 0w0/ ]#; ic | main | ;#heroicfxilure#; v: unknown ;#[ queue tag tba ]
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[ I think I got everyone’s small starters done--!
Just know that if you want me to change anything feel free to message me! You don’t have to match my length btw, if you wanna write more than how much I wrote please go for it!! I just wrote a small starter just to spark an idea. ;v; ]
#[ time to blog hop again bc that's what i do aksdjf ]#[ tfw you got 3 blogs including this one open at once ]#[ thank garsh for sessionbox ]#[ OutOfStories ]
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@rxll-the-dxce liked for a small starter [ no longer accepting ]
-- " If I'm not mistaken, you're fond of history, correct? "
The anthropologist asked softly as he patiently waited for a response. The other did seem to feel a bit unsettled by him, and it was to be expected almost. Not everyone is too fond of him, and he wasn't sure if he liked it or disliked it. But that's not the point right now. --
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@its-all-in-the-cards liked for a small starter [ no longer accepting ]
-- " Ku...Why don't you tell me about your talents, Celese-san? It does intrigue me, and it does sound like a fascinating talent. "
Korekiyo was enjoying his lunchtime getting to know his classmates, specifically the ones he didn't get time to get to know of. It was ironic how he got himself a drink, and he's wearing his mask. But he does have his own ways, and it certainly wouldn't stop him from drinking his tea. --
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@miumiya liked for a small starter [ no longer accepting ]
-- " Is there something troubling you, Iruma-san? "
Korekiyo wasn't exactly paying much attention to her, but he could sense that something might be...Bugging her almost. It could just be his senses, but he can't say for certain. Besides, it doesn't really hurt to ask her. He even looked away from his book to look at the inventor! --
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@eris-the-phantom-thief liked for a small starter [ no longer accepting ]
-- " Keke...Are you, by any chance, a new classmate? I don't believe I've seen you a lot, or perhaps you're a visitor? "
Tilting his head a bit, this is likely the second time he's encountered her if he isn't mistaken. It did make him curious to know who she is, but judging by her appearance, surely she was a student of some sort. --
#[ hopefully this is alright! lemme kno if you want me to change smthing ovo ]#; ic | main | ;#; v: unknown ;#eristhephantomthief
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@ahogedetective liked for a small starter
-- " Ah, Saihara. Fancy meeting you here, though I would expect to see you in the library. You do seem to be rather fond of books if I'm not mistaken. " --
The male softly responded as he walked towards the detective, the anthropologist seemed to have already gotten a book for himself. Surely Shuichi wouldn't mind it if Korekiyo sat next to him. --
#[ you don't have to match my length btw you can write more if you like ! ]#[ hopefully this'll work kaykay ovo ]#; ic | main | ;#ahogedetective#[ v: tba ]
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[ like this post for a small starter! capping at 3 - 4 ~ ]
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"I can't feel it. That's bad, right?"
|| Wound + Injuries Prompts || Accepting! ||
– " …Yes. That is bad. Can I…Have a look? “
If Korekiyo had to be extremely truthful, he was not one to care that much for Miu. She was a bit too vulgar, but she was still his classmate, so a small part of him sort of care. When he heard about her wound, he was…Curious to how she got hurt, to begin with.
Tilting his head a bit, his eyes observed her body to see the wound. As he patiently waited for a response, he was expecting any vulgar remarks as if she was ready to spit them out any second now.
” …Curious, may I ask what happened? I might be able to help. “ –
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Snakes, Crowds, and Ghosts!
|| Fear-themed HC’s || Accepting! ||
Snakes: Would your muse ever keep an unusual/exotic pet?
[ Yes! He would actually keep a snake, but he would make sure he is able to take proper care of it because he travels a lot. Despite how he gets a bit unsettled by some snakes, he would eventually get attached to his pet. If he has someone he can trust, he might trust them to take care of his snake. But he would be selective if he had to keep an exotic pet, and it would also depend on the situation. ]
Crowds: What does your muse think of big cities?
[ Not a huuge fan, mainly because of the crowds. He loves exploring and finding new places, but there is an extent. If he were to visit a big city and there isn’t a lot of crowds, then he certainly wouldn’t mind it. ]
Ghosts: Has your muse ever seen something they couldn’t explain?
[ Probably once or twice, actually. It’s from his travels too, where he would end up finding something that would genuinely shock him, to the point where he is unable to even explain what he just saw or comprehend. That would also be stuck at the back of his head too, tends to frustrate him a lot actually. Because he wants to try to explain what he’s witnessed, but he can’t even find the right words. ]
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‘Trick or Treat! 🎃’ [ you can do this for Kork or Sushi I don't mind !
Good presents for good people.
@feeblenightmare / @fclklcrism
Version without letters:
Hope ya liked it~
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“Will your lips taste
… The kiss of death?”
Multifandom Multimuse as loved by Moo.
Muse starring ; 02 from Darling In The Franxx.
ic / rules
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Fear-Themed Headcanon Questions
Send one (or a few) to my muse and they’ll answer:
Spiders: Does your muse squish bugs or put them outside? The Dark: Did your muse sleep with a nightlight as a child? Snakes: Would your muse ever keep an unusual/exotic pet? Blood: What’s the worst injury your muse has ever had? Clowns: Does your muse prefer comedy? Or horror? Mirrors: What is your muse’s least favorite thing about their appearance? Tight Space: Does your muse ever feel that they’re not living up to their own potential? Closet Monsters: Does your muse hide any aspects of their personality/life from others? Crowds: What does your muse think of big cities? Death: Name one thing your muse has lost that they wish they could get back. Ghosts: Has your muse ever seen something they couldn’t explain? Needles: Does your muse have a strong stomach? Curses: Does your muse believe in good/bad luck? How about karma? Heights: Is your muse a risk-taker? Solitude: Name 3 things your muse couldn’t live without. Fire: Would your muse rather be very cold, or very hot? Failure: Has your muse ever given up on an important dream? Abandonment: How would your muse win back someone who left them? The Unknown: Is your muse a philosophical person? Boogeyman: What position does your muse sleep in? Falling: What does your muse think about falling in love or commitment? Change: What was a turning point in your muse’s life? Disease: What does your muse do on a sick day? Number 13: Does your muse believe any superstitions? Noise: Name one sound your muse finds absolutely unbearable. Insects: Name something your muse finds gross or annoying. Dolls: Has your muse ever collected something? Getting Old: Would your muse rather live 50 years loved, or 200 years alone? Social Phobia: Does your muse consider themselves an outgoing person?
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[ ??? ] island-of-madsness·:
the boat wasn’t that big, it was more of a speedboat made for fancy travel, it was comfortable but there didn’t even seem to be anyone else there, like no sign of workers, captain or anything, the only sign that he had actually arrived was the sound of the wooden plank that hit the wooden walkway, the really long walkway was far off the island shore
there were a stand there though, with a person mostly asleep behind it, this strange dark brown haired man even had a sandwich in a plastic bag, no sign on how long he has actually been there, it did a appear a hand shaped white object were suddenly above the man, hitting him in the back of the head before disappearing, or had the new guest caught the sea-scurvy and saw hallucinations?
that guy might actually look familiar “OH! WElcome! welcome to mads island, we, i eh, i hope your travel was not as turbulent as the ocean behind us”
-- Upon seeing the small stand, he could have sworn he saw a hand hitting the other in the back of his head. Was...It a hallucination of some sort? Well, perhaps this island is more than it seems. That could mean...There might be spirits around! That itself only excited him in the inside.
Walking towards the stand, he couldn't help but smile underneath his mask. His worries about the island having a dark secret were kept to the side for now. He wanted to have an open mind and see how things actually work here. The boy in the stand looks rather nervous and friendly, which was a very good sign itself. though he wouldn't keep his guards down, not after his bad experiences with other trips.
" Good afternoon, I assume this is the Mads Island? My travel was certainly nice, there wasn't a lot of trouble arriving here, I can assure you that. "
Korekiyo responded, sounding smooth and calm as usual. Observing the stand a bit, he was wondering if there were any maps or brochures about the island. Well, perhaps there might be someone that might guide him. --
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