fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
   Shane happily took her arm and began walking forward to a nice plays he knows where they can get something to eat “Very well, I know just the place” He said looking to his side at her and chuckle “Not a people person? It’s alright. Some people enjoy more the company of their pokemon” He commented with a small shrug.
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   The garchomp simply followed them for a little bit before he got tired and simply left the two humans to their buisness. He would be nearby just in case, but he was not gonna bother for now anymore.
   “There is a nice Malasada shop nearby, the best in the island I heard. I’ll get you one if you would like”
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        ♥  “I’ve never had a Malasada.” Zyra admits. For the time she had actually been in the Alola region, she hadn’t a actual chance to eat one. Sure, she’s heard great things about it, and seen the commercials, but everytime she set out, she would forget to stop by a shop.  ♥  
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    ♥   “Are they actually as good as everyone says?” She asks,a skip in her step. There was something about being around another person that filled her with energy.  ♥  
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
   i havent even left this blog
i just. . .
... was catching all the pokemon in moon so i can get a damn shiny charm so i can have a better chance of getting a damned shiny eevee and maybe a shiny ralts, and holy damn im so tired i get sick and im still sick and my patience levels are so low
  so muh evolving, so many egg hatchinig, so much trading and being patient and fighting the elite four over and over again
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
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Hello! I’m currently attempting to hatch a Shiny Eevee, and since I’m getting a ton, would anyone be willing to take some off my hands? :) You’re free to as many as you please, and I’ll pretty much take any Pokemon in return!! After this, I’ll be doing shiny Ralts and so on…but until then, come on and grab a Eevee??
Please reblog! I really wanna get these babies off my hands…
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
   Maybe if she was wearing a Skull outfit, she could probably get inside the town unnoticed and without questions really. Almost all female grunts have pink hair after all. Zyra would only need to act a little more tough.
   Many time he was called a ‘hero’ in the past. And maybe he did go out of the way a little just to be praised as one. He might have gotten used to it and he might like it more than what he should to be honest. “Helping a beautiful lady is a reward on it’s own” He counter her argument with a chuckle before bowing his head “But if you insist, maybe you and I could go on a friendly date and spend the day together?”
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   ♥ “Oh,” a laugh follows the sound made, and she’s reaching for his arm, leaning against his side with her own. Zyra is doing it as a tease, “then please, lead the way.” She speaks warmly, lips tugged into another smile. “It’s been awhile since I’ve spent a day with a person.” Though, she doesn’t mind the companionship of her pokemon, sometimes she did become quite lonely.♥
      ♥ Zyra reaches for her pokeball, and calls back Lady. She’s not nervous about hanging around someone she’s just met, more of less, Zyra knew that if Lady felt any danger, she would’ve resisted returning to the pokeball--and even then, would come out whenever danger was imminent.♥
  ♥  “Any idea where you would like to go, dear?” ♥
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
So, I’m going to play some League of Legends today and then I will happily do replies 
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
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Really wanted to do a pokemon evolution animation. I chose gardevoir (*´◡`*)
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
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doodles Zyra in a lazy way cause why not
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
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“Yeah? Well Roc usually is.” He looked at the Lycanroc that taunted the Sylveon with his paws as if to dare it to make a move at him. Typical, solving problems in battle usually was the easiest way. Jacks himself looked back at the girl who seemed pretty uncomfortable with this whole sitatuion, a notion he got from many people… 
        “How about it? Wanna battle?” 
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♥ Was it wrong for Zyra to let out a soft laugh? Seeing Roc taunt Nyx amused her immensely. “I see.” She spoke after he stated that his pokemon was aggressive.♥
    ♥ When he asked if she wanted to battle, Zyra found her gaze snapping back to him, momentarily spacing out. With Nyx’s feelers around her wrist, she was calming down-- as he naturally had that affect on her. A shy smile tugs at her lips, a hand coming up to brush away pink locks. “I...Sure.” There was no harm to a battle, was there? “Would you rather find a more appropriate area?” ♥  
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
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♥ “Oh, alright.” Po Town? It was a shame, Zyra was headed that way. But if she shouldn’t go that way, then she wouldn’t. She stood out too much. ♥
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♥Upon seeing the Garchomp, Zyra stepped back. It wasn’t out of fear, but slightly awe–she had heard of them, but never had seen one up so close before. Hearing she would be under protection, Zyra flushed. “Oh no, that’s quite alright…” But a part of her relished in it. Maybe it was the need to feel like a princess, and hearing that she would be under someone’s protection didn’t help lessen that desire. Zyra waved a hand, “I can’t deny I’m not flattered, but you’re too much…There has to be a way to pay you back for your kindness. I won’t take no for an answer.” ♥
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
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Thanks to wearing army boots, the hot coco didn’t burn him. It merely made his shoes look even muddier if that was even possible. Though having some cute girl wiping at his boots did make the enforcer smirk. 
  “Heh, no harm done sugar-face.”
Roc copied his trainer’s attitude, baring his fangs at Nyx as the wolf pokemon gave a cackle. He was amused at how angry the other Pokemon was.
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♥  Sugar-face? Zyra had the nerve to be angry, if not for the fact she was on her knees cleaning the mess she made. Glancing upwards, her cheeks flushed red. Either by irritation or embarrassment by the way he was smirking, Zyra exhaled instead, humming a soft sound. ♥
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      ♥ “I’m terribly...” She struggled to find words, instead standing to dust her skirt off and hold the now empty, Styrofoam cup. Her free hand reaches for Nyx’s feelers, the ribbon like appendages wrapped around her wrist, aiming to soothe the woman. “I...Nyx normally isn’t aggressive,” Zyra’s voice is soft, as if she’s speaking more to herself than the other, but her gaze is focused on the mans face, taking in his appearance.  ♥
  ♥  The Slyveon huffs, head turning as if to tell Roc--you’re not worth my attention now. ♥
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
   That smile was payment enough for Shane so the moment the girl reached for her bag to get some money, Shane shock his head and put a hand on her shoulder “Zyra, it’s alright, you do not have to pay me back” 
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   He would not accept her money, even if she was holding it out for him right now. It just wasn’t right to take it “You already paid me with that sweet smile of yours” He said as he looked around and frown “So… what happen? Did you two got attack or something?” If it was a trainer, then he was going to get down and hunt that trainer down for not offering their help after leaving Lady like that.
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♥  Surely this man wasn’t that kind. Zyra decided to brush it off, if he didn’t want the money, that was fine. But she would fine a way to pay him back-- it was her selfish desire to do so. ♥
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  ♥  “What..” The question causes a pause, thoughts turning back to what had occurred before he showed up. Zyra’s fingers tighten around her wallet, mouth pressing together in a thin line. “It was one of those gang wanna-be punks,” Zyra sighs softly before tucking her wallet back into her bag. ♥
   ♥   “I mean, they were quite rude..and tried to snatch my pokeballs.” She indicated to her hip, where they sat. She kept them on by a belt and latch, so it would be easier to access--considering she had no pockets. “But Lady came out of her ball to help..they tried to battle me, but used cheap tactics and poisoned her before running off, claiming they’ve won.” Zyra placed her hand against her cheek. “I haven’t a clue where they ran..” ♥
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
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Years of biking in Castelia City gave Henrietta decent enough stamina, but the potions were starting to weigh her down. ‘Come on just a little farther.’ she grit her teeth, trying to ignore the burn in her lungs.
The sylveon was going to cause issues if he caught up, hopefully the narrow alleyway would create distance between the two of them.
“Fuck you that’s why!” Henrietta shouted, looking back at the other girl. She looked ahead of her in time to collide with a cart, balance lost as she toppled over. Beneath the din of at least a dozen bottles breaking, Henrietta’s nose crunched sickeningly.
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♥ Zyra hears the crash, just as she’s rearing to a stop. Hands coming up just as she’s pausing. Her chest is rising and falling crazily, eyes large as she takes in the scene before her. ♥ 
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♥ “Oh god,” Zyra whispers, dropping to her knees. She was of course, worried about the potions. But right now, Zyra was pretty sure that karma had smacked this person in the face--quite literally. She gently reached out, slow as to not cause the other to become even more irate. Turning to Nyx, she offered a thank you, but kept her pokemon by her side--just in case.♥
♥ “..A...are you okay, dear?” ♥
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
i got sucked into doki doki literature club...
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
   Just seeing how happy both the Gardevoir and the trainer were after his small act of kindness, it really made Shane feel amazing. Even if Full Restores are one of the most expensive items you can obtain, it was totally worth it “Yea, sometimes I miss calculate my own and I end up in a pinch that could have been easily avoided” He said looking at the gardevoir and nod his head slightly at her.
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   “I don’t know what I would do if one of my pokemon was in that situation. I’m just glad I could help in time” The poor pokemon. He did not even dare ask how long it had been with that nasty status effect.
   “My name is Shane Night. A pleasure to meet you”
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    ♥  “It’s my pleasure!” Zyra’s hands clasp against her chest, sure she was overreacting. But when it came down to it, Zyra didn’t want to see her poor pokemon faint. Her eyes were sparkling, and the smile on her lips was nothing but sincere.♥
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♥  “My name is Zyra, Zyra Martin.” As she spoke her name, Zyra waved her hands-- “Oh, did you want me to pay you back? Oh...Yes, this is Lady.” She indicates to her Gardevoir, who had stepped in closer to eye the man, before going back into her bag to pull out her wallet. “I’m sure I have some money..” ♥
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
@rocbites liked this for a starter
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       ♥ “Ah--!”  ♥
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   ♥ “I’m sorry,” she really was. It’s not often that Nyx would hold an aggressive stance towards someone, and as far as she knew, she was the one that just spilt hot coco across the strangers shoes. I hope it doesn’t hurt... ♥
  ♥ The pink haired woman crouched down and scrambled to clean up the mess as best  as she could. Fear was bubbling up, only for the reason the other look quite frightening. Dark, compared to her own vivid pinks and whites. Maybe it was the simple comparison that frightened her, or the fact Nyx was still glowering at the other. ♥
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
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   hey hey, if you want to interact–please like this! or if you want to plot, send me a message!
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fcirypsychic-blog · 7 years
Pokemon Team, Updated
  If you haven’t the chance to see Zyra’s team, that’s fine! Down below, I have them updated with personalities and such. 
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 Bloom, Grass Type. Tsareena
Moves Trop Kick, Magical Leaf, Razor Blade, Aromatherapy
Ability Leaf Guard
Personality Being Zyra’s first pokemon, Bloom see’s herself as the Queen Bee of the group. Stubborn, yet loyal, Bloom enjoys sending her enemies flying with a swift kick to the face. She’s a sore loser, but enjoys a good fight.
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 Lady, Psychic/Fairy. Gardevoir
Moves Psybeam, Moonblast, Confusion, Draining Kiss
Ability Synchronize
Personality She loves her naps, and is considered the most relax of the group. But, once angered-- by someone harming Zyra or another of the team, Lady becomes cold and calculated. She’s often used her psychic powers to assure Zyra isn’t going to be hurt, and will come out of her own ball if she believes harm is on the way.
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Nyx, Fairy. Slyveon
Moves Draining Kiss, Swift, Moonblast, Fairy Wind
Ability Cute Charm
Personality Nyx is the most energetic and affectionate of the group, and often will be the one to cuddle up to Zyra. Nyx doesn’t like to get dirtied however, and once he becomes a mess, will sulk and whine. But in a heat of a battle, he will grit and bear it.
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 Roo, Water. Milotic
Moves Aqua Ring, Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse, Aqua Tail
Ability Competitive
Personality Roo is a quiet Pokemon, who will be content watching than interacting. His aura is one of tranquility, As Lady is relaxed, Roo is calm and the two will often find themselves napping together. Roo finds pride in his beauty, and will often flaunt it if he’s under the spotlight despite his calm and quiet nature.
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Serene, Normal. Chansey
Moves Pound, Soft Boiled, Heal Pulse, Minimize
Ability Serence Grace
Personality The mother hen, Serene is often the one to help Zyra heal the group. She’s constantly moving around, and will scold even her trainer if they get hurt by being careless. Despite it all, Serene will be the one to quiet down rowdiness, and enjoys helping others.
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Obsidian, Psychic. Gothitelle
Moves Confusion, Psybeam, Psyshock, Feint Attack
Ability Competitive
Personality Obsidian loves to play, and will often enjoy being pampered. She loves a good prank, and even more, a battle that she can cause confusion and make the enemy distressed.
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