#aaaah shiiiiit boi
jossujb · 5 years
Oh no, I suddenly realized that a Finnish 1998 song Pieni murhapolttaja = “Little Arsonist” by Sanna ja lapset fits Jack way, way, way too well :,,,,,C
The song about a small boy called Pauli, who plays with matches and intentionally sets things on fire and people die because of it. The second verse tells how he always got only cheap fake love when he was small and his fiery emotions were never returned with affection. The chorus asks who loves a little arsonist, who belongs behind the bars before he turns five.
In the bridge Pauli’s parents lay him down on bed and lock the door on his room. Then they spread gasoline and his mother sets the room fire.
And that kinda hit me now like shit ton of bricks hooooly shiiiiit aaaah I can’t :CCCC
About the song itself, Finland has very relaxed rules when it comes to lyrics, so this is stuff that legit was what I listened 1998. It was on listeners votin list and won, I know this song was in like cd’s geared at preteens. Mostly cos it sounds very happy, it has a child chorus and all that and yet it’s like absolutely horrifying.
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