cosmiicson · 5 years
[ @rocbites​ ]
From here -> ☾
“I... I don’t think I’m old enough to get drunk. At least, that kind, anyway.”
Time to relay the events of the past day or two, if it would help at all! “I mean... there’s three new Galar Pokemon that just got discovered. One’s a dark type Zigzagoon, another’s a weirdo lookin’ Wheezing, and the other one’s a hungry little rodent. I forgot it’s name.”
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“Me?” Brett looked a little surprised. Then again, he didn’t know this guy. And this guy likely hadn’t been watching the Sinnoh news in the past nine years. “I’m Brett. Brett Akagi.” He smiled a bit, “And you are..?”
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wulfinroc · 5 years
throws a bag full of burgers at. "Happy Birthday ya old mutt!"
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Yes, this is acceptable offering. It certainly beats the Rattata, Yungoos, and Grubbing meat that he normally eats! He’ll immediately take one of the burgers out, and SHOVE the whole thing into his mouth! Then he gives a thumbs up! 
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sadiebreane-blog · 6 years
@rocbites continued
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“Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about. We grab some drinks, chow down on some free food, then we just wreck the place and do our usual running from the cops.” she laughed.  “OH man, What are we going to do when the Cops nab us? You do know I’ll get deported so fast for not having any I.D. right? And then what are you going to do without me? Hm?”
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sunlcved · 5 years
"Hey! Hey Old Geezer!... Hey, look over here! HEY! ................ BITCH!"
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                  The old man sighs heavily, shaking his head in disapproval. While most of the other officers might have had some choice words for such disrespect, NANU is well-accustomed to Team Skull’s foolish little games aimed to either disturb or annoy him-- but so long as they weren’t out running amok or getting themselves hurt, he can’t really complain, can he...?
                       “I’m disappointed in you.” He mutters sternly, using a sandal-clad foot to gently sway his rocking chair as he sips a beer on his porch. “I’m fairly certain there’s much more productive ways you could expend your time as opposed to bleating obscenities at the only guy that’ll even give you the time of day.”
“-- Run along now, young man. Yer’ disturbing the peace...“
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teamrockxtgrunt · 6 years
@rocbites liked for a starter!
“Hey! You!!” Cyan stomped toward Jacks, looking indignant. He had a floral scrap of fabric in his hands, and was brandishing it menacingly.
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“You tore one of my best dresses yesterday!! I demand recompense!”
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magma-mouse · 6 years
“Alright! That's all I need, I just need someone else's opinion on it other than my own!”
She hurried off to the side in one of the rooms.  “Okay, just tell me honestly what you think...” She called out as she stepped out of the room after a couple of minutes.
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“I liked how it looked in the store I'm just not entirely sure now that I actually got it..ya know. I thought the flowers were really nice”
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rocketbalor-blog · 6 years
@rocbites continued
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“Your friend! That girl I’ve seen you running around with. The one with the auburn hair, intense blue eyes, and thighs that look like they could suffocate someone.” He grinned. 
“She’s hot. In a ‘she may kill me with a look’ kind of way”
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blitzybitzy · 6 years
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For @rocbites
Whos amazing <3
God i love this boi
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skullforced-blog · 6 years
ship with me, you cowards– || ACCEPTING !!
💕send to have a family type relationship with my muse
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          i can totally see this tbh !! im dying for these family ships between skull members !! 
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lylelyin · 6 years
a wild @rocbites APPEARED. 
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where the fuck did jazz scamper off to? the grunt gets sluggish & winded like a water logged zubat after only a few minutes of peeking around.... so he ends up trying to catch his breath, spread out rather haphazardly on the ground, wheezing in the manner of a koffing. at this rate, he’d never get to the store & stock up snacks for his fellow brothers & sisters, since his crabrawler was the heavy lifter of his team. he kind of needed her help. 
though, lyle is much too busy feeling like shit to notice someone approaching him, he soon realizes it, as sure as fuck, once the guy’s tall shadow looms over him. ugh. 
“can... I help.. you?” he grunts out, a tinge sarcastic. or more like.... a bucket full. 
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poisoncrowned · 6 years
♥♥♥ | @rocbites
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He’s taking a moment to watch the other. It’s quiet entertaining really. But the moment, the moment, he looks at Alex, he knows he’s going to have to say something. Would have seemed simple enough, if it weren’t for the fact that he seems ready for an argument and fight.
He simply shakes his head and gives a soft chuckle before speaking.
      “ Nothing~ No need to be so vulgar~                  Just studying your style.             I find it intriguing. It’s different ~ ”
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wulfinroc · 6 years
@rocbites continued from here
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Mmmm... How could he explain. Well, he could explain it clearly to Vasco at least. Communicating with his trainer, on the other hand, that would be another issue entirely. So, he turns his gaze over to Vasco. “I was born over in Kalos, so I’ve seen Mega Evolution work, several times. Sometimes I’d follow a trainer who could do it for a while, just to see it happen again. I even got to ask a couple of those Pokemon what it was and how they did that, if I could call them away from their trainers for a moment.” He says, and gives a nod.
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“And I’ve been watching you two for a while now, and since I first saw you two, I was curious. You guys work well together, but you aren’t quite in sync yet? Sure, you’re friends, and you work well together, but... It’s hard to explain.” He says, and pauses, looking over at Jacks, and then back at Vasco. “Y’gotta do lots of training, both you AND him, to get yourselves synced up better. No fighting with each other, you need to understand the other perfectly. Complete trust. No hesitation.” He then gives a nod, and then a salute! He hoped that would help, at least a little bit!
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Though he was certain that Jacks didn’t catch what he said at all. After all, he didn’t speak human, and that language barrier made things difficult to translate. But, at least if one of them understood, then they were on the right track!
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sadiebreane-blog · 6 years
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Well... Here we are... Right where Sadie didn’t want to be.  Sitting across the Shady House, during one of Skull’s famous parties, smoking a cigarette, and trying her best to get drunk on the crappy beer that resided in her red Solo cup.
She wasn’t as much of a party animal as she used to be. Back in Aqua she’d be running around, dancing, seducing as many people as she could, trying whatever people put in front of her, and all around being the center of attention.
But now.... Now not so much....
And worst of all, she was having to watch Jacks across the house, hit on another Team Skull Member. Was she jealous?..... Yeah.... Why?.... She didn’t know.... Well... she did, but it was something she was still struggling to swallow.  And it wasn’t like they were an item. Jacks could do whatever he want, and BE with whoever he wanted. 
But.... after the other night.... Who knows.... She just felt...weird watching him. She felt... Jealous that he was spending time with the other members than with her. But she couldn’t exactly blame him, they were probably better company than she could ever be.
And was it.... the Vanilla sex? Was he bored with her now? All her insecurities were rising, and all she could do was smoke her cigarette down to the butt, and extinguish it.  Pressing the embers into the already ruined carpet and standing up.  She was going to need something stronger, if she was going to have to sit at this party.
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sunlcved · 5 years
"Da'www, come on now, Gramps! That was a meme. I was just tryin' to make you laugh." He snickered as he did the exact opposite of running along. He walked over to lean his arms on the backrest of the rocking chair, causing it to move some more. "You know, for an Island King, you act like you already retired."
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                  “.... You’ll never make it as a comedian, kid.” NANU grunts, rolling scarlet eyes listlessly before he takes another sip off his beer, even as the Skull member comes stalking up to annoy him up close. Still, he doesn’t openly dissuade him from approaching, instead crossing his legs at the ankle. 
“I am retired. I retired the moment I set foot back in Alola.“
                     “If BULU hadn’t chosen me then, I’d probably be living my “golden years” out in the woods, away from you little punks. The only reason I didn’t retire from the police force here is because it was my only reliable source of income when I came home-- that, and besides walking around with a flashlight, there isn’t much for me to do.”
“So, sure. I am retired-- or, about as retired as I can get without dying.“
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The Team Skull Enforcer had the smaller boy slammed against a wall, his fingers grabbing a handful of his hair as he pulled his fist back to direct a nice punch right between his eyes. Why? Because Jacks felt like punching someone, and this guy happened to be around.
He coughed, spitting out blood from the previous punches to his stomach. He never made a sound other than his ragged breathing, even when he was grabbed by his hair and punched in the face. He could live through this. 
He had been through WORSE under Ein’s grip. At least the stranger would eventually stop, unlike him. 
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shayochism-moved · 6 years
rocbites replied to your post: Shay right now at people mentioning cherries as...
*makes a popping sound with his mouth*
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“This guy gets it right? RIGHT?!”
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