fatlossquest · 11 months
What is the Keto Diet?
The ketogenic diet is a form of dieting focusing on higher levels of dietary fats, adequate protein and low carbs as energy sources. The aim of the keto diet is to reduce the body’s glycogen reserves and encourage the body to use fats as an energy supply. This is achieved with a low carbohydrate intake.By reducing carbohydrate intake, your body needs to start using its current fat reserves (subcutaneous fat and visceral fat). This reduction of carbohydrate intake also reduces the water retention in our cells under the skin resulting in the first wave of weight loss, cellular repair and improved skin condition.
Keto Diet for Weight Loss.
The ketogenic diet has been widely proven and is a very popular diet plan to help people lose weight by switching to a better source of fuel and nutrition for their body. Switching to higher nutrient dense foods with a higher satiety, automatically provide the nutrients the body actually wants (and needs) - not the high carbohydrates you have been used to feeding it. 
Recent studies (separate to the ketogenic studies) have also revealed that diets rich in certain saturated fats actually improve fat burning.
A Custom Diet Plan
Many weight loss diets typically fail due to the forced eating regime. For a diet to be truly successfull it needs to be compatible with your lifestyle and food preferences. The Custom Keto Diet is a personalised keto meal plan that is tuned to your dietary preferences and lifestyle. Before you begin the Custom Keto Diet, you will be asked a few questions about your food preferences and lifestyle in order for their specialist chefs and nutritionists to customise your diet to your food preferences and lifestyle. 
Healthy Lifestyle with the Custom Keto Diet.
Many people who start the keto diet, tend to adopt the keto lifestyle as it focuses on consuming only those sources of energy that actually benefit the body and in the correct intake levels. Carbohydrates are reduced to the minimum required for the body to function effectively and thus reduces many of the excess carbohydrates consumed by the average human.
Custom Keto Diet Plan Review
For a full review of the custom keto diet and how it can 
Help you Lose Weight
Improve your Health
Reduce Painfull Inflammation
Boost Mental Health and Cognitive Function
Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
Lower Blood Pressure
and Improve Cardiovascular Health
Visit : Fat Loss Quest.co.uk/Custom Keto Diet Review 
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fatlossquest · 1 year
Greens have actually been proven to cleanse the brain of excess Ammonia. Ammonia is deposited in the brain through our digestive system and can cause serious health issues.
Saturated fats have been proven to be a very potent source of nutrition that actively increases brain power and health.
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5 Foods Linked To Better Brainpower
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fatlossquest · 1 year
If Saturated Fats are Bad, Why are the Maasai Mara Tribes Lean and Healthy?
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The Maasai Mara tribe is a pastoralist tribe living in Kenya and Northern Tanzania. Their traditional diet consists almost entirely of milk, meat, and blood.
High Fat/ High Cholesterol Diet
Two thirds of their calories come from fat, and typically consume 600 - 2000 mg of cholesterol a day. Despite a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet, the Maasai have low rates of diseases typically associated with such diets.
Considering they tend to have:-
low blood pressure,
low overall cholesterol levels
low incidences of cholesterol gallstones,
as well as low rates of coronary artery diseases such as atherosclerosis, the Maasai Mara are a very healthy tribe.
Basic Foods of the Maasai Mara
The traditional Maasai diet consists of six basic foods: meat, blood, milk, fat, honey, and tree bark. The Maasai drink both fresh and curdled milk - the fresh milk is drunk from calabash and sometimes it's mixed with fresh cattle blood.
The Maasai also consume honey, which is obtained from the Torrobo tribe and is a prime ingredient in mead, a fermented beverage that only elders may drink. The Maasai heavily depend on cattle for nutrition.
The measure of a Maasai man's wealth is in terms of children and cattle.
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For a tribe that exist primarily on fats and animal oriented foods, they are surprisingly healthy – especially given that “our western health professionals” dictate that saturated fats are bad for humans and should be avoided at all costs for fear of cardiovascular health problems, weight gain, fertility and overall health and fitness.
To confound this rationale further, Western Doctors studying unrelated patients with unrelated health issues (one group suffered from Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis, the other for allergies) discovered one common factor to improve digestive and coronary health – FATS!
Learn More About Dietary and Saturated Fats here
After just weeks on a higher fat diet, all patients under this “unconnected dietary trial” improved their digestive and allergy problems. In addition to improving their gastric and immunity issues, the surprising side effect of this diet was the loss of belly fat.
Saturated Fats Research
Further research revealed saturated fats were necessary for the effective absorption of calcium into the bones.
Additionally, saturated fats have been shown (through independant research) to
Improve liver health (sat fats were shown to encourage the liver to dump their fat content),
Increase lung health,
Boost brain health
Improve matabolism
and aid in proper nerve signalling (including signals for appropriate release of insulin).
More about Dietary and Saturated Fats
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fatlossquest · 1 year
Such are the many benefits of healthy eating :)
Mother nature provides us with vitamins and minerals, amino acids and antioxidants to help us stay healthy in our toxic environment.
#healthy eating
#health #healthy lifestyle #healthy habits #health and wellness #healthy living #food #foodblogger # diet and nutrition #nutrition # diet #clean eating # eat your greens
Dr. Mark Hyman remains one of my favorite functional medicine physicians, and I was lucky enough to hear him lecture at my college. “When you create health, disease goes away as a side effect. It’s really about putting in the right inputs, and taking out the things that are causing imbalance. You have to address every aspect of health, starting with food.”
#mindbody #health #healthcare #bigpharma #immunesupport #healthylife #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #sickcare #disease #illness #nutrition #healthy #diseaseprevention #diseasemanagement #food #diet #exercise #weightloss #weightmanagement #integrativenutrition #integrativemedicine #holistic #holistichealth #holistichealing #nutritionist #integrativemedicine #awareness #healthmindset #consciousliving
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fatlossquest · 1 year
Diabetes can be a very debilitating illness / disease. While most rarely suffer the full consequences, they are literally just below the surface waiting to reveal themselves in their true state.
As a partner to a T1 diabetic, I see the dark side of diabetes : partial loss of sight, the neuropathy that stops you form walking and puts you in a wheelchair for the rest of your life (even at 33!)
Healthy eating and reduction of carbohydrates (esp wheat based carbs) will reduce these effects allowing you to live a relatively healthy life.
The Keto diet aids diabetics by reducing their carbohydrate intake and focusing on true healthy eating meals rich in dietary / saturated fats and micronutrients to provide a more efficient energy source for the body while the micronutrients aid in repairing inflammation and boosting metabolic function.
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fatlossquest · 2 years
Fats for Health and Weight Loss
Fats are an Essential Macronutrient for Health.
"Athletes and nutritionists have long known that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are beneficial. However, most of them have been massively avoided by many of us due to the fact that they are basically fat – the death knoll of the diet. This is where the so called health professionals have lied to us…"
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#Healthy fats (including those that are present in olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados) help the body to absorb essential nutrients and contribute to overall health.
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fatlossquest · 2 years
Keto Diet Benefits - 6 Benefits of the Keto Diet ….
Weight Loss. Reducing Carbohydrates (wheat-based, starches and sugars) in your diet and replacing them with healthier fats and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) inherently reduces the excess fat storage leading to a naturally slimmer You. Randomized controlled trials found that the keto diet produces up to three times as much weight loss as a high-carb, low-fat diet
Reverses T2 Diabetes. T2 Diabetes is typically caused through the Overconsumption of carbohydrate-rich foods esp bread and starchy potatoes. Research published in “Annals of Internal Medicine” found that when type 2 diabetics went low-carb for two weeks, they improved insulin sensitivity by up to 75%. The Custom Keto Diet can reverse T2 Diabetes and reduce the effects of T1 Diabetes (reduced fat-storing insulin injections) with it's natural #healthyeating protocol of reduced carbs, starches and problematic Fructose.
Dietary Fats Boost Health. Recent studies show that Fats (essential fatty acids and saturated fats) improve lung and brain function. Fats have also been shown to increase our immune system health.
Boosts Energy Levels. The fats allowed in the Custom Keto Diet have been shown to be the most efficient energy source. Additionally, Mitochondria are the minute organisms within your fat cells that regulate your energy levels. Mitochondrial Aneamia is a form of anemia that causes low energy levels and tiredness.
Boost Brain Health and Cognitive Function. The keto diet supports your brain in various ways and for various reasons. A major reason is that ketosis enhances mitochondrial functioning alongside the benefits of increased dietary fats which the brain also needs for proper function.
Reduced Heart Disease Risk. Contrary to established ideas, saturated fat and cholesterol do NOT clog arteries, these compounds do not cause heart disease. Conversely, they actually IMPROVE our cardiovascular function. The keto diet reduces heart disease risk for four main reasons: supports weight loss, elevates levels of Good HDL Cholesterol, decreases blood triglycerides levels and reduces blood pressure.
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