621 posts
Mobile Navigation | requests: closed | gif imagines: closed | moodboards: closed | preferences: closed | oneshots: closed
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fantasyimagines · 5 years ago
Hello!!! Can you please do a series about the one shot that you did for Peter hale please. I really like the one shot and I want to know what happens next. Love your work by the way. 💚💚💚
Hey there! I had intended to do so, it had always been intended to be a series, but I’ve lost muse for that fandom, and this blog is now on indefinite hiatus. So I don’t know if it ever will happen, sorry!
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fantasyimagines · 5 years ago
Do you have a masterlist?
Hi love, sorry but no, I do not have one here! There are only 9 oneshots, which are in this tag (here), or you can use my nav page (here) to sort by character. Hopefully that helps!
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fantasyimagines · 7 years ago
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Welcome to FanFicNet, this net is a place for writers to share their talent and for readers to find all the latest and best fanfictions, oneshots and other writings about their fave characters and fandoms in the marvel and harry potter universes’. 
Applications close on 10th Nov ‘17
There will be three main roles on the blog, a member, a reviewer and a scout. 
Members | A member will reblog oneshots from tumblr onto the blog and keep the queue running, this role requires less than all the others so if you just want a place to share your own oneshots and read others then this would be the role for you.
Reviewers | Every Sunday we will post between 5 - 10 reviews, reviewers will be given a piece of writing to read at the beginning of the week and will then proceed to read and review the writing, ready to be posted the following Sunday. If you are good at spotting grammar and spelling mistakes, can tell a good plot from a bad one, and are just generally good at reviewing pieces of writing and being honest about the work then being a reviewer is the role for you.
Scouts | Scouts will have the job of hunting for new pieces of writing on tumblr, and wattpad that can be added onto the ficrec pages and reblogged onto the net. They will have to ask the owner of any new piece they find for permission to put it on the ficrecs page and make sure that the quality of writing is good before suggesting to be put on the page.
reblog this post (likes are bookmark only)
follow this tonks trash and the blog
fill out this typeform to apply as a member, reviewer, scout.
please don’t fill out more than one typeform, it will not increase your chances of being accepted and will only serve to piss me off :)
only apply if you are a part of either the harry potter or marvel fandoms (or both)
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fantasyimagines · 7 years ago
i just died a little bit at that Amortentia Oliver Wood one shot oh my god???? i love you??????
Awww, thank you! I really love Oliver Wood. I should write more for him, if I somehow find that all elusive thing called free time lol. Have a cute gif of him:
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
I’m adding a few more shows and movies to the list of what I do, and I’m going to work on saving some more gif imagines in the drafts. If you have any gif imagine requests, now would be a great time to send them in.
The fandoms I’ve recently added are:
The Blacklist
Death In Paradise
Dirk Gently
Doctor Strange
Downton Abbey
Just so everyone knows what’s going on, I’m working on saving enough drafts so that when I come back I don’t have to be on and off so much, and can consistently post without my hiatuses affecting the queue.
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
All oneshot requests are currently closed!
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
for the open prompts? can i please have jealousy with sirius black?
On the list!
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
Eobard thawne, Christmas
On the list! I will hopefully get to this soon (I already have an idea, so that’s a good start lol)
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
for the open prompts, how about marriages with sirius black?
Adding it to the list now!
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
Sad 11th Doctor for a one shot?
Adding it to the list now!
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
hi can I request an imagine about oliver wood who is jealous of the boy who is close to (y/n) until he confesses he loves (y/n)... thanks!!~
Sorry, oneshot requests are only open for one word prompts. x
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
Hey can you write a Harrison wells x reader about the reader finding out she is pregnant and tells Harrison and they have cute moments like telling everyone,first kick, and birth
Sorry, oneshot requests are only open for one word prompts. x
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
Happy twentieth anniversary to the series that has given so much to so many...  it has brought me comfort, good times, great friends and many tears over the past two decades, and I can’t see that ever stopping 
(and a shoutout to the amazing creator of this video, KatrinDepp. Her videos have been bringing me to tears for years now)
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
Mick Rory one shot? Key word: laughter
I’m just catching up on Legends at the moment, but I will get to this when I’m next doing oneshots!
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
Loved Amortentia for Oliver Wood! New to the blog so I don't know what you usually do, but is there a possibility for a part 2?
Aw, thank you! I’ve not been online in forever so I’m not able to give you a definitive answer, unfortunately. While I would love to write more for Oliver Wood, I’m not sure how a part two would work. But I’d be more than happy to write another imagine which may or may not be linked to that one, if I get one word requests for him!
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
Hey guys, I don’t know if anyone here rps, but if you do you should check out this giveaway from my little sister!
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This past weekend I reached 200 followers on this blog, which may not seem a lot to most people, but it means a great deal to me. As a thank you, I have decided to do a resource giveaway! In this giveaway, there will be three prizes you could possibly win- first, second or third. But don’t worry, even if you don’t win, I’ll be posting a bunch of resources in celebration, so look out for that! Winners will be determined by a randomiser, and entries will finish in two weeks, on the 4th of April. Good luck!
To enter this giveaway, you must:
be following me (after all this is for my followers)
reblog this post (likes don’t count, only for bookmarking!) 
Prizes you could win!
first prize: 
500 rp icons of your chosen fc (can be split up into multiple fcs, can also be swapped for gif icons)
500 gif icons of your chosen fc (can be split up into multiple fcs, can also be swapped for rp icons)
two gif packs of your chosen fcs (amount of gifs will depend on resources out) 
5 manips of your chosen fcs (can only do manips w/ 2 people)
10 icons (reg, colourful, doodled, your choice)
second prize:
250 rp icons of your chosen fc (can be split up into multiple fcs, can also be swapped for gif icons)
250 gif icons of your chosen fc (can be split up into multiple fcs, can also be swapped for rp icons)
one gif packs of your chosen fcs (amount of gifs will depend on resources out)
3 manips of your chosen fcs (can only do manips w/ 2 people)
5 icons (reg, colourful, doodled, your choice)
third prize: 
150 rp icons of your chosen fc (can be split up into multiple fcs, can also be swapped for gif icons)
150 gif icons of your chosen fc (can be split up into multiple fcs, can also be swapped for rp icons)
2 manips of your chosen fcs (can only do manips w/ 2 people)
3 icons (reg, colourful, doodled, your choice)
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fantasyimagines · 8 years ago
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gif credit: x x
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