fangirls666 · 9 days
I am sorry for not writing chapter 3 I had like 3 billion test the last few weeks
Fr the I will really really write chapter 3 by tomorrow morning promise
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fangirls666 · 17 days
I will write chapter 3 tonight or tomorrow hopefully
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fangirls666 · 19 days
I hopefully can write chapter 3 doctor who time jumper very soon life been getting in the way of my online time recently.
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fangirls666 · 3 months
Prompt ideas for fanfiction
* Harry potter y/n reborn -archangel metatron.
* star wars y/n transported anakin x y/n x padme
* Harry potter- anakin skywalker is reborn into harry potter
* doctor who y/n is the villian
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fangirls666 · 3 months
I am so tired of a03 deleting all the fanfiction half of it's completely gone I thought I would never see the day there new upgrade is bugy and not working wtf.....
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fangirls666 · 3 months
I love the fact that I can't look up edits for tv shows anymore are pov stories on tiktok because it's inappropriate but on my feed page they would put north korea propaganda and Russia all over the feed because China owns this company you guys do know they don't support us what's so ever and hate America.
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fangirls666 · 3 months
RIP doctor who
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fangirls666 · 3 months
RIP in peace star wars
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fangirls666 · 3 months
Twilight saga ++
Edward cullen x y/n x bella swan ___
**** two mates****
Y/n has been friends with bella swan for a long time and decided to move to forks with when she was in class she was paired with a random person she was looking at bella for help next to her was apparently very popular handsome tale pale person he was looking at her and she was looking at him.
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fangirls666 · 3 months
Star wars prequels and orginal trilogy. ***the twin sister that should never been***
Y/n was in the middle of watching star wars her favorite franchise of all time after harry potter. I am always sad that anakin turns into darth vader I mean we always new it was going to come to that no matter how Manny time you watch it. But if I had the chance to make things different I would I mean any fan girl would really but sadly it's fictional not real which mean I live in the real world and only that. Which sucks it's not like reality any better at least if it was real we would of had jedis and aliens but at last we don't. It's not like I've had et had my far share in darkness as will but it's the only job I have to pay my bills. And it's not like I've had any other choice in the matter the government practically kidnapped me and made me do the job cause I was apparently really smart in computers dam it. When I got a call from boss who I hate so much telling me that I have to go in the morning to the headquarters stupid fuckin job that I had no choice in the say was apparently we have a spy inside wtf. I was just finishing watching revenge of the sith I've got a snack and popcorn sitting on the couch when I paused the movie I heard a silent ticking sound when all the sudden bomb a bom went off and there was nothing left I was dead or at least I thought I was the next thing I knew whas hereing sound and voices one was in pain I open my eyes to find my hands and feet are small and I am looking at a person who is apparently my new mother she looks so familiar where have I seen her from? Next to me was I guessing my new baby brother twin. I hear her naming me y/n skywalker and my baby brother anakin skywalker of fuck that's why she was so familiar she was in star wars how the fuck is the possible no scientific evidence can explain this and apparently my brother is anakin mini darth vader. How on earth am I gonna survive this bullshit.
These are very long summary I know but when I am reading fanfiction I like reading long finished works and I hate it when people don't finish them but sometime it might take some time cause you know i gotta a life. Please send feedback and ask Mr questions I hope you guys like it .
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fangirls666 · 3 months
Twilight saga
****** Is god real******
Y/n was in a top secretive base working on a project she believed in science and and nothing. She grew up religious the so sometimes she wonderes but than she doesn't care if god real or not cause it's not something she can prove. The expiremnent she working on is big like with circle technology they haven't seen before but she apart of the team wear they leap throw different realities and the science doesn't make sense at all. One day she was in the middle of what they've just called earth 666 lucky number that is lol. She was in the middle of getting somewhere all the sudden there was an explosion I guess she dead than. She in the dark void told yeah god not real ha my theory in the afterlife was right I guess. When all the sudden i heard screaming and loud sound and I wake up but my hand and feet are so small and I look at the person who is holding me. Yelp I guess I am a baby after all dam. Guess I gotta think again i look at my right to see another little baby guess where twins after all. My mother tells us our names y/n swan and my sister bella swan why the fuck do these names sound familiar.
This was a long summary I am making all the summary of fanfiction I want to do In the future hopefully please give me feedback I or ask me a question I would really appreciate it
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fangirls666 · 3 months
Supernatural summary sneak peak I guess
*****Mother of angels******
Y/n was just at work she works as a 911 operator it's a very hard job and mentally draining sometimes but the jobs pays the bills and it's awarding sometimes when the person is saved makes you feel good. When she was in the middle of a call she passes out for unknown reason and finds her self in Stanford University.
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fangirls666 · 3 months
The next chapter 3 will be rise of the cbyermen session 3 or two I think with the 10th doctor and rose Tyler.
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fangirls666 · 3 months
Chapter 2
The doctor looks you in the eyes and takes out his journal were are we in the timeline again you look young. So have we done bad wolf yet or weeping angels how about your brother murdere case she looks at him wide eyes having no idea what he's talking still trying to make sense of everything. The only things she got out of all him mumbling and going on and on about this journal the two of them apparently have was that he knows something about her brothers murder. She looks at him how do u know about that and how did I get here is this a stupid sad prank or something I don't have time for pranks you know I work for cia I can get you in trouble for pranking me you guys are actors nothing else. He looks at her with sad eyes so this is your first time meeting me than Amy looks at her too I can't really get what her expression is for I was to focus on the apparently who claims to be real doctor. He tries to tell her that he's real he puts my hands to feel his Two heart beats and he tell me I can prove to you that I am real. Him and Amy go around the counsel pressing the buttons to wherever they want to go. She says ok doctor if even you real how the fuck did I get here like there is no science explanation. He tell me he doesn't know we both don't know how you got here I've tried everything you are such a mystery puzzle piece it's one of the things I like about you.y/n looks at him is that all I am to you is some fuckin mystery puzzle piece or some random companion that your just forget about. He says no you are so much more than that he looks at me like I am some sort of possession to be had. I back away a little bite scared he moves away one step to sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that I know you new and don't know how this how jumping things work. I feel like I am in some sort of fanfiction that I used to read it wad cringe the there was couple I did like he laughs a little yeah don't look at my phone history lol. He says trust me I won't I did once and I totally regret it good glad you did you shouldn't even look at someone's else's phone anyways yeah but I am allowed into your things you let me yeah will not this version.
Doctor povs*****
Anyways we should let you pick out what planets or time this trip around considering it's your first time being here. I am so sad this is her first time i can't tell her anything I have to be carefully not to manhandle her I have to be gentle with her and can't tell her what to do this sucks. She tells me that she want to be back in time good cause I don't think she would be able to handle a planet anyway. So what time do you want to be 1900s or the year 3000 future or past present certain event you want to go to I look at her darkly and wonder lust she tells me she wants to go to the past ok the 1900 it is just as I wast about to press the buttons. She tells me she in pain that means she about to jump into one my versions I wish I can control it so badly I want to stay in one place but that Is only a dream. My y/n I so badly wish you can stay here but you can't don't worry nothing will happen to you I got you so does every other regeneration good luck she looks at me scared and sad I watch her with a shimmering light than gone. I Amy looks at me with sad eyes this was her very first time wasn't it she doesn't know what she is or who she belongs to yet does she. No she doesn't that's why I was very gentle with her she tells me yeah she my best friend so it was Hard not telling her anything I could barely look her in the eyes he tells me yes it was.
Y/n pov****
She blings and this time she's somewhere different outside she finds trees and blimbs this looks like her time but it's not she trys to find someone she recognizes but there's no one she runs and and runs until she runs into rose Tyler.
I hope this chapter was good and you guys like it I will try not to take to long but life gets in the way you know these are kinda short chapters I was trying to introducing part two separately. I don't know my writing never been good that why I've been a reader not a writer lol please give me feedback.
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fangirls666 · 3 months
BTW I don't follow disney plot lines they are a mess and they like to trash the movies and TV shows they get there hands on. I like the orginal star wars plot and doctor who but I will never never never ever follow disney so if you like disney your shit out of luck on this blog.
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fangirls666 · 3 months
I also have some stories thoughts that I thing are really good ide like
* Supernatural mother of angels chuck x reader.
*twilight saga reborn y/n
*doctor who time jumper y /n
* star wars reborn y/n
* edward cullen x reader x bella swan
* dean winchester x reader omega sad bdsm
*castiel x reader bdsm grace bond
* death note x y n reborn
Just some stories ideas I have hopefully somebody would read lol.
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fangirls666 · 3 months
Y/n has been sitting at home on her couch for the past three months after her brother was murdered with no leads on the case what so ever she been depressed and can barely get off the bed. The only things she been doing is ordering off food online and watching reruns of doctor who/supernatural/Sherlock. She just laying there thinking what's the point of life this will be her third time trying to commit suicide already her friends and stoped her everytime but this time will be different cause her friend Tommy is on vacation after a week of therapy and trying to convince him that I don't need to be watched over. Her plan is about to take action when she got a call from her boss even. Who she asked him if there wasn't any leads he said no she got angry causing and throwing things. He told her that i know you are hurting. When she hung up on him she threw the phone went into to the bathroom and cried on the floor she was sitting with a razor in her hand and started cutting her wrist. When there was a dust of light and a loud pop sound was heard she finds her self on a fictional space ship. The tardis the one that was bigger on the inside than outside that can fit between spaces. The panel had so many buttons she didn't know what any of them are it was overwhelming. She look in the hallway she wanted to know what it'd look like considering they never showed it on tv before. But she didn't want to get lost in there so she decided it be best if she looked in there later. She was in a daze wondering how the fuck she got here. When she heard voices that were familiar when she first watched the doctor who actor interviews. Matt smith and Karen Gillian coming into view and she pulls down her long sleeves and makes sure her bracelets are covering up her bloody wrists. And trys to hide as little in a space as she possibly could as matt and Karen comes in talking about another adventure she never even heard of from the movies or books and comics she read three million of times to escape of the tragically life she calls reality she even went to the conventions before everything really became a mess. When she wasn't paying attention she bumbed into matt when she fell down matt looked at her with such kind and loving eyes. Hello Y/N I was wondering when you were gonna come back. Let me help you up she stands up and looks at him speechless doesn't know how to describe this situation it's bizarre even for her what the fuck is she supposed to say to one of her favorite fictional characters that's staring at her right in the face. She starts by telling his name asking if this is a prank or something he looks at her confused and pulls out his journal the very same one as river song she guess she has one too. It's almost the exact same one except it has a huge heart shape crust like on the cover wondering why that is . The doctor as where in the timeline is she talking a million miles per minute I could barely keep up with what he was saying when I was out of my daydreaming he yanked me in for a hug and before I knew it he was kissing me like really on mouth to mouth kissing. He had his tongue on mine things where becoming a little heated to fast and he put his tongue on my lips and into my mouth agien there was a lot of spit and saliva that I could taste and the only thing I could think of was slap him and hid. The doctor was shocked that I did that asking why I said even the I like your acting matt I did not consent to this at all. He looked at me wide eyes realizing it's my first time so you don't even know who I am yet Y/N please tell me you know who I am Y/N says nope have no clue and your matt smith and she is Karen Gillian not the doctor and not Amy because those are fictional characters not real at all.
I hope your all liked the first page I've tried my best i want this fanfic to be sad dark and lots of smut at the same time I will try to put it towards the episodes best as i can and between the booms and novels I want it to be realist and detailed hopefully feel free to give me good or bad feedback I really really want to know what your opiouns are or if you have any ideas let me know.
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