Fan Fic Tales
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fanfictales · 9 months ago
The Worst Nightmare I ever Had
In the beginning there was a yard sale. She was distracted. Before it began, I entered my house living in a memory. Hidden in sight they couldn't see that I aged. They thought I was in the memory like them. My dad dropped off my sister while I was in the backseat. My sister was driving. They thought I was asleep. While swapping seats, they talked about turning her in. Talked about her being a liar and enough was enough. Back to the future, the three sisters finally made a plan to turn her in. All of us were in agreement. There were three. We were going to band together and hire a lawyer for a class action lawsuit but it went horribly wrong. We were going to get a lawyer and make it stop so it would never begin again. At the yardsale one sister snuck in a camera when it was too busy to notice. After the yardsale, they converted the closet into a giant bath. In water with the two sisters on either side of her, and one in the closet doorway above them where they chanted in the pool some ritual. The camera was felt by her and the ritual stopped. She didn't know what they were doing. She was too focused on the yardsale and thought the three sisters were playing a joke on her. It wasn't until downstairs in the crawlspace by the fireplace did she start to understand her three daughters were against her and she needed to fight back.
Between the downstairs fireplace and the doorway back upstairs was a long treacherous crawl space with dirt piles lined entirely with toy trains and their tracks. It felt normal. I wasn’t scared of my surroundings. It was the beginning of an urban legend. A cross between mouse trap and It the clown. We were the beginning. The prequel. I went downstairs and they were hypnotizing a mouse, two sisters and one boyfriend. It made me so sad but it was a game they learned from t.v. to hypnotize a mouse in front of a fireplace. A glass of water evaporated from the heat of the fire and the smoke is what hypnotized the mouse. After that day, the clown hypnotized mice to attack every kid that entered downstairs.
At first she was angry about the lawsuit but she was smiling. She knew they were too young to cause any real damage. It was my role in the group to get the lawyer. It was my sister’s role to protect the camera and my other sister, I don’t know why she was there.
She tried to take the camera at one point while she was arguing with us, she was arguing but she wasn’t surprised. I was forced to sleep in her room so my sister could protect the camera and while my two sisters slept in the upstairs bedroom beside us. I continued to take recordings on my phone but she heard me click and unclick the record button but this only made her smile more. I told her it was too much. She kept rubbing me. Touching. Playing footsie. I ran to my sisters’ room. They didn't care. They forgot about the lawsuit. Forgot about the reasons why.
It all started to disintegrate before my eyes. When I went back to her room, she made jokes about Kris. I started to get ideas about running away to someone who was bad but a lesser evil. Ultimately, the memories of being driven back to her were too great and I didn’t do it.
Then I woke up.
Total. Four of us were in agreement. Three lost their memories, but I was touched more than anybody and I couldn’t forget. It was the worst nightmare I ever had. Because it was real. Two siblings and my dad and they all forgot and they forgot when I needed them most.
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fanfictales · 10 months ago
Guardian Angels Dinner in Heaven
My child (the new girl)
My cousin (the mean girl) and his wife
My best friend (curly)
My dad (rude boy)
Me (ghost *not the lamb bc in this story their in heaven)
My ideal birthday dinner (literally, not w/e massacre you're making birthdays in this hellhole)
In heaven (literally heaven, not the last supper heaven but one of many great dinners in heaven): the five of us went to dinner and this is what happened:
Everybody sat down at My favorite Chinese restaurant. It's not the kind where they cook in front of you and it's not a buffet. It's a regular dinner, just Chinese food. So we all sat down and my child was the first to speak up.
In heaven, you have the best case scenario problems and this particular problem involves being so blessed in all aspects the worst thing you have to worry about are the people who you are guardian angels for and my child was finally introduced to the world of guardian angels.
To learn about being a guardian angel, child angels practice with a game. "Guys please don't delete my video this time because I'm learning to be a guardian angel and I'm trying to have an open discussion about what mystical magic will help this guy tomorrow." My child was recording the entire dinner so that she could show the video and mystical discussion to her clan tomorrow.
"Was this the other idea for the clan tomorrow?" My cousin asked the group as he pointed to a water glass that was filled to the brim with shimmery liquid. What made this glass different, was it was glowing with holographic vibrancy. Most holographic stuff doesn't look good with shimmers, but the way the glass was molded when it was created by the lorks in the west wing of heaven - made the glass iredescently beautiful. The reason why my cousin asked if the glass would help the clan tomorrow, is because my child's guardian angel simulation was helping a person in a black-and-white multiverse, where everyone had forgotten a world with colour. Ironically his wife chimed in "Now I can't remember".
That's when Curly stepped in, throwing off the entire seriousness of the conversation. This was well received because he reminded everyone it was just a simulation because after all - they were in heaven. My child broke out laughing because in heaven Curly was blessed with a special gift and so he could at any time change into the head of any animal. "Is this why you keep deleting her videos?" He asked with the head of a penguin. I laughed too and at this he said "Are you worried I'm going to make you look bad or something?"
My dad was good at keeping everyone on the same page and also on track "It's definitely the-oracle for the clan tomorrow" He said while also placing a food order for everybody. "Not literally" He said to the ever-being taking the order. "This is a guardian angel meeting so don't take it literally".
"I mean you should definitely take guardian angel-ship seriously." I said to the ever-being. I was just concerned that guardian angel-ship was just not receiving enough attention. "You should probably take oracle-sight gaurdian-ship seriously too, honestly too many of you guys aren't doing that". I said to the ever-being taking our order. I could do that because I too used to serve as an ever-being.
In heaven, the hot food is always hot, the cold beverages are always chilled and the food is pretty much endless. The downside, is that the ever-beings also get to join in the party and relaxation and as the ghost in the group, it was my job to keep everyone spiritually sound.
My ideal birthday dinner continued and while everyone had differing opinions about the simulation tomorrow, we were mostly just happy to see that the new girl actually showed up. Guardian angels are still well sought after even in heaven. The children are especially vulnerable and so beings from other gates of other realms can sometimes get the better of them. I for-one was concerned with making a name for ourselves. Nobody knew about our clan but I wanted to change that. My child was obviously my strongest motivation because if we were well-known as a whole then we would be well-protected as well, and then we could protect the innocent among us even better.
It doesn't make sense, to have nervousness in heaven, but for guardian angels, we care about the people we protect. Really, we care about all beings we protect, including child angels.
Alright guys that's all I got for this week's Fan Fic Tales. If you liked it, maybe I will write more from this specific lense. Just let me know and I will check back with you guys Tomorrow. Stay safe in *heaven's gates* and I'll see you soon.
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