
Took an unexpected deep dive into Koine Greek this morning
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AGH IM FINISHED WITH JUNIOR YEAR!!! FINALLY!! i may have not gotten the straight a’s i was hoping for, but i worked my ass off and that’s what matters! now to stress about college for the entire summer :)
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I’ve missed being active on here. In any case, my recent days have been hectic but also exciting!
🎼wrabel, we could be beautiful
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30 may 2021
I FINALLY UNDERSTAND BIOSTATISTICS AND EPIDEMIOLOGY. Yall have no idea how happy i am. Currently going through the lectures. The one you see on my screen is a presentation prepared by yours truly.
I finished going through the First aid and Boards and beyond videos, which practically saved my ass. I highly recommend watching them (for any topic).
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More economics, this time at a new coffee shop in town. Its nice to be able to go out and study at cafes again. I missed the atmosphere and extra boost to my focus!
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you don’t get good at doing something by not doing it
you get good at doing something by doing it badly and learning how to do it better
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Lab work is always chaos and no one can tell me otherwise
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Okei pieni tiedote siitä, että mitä on tulossa. Luultavasti lukiotavaraa nähdään vielä enemmän elo- ja syyskuussa, mutta myös vielä keväällä yo-kokeiden ja mahdollisten uusintojen takia. Lokakuussa blogini suomen kielinen sisältö painottuu pääsykoeopiskeluun.
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Kesä. Mutta ei loma, koska työt ja syksyn yo-kokeet.
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30.10.20 | This essay is not going well, but hopefully I can submit it to my TA for feedback at the end of today. Yellow is the colour of stars and eggs and new things- hopefully I can keep some of that energy up today!
// My Hufflepuff Instrumentals Playlist
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8:27am Tue, March 30
It's been a while since I made my own notes. Everything's on my laptop now. Even my books are scanned so I have something to read on the screen during recits. One year huh. It's been one year. It's very uninspiring to try to study something that's being repeatedly violated and disregarded by the people trusted and expected to uphold them. I'm trying, though.
The numbers are turning into names and those names into people we know. Take care of yourselves.
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Ajattelin, että voisin päivitellä nyt pitkästä aikaa hieman. Olin siis pitkään tosi epäaktiivinen blogin osalta, mutta siitähän nyt voidaan syyttää koulua, YTL:ää ja heidän järjestämiään eväsretkiä. Osallistuin siis kevään kirjoituksiin ja voisin sanoa, että tähän astisista alustavista pisteistä on tullut sekä positiivisia yllätyksiä, että pienoisia pettymyksiä. Koska olen 3,5 vuotta lukiossa, niin syksyllä olisi vielä viimeiset eväsretket ellen sitten päätä lähteä taistoon YTL:ää vastaan keväällä tai jopa sen jälkeenkin.
Kuitenkin vitosjakso ja lukiourani toiseksi viimeinen jakso alkaa tässä ihan lähiaikoina, joten voi olla, että postailen jotain omiakin asioita näiden satunnaisten rebloggailuiden lomassa.
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97/100 – finally had some more time to sketch; my favorite thing to draw is human faces, especially with editorial makeup
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16/03/19 - A grey morning study session, preparing for all the work I have to complete today…
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It’s 9:55am on a Saturday and i’m about to go to work. Let’s get this bread 🍞
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