fanficsnippets · 3 years
Charmed AU pt5
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fanficsnippets · 3 years
Charmed AU pt4
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fanficsnippets · 3 years
Charmed AU pt3
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fanficsnippets · 3 years
Charmed AU pt2
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fanficsnippets · 3 years
Charmed AU pt1
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fanficsnippets · 4 years
A Letter from Lily Potter
Dear Severus, How could you let yourself be destroyed? When we were younger my favourite thing about you was your courage.
You should have been in Gryffindor. Not because I think all Slytherins are inherently evil, I just think courage like yours deserved to be nurtured and instead you've allowed it to be squandered. I could have forgiven you, if you'd called me anything else, anything else in the world but you knew what that meant to me and I know what it meant to you. The choice to be my friend was never an easy one but I thought our friendship was important enough that it wouldn't matter. It's not going to get easier for us to be friends Severus, its only going to get harder.
You let these people change you , these people that aren't your friends, that show you no loyalty, no kindness. You let them tell you what think, you let them influence what you say, you let them mean more to you than me. I can't be the only one fighting for this friendship Severus. You didn't come meet me in the herbology like you were supposed, you said you were busy with school work but you weren't. You lied to me Severus, we don't lie to each other and we don't let other people change our opinions of each other. It's not kind, it isn't right, I won't be friends with somebody I can't trust.
I can't be friends with somebody who says awful things about me, think about what it says about me, who doesn't understand what's wrong with words like mudblood and groups like death eater. Think about how that could change me, what I might let myself believe. Look at you, look at what being friends with people who say awful things has done to you. I won't allow myself to be destroyed.
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fanficsnippets · 4 years
Viktor is patient. He gets a glut of fans pestering him on the daily but he never gets angry. He tolerates everything with a quiet deference. He teaches Harry how to fly, how to really fly. He laughs at his complete lack of technique and makes the same correction ten thousands time but he never gets angry or impatient. He's a solid presence in Harry's life, somebody for him to lean on. Harry kisses Viktor first. He does it after he's just mastered one of the complicated maneuvers that Viktor has trying to be teaching him for ages. Viktor might be patient but Harry isn't. His frustration had been mounting in almost ever aspect of his life. The elation he feels at getting something right spurs him forward. It's somewhat frenzied and both boys are definitely more coordinated in the air than on the ground, but it still makes Harry's already racing heart feel like it's about to fall out of his chest.
They don't talk about it. Talking isn't their preferred method of communication but Harry's dazed grin is met with a content smirk from Viktor and they go back to flying.
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fanficsnippets · 4 years
Drarry-Soulmate Au
When Harry was eleven he met a boy with bright blonde hair and an unfortunate excess of hatred. Harry didn't think much of him at the time.  After all he certainly wasn't the first bully Harry had ever met. Everything the boy said had just screamed excess, excess wealth , excess self worth, excess love, if Harry needed to somebody to rub their excess in his face he would have talked to Dudley. Ultimately the boy paled in comparison to all the other brilliant things that Harry was really seeing for the first time.  
When Draco was Eleven he met a boy with brilliant green eyes and an unfortunate deficiency of patience for things that didn't immediately hold his interest. Actually, in Draco's opinion that boy was just lacking. Lacking in breeding, lacking in manners, lacking in money. He was everything that Draco was taught to disdain. He'd made an effort, for the sake of politeness, but the boy was also lacking in common courtesy so the exchange ended there. ---
When Draco Malfoy was eleven his fingers began bleeding at random intervals. He complained loudly and persistently to his mother and father. His skin was a point of pride, even skin peeling at his nail beds was more than he could bare, these cuts that made him look like he'd been working like a common house elf.  
At first his parents were unimpressed, but when bruises began to bloom randomly on his skin, bruises that couldn't be healed with an episkey, their interest was piqued. For the first time in his life his parents looked unsure. They took him to St mungo's and pleaded with the healers when they saw the diagnosis or rather the lack thereof. The healer had been an imbecile, "I don't understand why you're upset. Soulmates are a beautiful thing. Your son has found his person" Draco had sneered and as his mother set him straight. "My son's 'person' will be a girl befitting of his status that we chose carefully not some barbarian that marks his skin." That night his parents had told him about soulmates and how somebody Draco had met had saw fit to leave Draco with their pain. "It's a weakness you can't afford," his father had told him. "You must do your best to hide the effects and if you discover who these marks belong to don't tell a soul. More importantly get them under control. Don't allow them to taint our good name."
That night Draco stayed up late. He hid next to the door to his Father's study and listened as his parents yelled at each other. He doesn't like it when they yell at each other. It doesn't fit with what he knows about the world. He thought his family was supposed to be above this.
"It's not his fault." his mother hisses. Father shakes his head , "Do you take comfort in that platitude? Do you think it will help him if this person gets set on fire,  or if they bleed when he's meeting his future wife." "You don't even know who it is, it could be somebody fitting." mother counters. Father scoffs. "with unhealed bruises?' "Lucius you know as well as I do that some of your friends would be quicker to impart bruises then to heal them." Draco can almost feel his mother's eye roll through the door. "Not above the neck line. Have you seen Draco's eye? his hands? Nobody in good standing would let their daughter go around with hands as ghastly as Draco's." Draco doesn't hear the rest of the conversation. Father's never said something like that about Draco. He's always encouraged Draco to be better but he's never called him ghastly. He looks down at his hands and traces the nicks on his fingers. He's never had a scar that hasn't been healed in under a second. They sting  when he clenches his hands but he's getting used to the burn.
By the time he gets on the Hogwarts express he's learnt how to cast a glamour. He also has a rune etched anklet that keeps most of his skin permanently covered. He can still feel them, dull throbs littering his body, flaring every time he stretches his fingers, He wonders who they belong to, who shares his skin.  Father's words ring ominously in his head.
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fanficsnippets · 5 years
Sensate Au
“Love inside a cluster is pathological”
Harry Potter Au
Any ship is cool. The more diverse the cluster the better. Could include an American wizard, the Patil twins, the tri-wizard champions. 
Maybe Grindelwald and Dumbledore were in the same cluster.
Maybe Lily and Petunia were as well, or Lily and Severus.
Maybe the death eaters are all homo-sensorium, or like the higher up ones are in Tom’s cluster. Maybe BPO sparked the hatred of muggles. 
Interesting if there are squibs and muggles in wizarding clusters or even magical creatures. 
People in a cluster with a parseltongue can also speak parseltongue, that’s how Ron gets into the chamber of secrets. 
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fanficsnippets · 5 years
When a child turns eleven they receive their first set of wrist cuffs. It's customary for these cuffs to be worn at all times so as to avoid the involuntary advertisement of soulmates.
 When Dudley was eleven he received an array of wrist cuffs, one in each of his 39 presents. A lot of them were a simple, clean black leather, others were brighter colours or softer materials.
 Some of the pupils in Harry's class had turned eleven at the very start of the year and had been wearing cuffs for the whole year. The girl net to him had really beautiful cuffs, they would be in rich reds or purples or predominately white and brown but covered in intricate gold patterns.  Her twin brother wore a pair of hers once, but Dudley had forcibly removed them and he'd never done it again.
There were Barbie themed cuffs and superhero theme cuffs, florescent cuffs, one kid even had whiteboard cuffs.
When Harry turned eleven he wrapped his wrists in three layers of brown packaging tape. The first time he attempted this he had to desperately cut himself out of them after his fingers turned numb. His fingers had shaken from lack of circulation and the panic he felt left his stomach roiling for hours.
 Wary, but determined, he took a lot more care wrapping his wrists the second time.
When Hagrid sees his wrists his face turns white. He quickly hands over the cuffs he was already planning on gifting Harry for his birthday.
Harry is so busy fiddling with the bright red wrist cuffs that he almost misses Hagrid give Dudley a pig's tail.
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