Fandom Rave
192 posts
Was going to make this a blog for writing, but now I'm just on here for me. One day I'll get it together and properlly organize this, but today is not that day. Just doing the best I can day by day, being silly and cirnge.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fandomrave · 28 days ago
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fandomrave · 28 days ago
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My little hunter bagged a T-rex
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
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He's has an expression of a wife who suspects her husband of cheating KGSDGKDHKKDHKHDMHX
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
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Happy pride month 2.0
(Pride month 1.0) I actually made this on the exact same day as the 1.0 but for whatever reason I didn't post it. So basically yes I did wait a year to post this.
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
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we're Technically at the end of chapter 4 ! there's going to be a bit of a wait before we get to chapter 5 though which includes drawing an extra comic in-between , cleaning up this blog and making the masterpost + updating the character lineup .
QUITE A BUNCH , might take a bit because i'm going back to school but ! hopefully it won't take too long . chapter 5's going to be interesting (:<
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
Simon, after sneaking into Hero’s bedroom: Hey, wake up! Hero, half awake: Huh!? Simon: I just murdered your entire family! Hero: …But I live alone. Simon: Huh? Then who are these people in your house??? Hero: There’s people in my house? Simon: Well not anymore! Dumb bitch! You could’ve died! You’re welcome!
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
All the characters for Playkingdom vs the Evil Wizard
Just to make sure I keep them all straight in my head, hehe!
Most of the posts and interactions take place about a year and a half after where my dream stopped in the secret route. Unless otherwise specified.
The evil butler, Simon's adoptive father, the only remaining servant of the Duke's estate.
he/him. Will politely correct you if you misgender him.
Currently dead (in his 50s or 60s when he got Simon)
polysexual. Attracted to multiple genders.
Human, with knowledge of and access to some basic dark magic stuff.
He's basically like Alfred from Batman. Total chad energy.
The evil wizard who can summon monsters wants to destroy the kingdom (specifically inside the kingdom walls) father to Audrey, mother to Maddie, son to Albert, sworn enemy of King Laurence.
he/him or she/her (depending on male or female form). Cannot switch between them at will. Or maybe he could, but he doesn't. It just happens. Gets kinda huffy if you misgender her in female form, too busy being evil to notice or acknowledge it in male form. But she will be very pissed if you bring up how Simon is a guy's name, or if you doubt her being a woman, or a man if he is a man then. Especially when a woman, because her identity is very wrapped up in being Maddie's mother, not father.
age 40 (technically immortal, so he just looks 40)
Straight (in male form), sexuality doesn't exist (in female form [wait, what?] Yeah no one else knows either. At this point we just roll with it.) Attracted to women in male form.
Evil wizard summoned from another realm. Can summon monsters through alchemy. Posesses own magic abilities like flying and lasers and levtation beams. Personal magic abilites disapear in female form. Inherent desire to be evil and destroy the kingdom.
Good mom, takes care of her daughter.
More hotheaded and violent in male form. Still would never hurt his kids.
Daughter of Simon and some random one night stand who came to live with him when she was 18 after the death of her mother, left when she was 23, and returned after Simon's fight in the Kingdom.
she/her. She looks very feminine, and wears a lot of dresses, which you wouldn't expect from her. She'll shoot you a look if you misgender her. A look of mild disgust. But frankly she gives out that look a lot of the time.
Age 31 (30 at time of the attack)
Aromantic Ace-flux Lesbian. Not romantically attracted to anyone, but sometimes sexually attracted to women. Other times, not sexually attracted to anyone either.
Half human, half wizard. Inherent moral apathy only amplified further by her human side just being a prick as well. Magical abilities are limited to self regeneration even past the point of death, with very strong pain reduction. Also, very potent body components which are extra effective for spells. (Blood, hair, teeth.)
Lazy. Sarcastic and kinda sassy. But totally laid back. Doesn't really do emotional connections. She's just kind of an asshole.
The Hero. (Yes they named themselves Hero.)
They/them. Would be incredibly bewildered and a little impressed if anyone misgendered them. Like, how? How did they manage to do that? No, you don't understand, that's like not even possible. Seriously, how did you do that?
Doesn't know their sexuality. Honestly, it's hard to figure it out with the voices in their head, so they just don't deal with it.
Age 27 (26 at time of attack)
Human, but hears voices in their head. The voices work like a comment section on social media, commenting on what they do. They also can blackout when they get really bored, though not intentionally. Sometimes the voices can take control, like intrusive thoughts. Also, was born and grew up without a name. They don't know how, but no one ever called them by their name, so they literally didn't know. It made roll call weird, and signatures just looked like a scribble. They also had no idea if they were a boy or girl, so went with neither or both. Oh, and they also have some combat powers. Like, elemental spells. Plant, fire, wind, and water. Basic spells of each type. They never got to specialize in one particular field because they never went on the adventure to level up.
Pretty positive. Nice and kindhearted and heroic. Kinda overly helpful. Social. Friendly. Always trying to keep themself stimulated.
King Laurence:
The king of the kingdom. Sworn friend of Hero.
he/him. Will correct you if you misgender him, but with his usual jolly self.
Age: 46 (45 at time of the attack)
Demisexual. He doesn't know it though. He's not familiar with all the terminolgy about sexualites. He still gives it his best effort though.
Human. Can't even cast spells. Pretty good with a sword though. and he has a magic cape relic which allows him to fly. Though it has to be recharged.
Jolly man. Very good to his people. Kind. Not super outgoing. Very tender to his friends. Supportive. Respectful. Yeah, he's a good father figure character. Despite this, he is unmarried and has no kids. (As of now. They may show up in a later update to this post.)
Simon's daughter. Calls Audrey 'Auntie'. Cute kid.
She/her. Will either giggle and correct you or just correct you if misgendered.
Age: 9 (7 at time of attack)
This isn't going to be relevant yet because she's just a kid, but Panromantic Fraysexual. (She like her eye candy occasional and in the distance. Not that it matters in the current timeline.) She is fine being shipped with people though, and doesn't care about headcanons.
Not a human. But not a wizard. Some other kind of monster. She has a built in desire to be worshipped. So she's nice to people. She feels morals in relation to humans like we feel in relation to a combination of animals and characters on a tv show. Her affection level to them is definitly similar to how we feel about pets. But she doesn't show it. If she doesn't care about them a lot, she doesn't care what happens to them. She's fine with her mom killing people or destroying the kingdom. She hates seeing her friends sad, but it's kind of a pitying kind of sadness. Again, think pets. She doesn't empathize with them, but can pretend. Oh, and no one at her daycare knows she's not human. She just doesn't bring it up.
Cute, energetic, sassy. A bit stubborn. Sometimes demanding. Doesn't push her luck with people or pitch fits. (Her family is an exception.) Definitly bossy with her family, and a little bit with her friends. But she's well behaved.
Knows about the voices and the audience and LOVES them. Finally, people to worship her as she so deserves. Extra sweet and loving and accomadating and entertaining towards them, so they'll worship her more. She can't access them herself, needing to use Hero as a conduit, so they spend a lot of time together. (Hero knows she knows and uses them like this.)
One of the unlockable compainions for the hero on their journey. The earliest one, in fact. Unlocked before you even leave the city. Besties with Hero.
She/her. Will correct you if misgendered. But you know. With the polite apologetic anxiety you know. Yeah. She's like that.
Age 29 (27 at time of attack)
Bisexual. Definitly very bisexual. Though she complains about how there's pretty much no dating or shipping options. Her best choice right now is Audrey, and Audrey is....Well, she doesn't have a lot of good qualities. Or even good bad qualities. She doesn't have much.
Human. But a furry. Yeah, an in-universe furry. She wears cat ears and a cat tail. She can also cast spells as well, though she doesn't have a wide range like the hero. She mostly has good healing, buffing, and defuffing skills, although she has a moderatly weak water attack. She would have been able to grow her roster during the adventure, but it never happened.
She's nice, heroic, and sometimes bubbly. But frankly, she reminds me a lot of a Tumblr user. Like, a fandom enthusiast mixed with a convention cosplayer. She's got some anxiety, but it's mostly confrentation based, and she's super comfortable with people she knows. She loves ranting about her intrests, and she makes fanart. She's a simp, and a sucker for drama and romance. Sometimes she'll act like an "UwU" or "nya" furry, but it's ironic. She acts overly cutesy for this effect, but her real self is much more laid back and even more talkative and energetic.
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
I had this awesome dream last night and just wanted to share it
So it was a video game, right? And it’s set in this kinda modern looking kingdom. The building structures are all simple default fantasy stuff, but the color scheme is normal neutral colors as a default, but there are also bright colors like you’d see in a kids play pen. The kinds with the rubbery flooring where you have to wear socks. And the characters have proportions similar to those in Celeste 64 but they’re HD so they have smoother lines like funko pops. They do have mouths though. And noses and ears. But they have the proportions more like Celeste 64.  You get what I’m saying?
Anyway, you play as this sorcerer hero. And you have to save the kingdom from the hordes of summons that this evil Wizard made. He wants to destroy the kingdom. He took over the Duke’s estate years ago when that family mysteriously disappeared. And no one got near him cause they were afraid and stuff, and he left them alone. But now he’s sending waves of conjured monsters to destroy the kingdom. He’s got like a whole army. And you, the hero, are enlisted by the king to fight these monsters and defeat the wizard. The gameplay battle screen is like an RPG, but I don’t remember much about how the battles work. I don’t know the menu set up or if they’re real time or not. I don’t know if you collect party members or anything, but I do know that the king is a pretty chill dude and helps you out somehow in your play through. But it’s a pretty simple premise. I loved the graphics and art especially. Story and dialogue was a bit typical, but it was a cute game.
Anyway, at the very beginning of the game, you get to create your character. Like, customization, abilities, etc. There’s this really cool character creator screen. The screen looks like a Celeste level, all pixel art and side scrolling. The blocks also looked very similar to Celeste. You move this little butler guy to the right and to each step of creating your character consecutively, and you can go back. I had a lot of fun with that screen. 
But there’s this secret route in the game that you unlock on that screen. So by using this glitch with the platforming stuff, you proceed with the butler that is on the menu as your custom character. He’s not really in the story of the main game at all, so this is just a random character. And once you start playing as him, things get really interesting. This butler is the butler of the Duke’s family, so the story is starting many years ago. The Duke and Duchess were actually evil. They were trying to summon a powerful monster to take over the kingdom. Monster summoning was considered black magic and very illegal. The summoning failed, and instead they summoned a baby wizard. They panicked because the plan had failed, and they were worried about getting caught, so they fled the country secretly, “mysteriously disappearing” to everyone else. The loyal family butler, however, was built different. While all the other servants fled with the family, he stayed behind to raise the baby wizard. He was a good man, with a sense of responsibility. He was still evil, of course, but a good father. So he raised the wizard. He raised him to be evil. Could he have ended up not evil if he was raised differently? I don’t think so. It was in his DNA. He wasn’t human. (Unless specified, everyone is human.) So, many years later, the Wizard (who we’ll name Simon) has a daughter. And we’re playing as this wizard. I don’t know much about Simon’s daughter (Who I’ll call Audrey) but I do know she’s half human. I don’t know anything about her mother. I don’t think Simon had a wife or girlfriend. Maybe it was just a one night stand, when he was younger. You know, young man exploring the town. Anyway, Simon is an Immortal Wizard, so he doesn’t age, but he looks like he’s in his late 30s to early 40s. Audrey is somewhere in her 20s, and lives with her father in his mansion. She calls him Father, and they aren’t super close. They have more of a coworker vibe than anything. Maybe manager and employee, but the chill manager who is also your coworker. She probably started living with him after her mother’s passing, and was already like 18 or 19. She could get a job, but she didn’t really want to. And she wasn’t interested in anyone romantically. She kinda doesn’t care about a lot, and is pretty apathetic and lazy. By the time we pick up from Simon’s perspective, the butler isn’t in the picture anymore. But no one mentions him, so I guess he died a while ago. 
Anyway, this time the game plays out differently. First of all, the visuals are more like watching a show. Just dream perspective change. Anyway, Audrey is helping Simon build up his army to destroy the kingdom. She really does not care as long as she gets a place to stay. She also kinda hates people. It’s not because of her Wizard blood, she’s just kinda a jerk. Her wizard blood affects her slightly, and it is harder for her to be good, but she’s not forced to be evil. More like neutral. Simon can create monsters instead of summoning. Simon took a while to figure out the mechanics, cause he was never taught by the butler who didn’t know how Wizard powers worked. So Simon can create monsters, but he uses this contraption and ingredients, kinda like alchemy.
Anyway, he’s trying to create this especially powerful one, one with sentience. Most aren’t, and are like golems. For sentient monsters, a special process is needed. That’s what we’re trying to figure out as we play as Simon. We’re trying to get the ratios and ingredients mixing right. The last step in the ritual is cutting Audrey into pieces in the correct ratio. She’s fine with this, and since Simon learned first aid from the butler, he can just stitch her back together.  This won’t really kill her or hurt her much. Anyway, I fail to remember all the steps of the multi step process, but I do remember the Audrey ratio was 70/30 for the final step. After this, we get a cutscene. Audrey’s unconscious (getting cut in pieces does that to a girl) and Simon has created a baby girl. She ain’t human, but she’s not a wizard. This was not his intention. He meant to create a general of some sort, not have a baby. Yeah, he’s this baby’s mother. 
The game goes dark again and picks up many years later. Not quite as many as last time. Maybe like….6 years instead of decades. I can’t remember if Maddie (the baby) ages differently from humans, or the dream just made her look that way. Anyway, Audrey has moved out. She didn’t want to deal with a baby. She was out of the picture like a couple days after Maddie was born. So the story picks up, and we’re still playing as Simon. She’s a woman now, since she is Maddie’s mother and not father. She even has boobs and looks different. Like a genderbend. She’s not a super hot mom or anything, and she’s mellowed out a lot. She’s a great mom, actually. She takes Maddie to daycare, and they love each other. Maddie calls her Mom, and Simon calls Maddie sweetheart or Maddie. Just typical mom stuff. Simon is still evil, of course, and wants to destroy the kingdom, but her plans kind of take a back burner when it comes to taking care of Maddie. I think she ages normally, but is very mature for her age. She was also born as a 1 year old instead of a newborn (Simon was summoned as a newborn, or a couple months old) so now she’s like 7. She goes to daycare (I don’t know why she doesn’t go to school. I think it doesn’t start till middle school, or even high school. That’s awesome.) in the town. The town is connected to the kingdom, but isn’t necessarily what would be destroyed. Simon is more interested in the kingdom within the walls than the town outside the walls. They would be affected by the attack, sure, but more indirectly than anything. No real danger, though things might be tight for a while. 
Anyway, about Maddie. She isn’t human, but doesn’t really tell her friends about that. She doesn’t really talk about how she was born or how she’s different from humans. Oh, yeah, and she has friends! They play together. Maddie isn’t evil, and she doesn’t have anything in her DNA influencing her morals at all. But she’s not the same species as humans, and she knows that. She doesn’t oppose her Mom’s evil plan. She doesn’t really care because it wouldn’t really affect her and her friends much. She’s attached to her friends, but how she feels about humans is like how we feel about cats or pets. She’s attached to them, and wants them to be happy. She likes spending time with them, and thinks they’re funny and interesting. But she’s not really going to empathize with them on a deep level. Unless she knows the specific human and cares about them, she doesn’t really care what happens to them. She doesn’t really have the “empathy for her fellow man” because she’s not one of them. If her mom wants to kill someone, she’s fine with it. Just like people punishing pets. The death of them doesn’t bother her very much, unless she’s close to them. As for her powers? Well, she’s sturdier than a human, and doesn’t need a lot of their basic necessities. Other than that, she’s human passing. She just doesn’t bring up she’s not a human. She doesn’t worry about people finding out, or feel secretive about it. She still young, so she doesn’t really have access to her full powers yet. She doesn’t know what she is. Neither does Simon. All she knows is that she loves her baby girl very much. 
So, we’re Simon. A mother who is also evil. She’s a sweet mom. I think the plot is mostly chill slice of life stuff. But the invasion has some other stuff happening. First of all, the king and the hero confront Simon in the kingdom, inside the city walls. Not sure what led up to that point, but Simon isn’t really murder happy fighting in the front lines. She’s just kinda chilling. She’s retired from the frontline fighting, cause she has a kid now. Audrey is also there. Not sure what she did, but she’s talking to the King or something. She either snitched to the king, let the monsters in, or is helping with the invasion. No clue. I don’t remember what the King said, but it had something to do with Maddie, and that made Simon go like “Okay, you know what? Leave my kid out of this.” And turned into a guy and started attacking. I don’t remember if he went after the king or hero, but eventually Maddie showed up and he stopped. He was like shifting between a man and woman, and kind of just walked away from it. Maddie wasn’t scared or mad at him or anything. She just called out for her mom (I don’t know why, I think she wanted something, maybe to go somewhere) and they left. The shifting wasn’t intentional or anything, it just kinda happened naturally. Maddie didn’t really mind. She still called her mom, even when she was a he. Same with Audrey calling him Father. I think Audrey came with them, so I don’t think she was a traitor. The king was kinda just floating there, and the hero too. Don’t know how they could do that, but I know Simon could fly when he was a guy doing wizardry stuff. I’m pretty sure they ended up stopping the invasion, but they didn’t really kill Simon and just let the man be. Or woman. The king probably wanted to protect his kingdom in the future, but he respected the hero’s preferences, and they let it slide. Considering the hero was the player character before, having them be chill with a character that the player would probably like checked out. They were also just a nice and cheerful character.
Anyway it was a good dream. I especially liked how Simon just became a woman with no explanation and just rolled with it, and her awesome mom priorities. Maddie was also super cute, too. Upbeat and cheerful and playful. I loved the whole dream. 
Also I remember doing a roleplay thing as myself role playing as Maddie later on. It was like a fan thing. Apparently Maddie got her period at 3 years of existence. (I don’t know why I included that in my role play, but there was a whole scene about it. Maybe it was to explain the fact that I, a young adult, was playing a 7 year old.) Mom was really good with the whole thing. Loved Simon’s performance. Anyway, the real roleplay was with this guy who was supposedly Maddie’s friend or classmate in daycare. The way the roleplaying thing worked, is we were in the daycare, a massive daycare, indie horror game massive, but we didn’t know anything about the characters we were role playing. Like, (let’s call him Mark) Mark didn’t know about who I was roleplaying as. He wasn’t part of that fandom. And I wasn’t part of whatever fandom he was a part of. It was a cross fandom thing. We were chasing down some sort of shadow thing, and there was this section with a department store and diapers, which was probably something from his fandom, and at some point he found out I wasn’t human. (Like, my character.) This roleplay session was also live action. I didn’t know it was supposed to be a roleplay segment (my real consciousness didn’t know) until that point. I thought I was just acting as Maddie, and that no one else was pretending to be anyone else. Because holy crap that Simon roleplayer was amazing. I thought that was the real Simon, and I was just making a fan work. But when Mark started asking if I was human, (discreetly and indirectly, of course) I realized that he was also a role player. Real people wouldn’t ask questions like that. I asked him if I could break character for a little bit and squeal from excitement because I love playing non-human characters and having people figure them out. Anyway, he was cool with it and I did. We kept role playing for a bit longer before I woke up. Anyway that was really fun, so thanks, Mark. 
I’m calling it Playkingdom vs the Evil Wizard. Yes, the name is cheesy and cute, but I’m going with it. And I AM making an entire fake fandom around it, thank you very much. Idk what Mark was from though. I think it was some sort of simulator, but I could be wrong on that.
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
haha I can't feel my brain
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
Counterpoint: Say s*x if you feel like it. Self censor yourself if you think it fits the mood you're trying to comunicate. Sometimes I say Fuck, and sometimes I say F*ck or F### or Fu-. It all depends on what I think is right for the situation. You don't need to censor cause you have to. You do it because you can. Use it to further control how your posts sound. The vibes they give off. Use it to your advantage, just like the rest of the English language.
you're allowed to say "sex" on the internet. See? I just did it. Sex. Sex sex sex. You don't have to say s*x or smex or Adult Fun Times or s3x or "spice" any other variation of self-censorship on tumblr dot com you can just spell out the word SEX i am going to scream until the heat death of the universe
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
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omg hii gummigoo from the amazing digital circus!!!
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
Just a dumb thought, but what if pomni gets a little too curious and trys to explore the world outside of the tent and Caine is just like " you wanna be outside? Fine stay outside". And just ties her to a dog house outside.
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fandomrave · 2 months ago
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