fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
What would your one word of advice be for any fallout writer?
i know you asked about fanwork specifically but if you're going to do anything creative, do it because you like doing it and you want to do it and/or you want to get better at doing it. external validation and attention is nice, everybody wants eyes on their work, but restraint and patience and appreciation for the intrinsic joy of creation will go a long way. being your own primary audience will make you much less mentally ill than desperately chasing notifications, and audiences can be very fickle; especially if you want to take passionate risks with your work then you have to be prepared to alienate people who just want something familiar and comforting (being friends with a couple other like-minded sickos is also great because their thoughts and feedback will always matter more to you than a stranger's). recognize if and when it's not fun for you anymore or doing more harm than good, assess why that is, and either change your process or take some time away if you need to (IKROAH was on hiatus for like eight months last year for this reason).
i make a fancomic because i like drawing and i like making comics and building off the foundations of FNV let me make a comprehensive story relatively quickly that i now get to just make comics about, and making these comics is intrinsically rewarding for me to do as an artist, and making these comics has also helped me develop a process with rather low stakes and made me a lot better at making comics in general and given me a lot of skills that i've taken to my original work. this is sort of a utilitarian way of looking at why i like making my comic but i cannot stress enough that it is also just fun and enjoyable without feeling like a waste of my time or like something i'm stagnating in. every issue of ikroah is a project to me where i try to experiment with my style or push my limits and that results in a really rewarding loop of artistic development, on top of the inherent pride i feel about telling a good story.
oh and for fallout specifically i think another thing i would suggest is to just do what you want. change shit for the sake of changing shit just because it's more fun to write or it works better in the story that you're trying to tell. if you're writing fallout fanfiction then consider that everybody reading has played the game already so the last thing you should do is be recounting in-game dialogue verbatim. anyone who hasn't played the game won't know you changed anything, anyway.
oh and also i think that the best thing that anyone making fanfiction can take influence from is literally anything other than other peoples' fanfiction. diverse and esoteric inspirations in fanfic or even original fiction are important so that you can avoid a sort of creative incest situation where there's a far too small gene pool of influences and references, resulting in work that's hollow and derivative and, worst of all, completely bereft of evidence of the individual taste, personality, and experience of a unique author.
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
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You know he listened to ”A man without love” for months after Roulette asked him this.
This was originally just a sketch for introducing Roulette ”Smiley” to this shitshow but then it suddenly turned into this.
Bennys design is still all over the place because i can’t decide if i want him to look more like Mr. Siegel or not but UGH the point i’m trying to make is Swank is a fucking babe
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
Okay Walter White was actually pretty funny as a character bc he was so toxic that seasoned drug lords were like I cannot work w this man I have to put my mental health first
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
Quick thing im trying out clip studio
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
I’m curious, reblog this with your view on ocs!
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
Mutuals who I have hardly spoken with but we instead communicate through silently liking and reblogging each other's posts... I hope you're all having a lovely day ✨
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
Just recently started writing fanfiction over the last few days. I remember I used to do it night and day. Now I'm old. I can't do it at night. My bones ache. My eyes grow heavy.
Why am I old?
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
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omg fit check !!!
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
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patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
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oodles of boone doodles..boodles?
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
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how does he get hurt so often, its like hes got a death wish or something…
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
anonymously tell me what my specialty as a fanfiction writer is
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
Are you trapped on tumblr right now?
Is there something you planned to do before you got trapped in the endless tumblr scroll?
Are you yelling at yourself to get up and do the thing, but you can’t, because you’re trapped in the endless tumblr scroll?
Consider this your save point.
Put tumblr down, stand up, stretch, and go do the thing you planned to do. Future you will be incredibly grateful.
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
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I made it
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fandomanxiety-fa · 2 years
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I see no difference
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