you were not a monster, you were a child.
you were not a monster. you were a child.
you are not a monster. you were a child.
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[Text: This user sometimes forgets they're a system due to being frontstuck often and for long periods.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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"Delayed triggers" happen. Sometimes, you might not notice your trigger and get triggered later when you do. Brains work in mysterious ways. It's okay. You're not faking or being attention-seeking for it.
-emotion holder
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shout to system who have factives of people they are still around irl and deal with that <33 you’re so strong >:D
shout out to fictives who don’t have any or very little connection with their source!! you’re still vv special and unique ^^
shout out to system who split introject super easy!! it doesn’t make you any less valid <33
shout out to factives who have a hard time dealing with the fact they’re sourced from a real person. you’re still you’re own person <33
shout out to fictives who have strong connection with their source and therefore don’t interact with it much! <333 *nom*
other systems feel free to add onto this post!! <33
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Here's some things that can be dissociation related that you might not have considered:
Severe or Sudden Fatigue
aches and pains with no clear cause
weakness with no clear cause
blurred or "wobbly" vision
feeling "pressure" in the ears or head
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As someone who has had a very traumatic miscarriage of a very wished for baby, I am still pro choice. I still support people who choose that for themselves. I still think people should have safe access to reproductive choices. I am sick of seeing people who have experienced miscarriage projecting their feelings onto people who are not in their shoes. Your infertility has no place in the discussion of anothers reproductive rights. Get the fuck out of the conversation.
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this song hits so different when you relate it to your little one </3
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constantly referring to our syskids as my “little cousins”
Plural culture is refering to your headmates as a friend or just as "someone" when talking about them outside of plural centric spaces.
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systems are going to evolve as society evolves.
Honestly, the Rise Of Introject Heavy Systems™ makes a lot of sense when you realize
1. Gen z grew up with the internet, exposed to literally every single character that exists
2. Comfort splits (splitting an alter for the purpose of comforting another alter) exist, and can go on and on with any alters/headmates
This, mixed with the amount of Comfort Characters™ that everyone has?
Makes sense
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heartmate !
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heartmate is a term used to refer to a headmate with a special connection to another headmate! they can split months or even years apart, but upon splitting, they will immediately feel drawn to each other.
the relationship can be familial, platonic, romantic, or anything else, but the pair will be fiercely protective of one another and possibly feel each other’s emotions.
the bond between heartmates is referred to as a heartbond. a heartbond cannot be broken.
examples of term use:
✖️ “edie and elsie are heartmates.”
✖️ “i think ellie and quinley have a heartbond.”
✖️ “bunny is my heartmate.”
this term has already been added to pluralpedia !
this term was previously coined on @sunkissed-mogai by mod angel ! the label and flag are our own ; we are not stealing.
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꒰⠀⠀♡⠀🦢⠀ ﹕ ⠀ SWANKID.
coined by the angel blade sidesystem, flag designed by doelike.
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swankid - an alter role relating to syskids/young alters who have mature trauma, usually relating to sexual trauma and the like.
a more kid-friendly alternative for littlex in the case that an alter/system isnt comfortable with the term 'little' for system children.
the swan represents a gentle reminder to the alters experiences while also not revealing too much information, alluding to life-altering bonds formed in youth. swans are generally seen as elegant and youthful, symbolizing innocence and childhood.
this is not meant to romantizice or glamourize the alters trauma, but to make it feel as if it's not something gross or wrong with them.
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reminder that sexual syskids exist and deserve to be loved and nurtured and protected, not harmed further (even if they say that’s what they want.)
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System experiences I rarely see being talked about
Host is an age slider
Sexual trauma holder being an age slider or a little
Having biblical/religious alters (for example: angels, demons, Gods/goddesses and/or a prominent religious figures)
Having no inner world
Having littles acting older then their age
Littles being gatekeepers
Having one room as an inner world
Different alters having different religions and how the system navigates having several different religions
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literally what the fuck
- Yang
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this post is for the systems who aren't constantly switching and usually only switch from the host for a few hours at best. a lot of systems always seem to be switching a lot and seeing that lead me into denial because our switches aren't as frequent and it's the host that's fronting the majority of the time. it's normal and you don't have to have hella switches every day to be a system. just remember there's no set or "right" way to be a system <3
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a “horror” movie where the main character had DID/OSDD and they’re possessed by a demon but didn’t realize because the system just thinks there’s a new alter
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- Lilith
Just so we're clear.
Fictives are not a sign of faking.
Quiet/Loud switches are not a sign of faking.
Large systems are not a sign of faking.
Switching a lot is not a sign of faking.
Not switching much is not a sign of faking.
Emotional amnesia is still amnesia.
Don't force people to address trauma they may not even remember.
Don't force people to remember trauma.
Childhood traumas don't have to be what an adult would consider extreme. Kids are a lot more sensitive to stimuli and cruelty.
And some systems have done fucked up shit in their childhoods, it's not their fault they had to survive.
Be kind, people need it.
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