Hey, I'm Kirsten![20-something] [She/her] [Spoonie] [Christian] [Self-taught artist/writer] This is a blog about chronic illness, life, loving God, and creativity. I focus on self-love & staying creative through tough times.[Mobile Navigation] ❤︎ [Donate]
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I saw this on Facebook and went to check my registration status, sure it was fine because I voted recently, but I put in the info and it said I’m not registered
PLEASE, especially if you’re a Black voter, check your registration status at vote.org
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mystery inc. | daphne blake
“Now who’s the damsel in distress?”
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Quick Reminder...
The COVID-19 virus has not changed
Your immune system has not changed
There is no vaccine
There is no cure
What’s Different?
Fewer government-directed restrictions
That’s literally it: fewer lockdowns, closures, and stay-at-home orders, often due to political pressure.
But COVID-19 is still here. It’s still contagious. People are still getting it. People are still dying from it. Just because it’s not as prominent in the news does not mean that this 2020 story arc has concluded!
Wash your hands
Continue social distancing
Wear a face mask
Protect high-risk and vulnerable people
Self-isolate if sick, quarantine if exposed
Help flatten the curve and contain the outbreaks
Source: I am an actual contact tracer and I just got home from a very long shift where we are having to reach out to more and more and more people as they are exposed to people with positive COVID-19 tests.
Please stay safe.
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ways to help protestors if you are unable to protest
everybody has to do their part. as a reference, this was posted on 1 june 2020. if any links are broken or direct to a place they should not, please feel free to add on with corrections. if there is new information with better knowledge, please feel free to share. thank you.
1. donate
do not donate to shaun king. he has repeatedly collected money to “support” black people, but no one knows where the money is.
note: washington dc and new jersey have cashless bail systems.
bail fund google doc (also includes lawyers for protestors)
national bail fund network (directory of community bail funds)
community bail funds masterpost by @keplercryptids
resistance funds (google sheets; lists bail funds around the country)
nationwide bail funds (split a donation to the bail funds listed on the linked page with a single transaction)
atlanta bail fund
brooklyn bail fund
colorado freedom fund
columbus freedom fund
houston chapter of black lives matter
liberty fund (nyc based; focuses services on people from low-income communities)
los angeles freedom fund
louisville community fund
massachusetts bail fund
minnesota freedom fund (as of may 30, 2020, they are encouraging people to donate elsewhere since they have raised enough money; as of may 29, 2020, they do not have a venmo, as some fraudulent accounts have been claiming, source)
philadelphia bail out fund
richmond bail fund
note: more links are listed in the masterposts below.
northstar health collective (healthcare and medical aid for people on the front lines)
reclaim the block (aims to redistribute police funding to help the minneapolis community)
twin cities dsa (provides fresh groceries and hot meals to people in minneapolis)
2. educate yourself
it isn’t enough to sign petitions and reblog/retweet/etc. nonblack people, including people of color, owe it to black people to educate themselves and correct themselves and the people around them on anti-blackness.
note: more links are in the masterposts linked below.
resources and tools regarding racism and anti-blackness (google sheets compilation)
readings on society, racism, the prison system, etc. (twitter thread)
“where do we go after ferguson?” by michael eric dyson
official black lives matter website
3. give out supplies to protestors
people need supplies to protest safely, and even if they bring supplies with them, they can often run out. if you’re able, stock up and hand them out to people protesting. for more supplies to donate, see the “george floyd action” google docs link in section 5.
water bottles (dehydration and heatstroke are not things people should have to deal with alongside bastard cops. if the police in your area are particularly violent or known to use tear gas, get the ones with the sports cap/suction-thing/etc so people can use them as emergency eye-flushes.)
snacks (make sure to take into account that people have allergies of all sorts. foods will have a little label that says “may contain” and then list any potential allergens. write the allergens on the ziploc (or any container you use) in permanent marker, or better yet, write the snacks included in the pack.)
masks (don’t forget there’s still a pandemic going on. also it will aid in deterring facial recognition when the police try to track down protestors, also part two, if the cops use tear gas, wearing a mask (with the combination of a scarf or bandana) will lessen the adverse effects. lessen, not stop.)
bandanas, scarves, etc. and goggles (ski goggles, swimming goggles, etc.) (see above for explanation on the scarves. same goes for the goggles. anti–tear gas and anti–facial recognition.)
clean shirts (for people who are heavily gassed. also helps deter recognition through clothing.)
wound care supplies (band-aids, packets of neosporin packets or a similar antibiotic, alcohol wipes, etc.; if you can, decant bactine into those little travel bottles.)
a sharpie or another type of marker (for writing bail numbers or emergency contacts on arms, hands, etc. it’s not enough to have your city’s bail fund number stored on your phone; the police won’t give it to you to look it up. give people a marker so they can write it down, preferably not washable so it isn’t easily removed.)
tear gas: if you’re hit, get out as fast and as soon as you can. take anyone you can with you. the longer you’re in the gas, the harder it will be for you to see, and it can irritate your airways, making it hard to breathe. if you’re hit, don’t run; it’ll only make things worse on your lungs. when you leave the area, take a cold shower. don’t use hot water (it will only reactivate the agent); don’t bathe (it will only spread the CS around). (source 1) (source 2) (cdc fact sheet on tear gas)
move them to a clean and ventilated area where it’s as safe as possible.
ask them if they’re wearing contact lenses. have them remove it. if they’re wearing glasses, rinse it with water.
solution of half liquid antacid, half water. spray from the inside going out, with the head tilted back and slightly towards the side being rinsed. if they say it’s okay, open the eye slightly while doing this. (source)
bullet wounds: the most important thing is to stop the bleeding. be sure to check for an exit wound and cover that as well. treat both wounds, but treat the worse one first.
stop the bleed (youtube video by uc san diego health)
first aid in active shooting scenarios
making a tourniquet (a commercial tourniquet is best, but improvised ones can work as well if done properly; the most important things to remember is that tourniquets are for limb injuries and are not meant for the head or torso and that they have to be very tightly wound on the injury.)
how to apply pressure dressings
adult cpr tutorial (youtube video by cincinnati children’s; think of “staying alive” by the beegees or “uptown funk”)
4. be a source of information
be responsible with this. people’s lives are at stake. that being said, the media is a fucking joke and the best way to get accurate information in a grassroots rebellion is amongst ourselves. record everything, but if you are going to share any information at all, be sure to blur people’s faces.
signal (encrypted messenger app; messages delete after x amount of time): app store | google play
tool for scrubbing metadata from images and selectively blurring identifiable features
tech tips to protect yourself while protesting (by rey.nbows on tiktok, via vicent_efl on twitter)
cop spotting 101 (google docs)
know your rights (by personachuu on twitter)
remember to keep phones OFF unless absolutely necessary. cell phone towers, stingrays, location notifs can all be used to track you and other protestors. don’t fuck around. if your phone must be on, keep it on airplane mode as often as possible and only communicate using encrypted methods. no, snapchat doesn’t count. (a twitter thread on stingrays, for those interested)
lawyers assisting protestors pro-bono (by riyakatariax on twitter)
atlanta: 404-689-1519
chicago: 773-309-1198
minneapolis: 612-444-2654
5. miscellaneous links and links for protestors
masterpost of petitions to sign, numbers to call, places to donate, and more (carrd by dehyedration on twitter)
#blacklivesmatter (google docs by ambivaIcnt on twitter; includes information on relevant events, other masterposts, lists of petitions and donation links, how to protest safely and protests to go to, and more)
george floyd action (google docs; includes information on apps to download, supplies to buy and donate, places to donate to, protest safety, resources on unlearning racial bias, and more)
how to get out of ziptie “handcuffs” (by finnianj on tiktok, via katzerax on twitter)
how can i help? by @abbiheartstaylor
how to make a signal-blocking cell phone pouch
tips for protestors by @aurora00boredealis
twitter thread for protestors (by vantaemuseum on twitter)
also, if you’re protesting, change your passcode. make it at least 11 characters long and don’t use facial/thumb recognition.
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i’m sure i’ve missed a few things, but i can’t stand to look at it any longer. i present to you: the good, the bad, and the ugly of tumblr throughout the decade
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So, like, in defense of the Rankin Bass, Rudolph, special, in regards to that whole, “People will ostracize you until they find you useful! Hissss!”, criticism people won’t shut up about. And btw, I’m not referring to the people who are obviously just joking or saying it as some kind of snarky way of mocking that very criticism, I’m referring to those who seriously %100 believe that’s the message with this special. Here’s something I’ve been wanting to say in response to that for a long time:
If you actually paid attention to the entire special, you know they began to actually feel remorseful for how they treated Rudolph
and Hermey, and basically apologized to them when they got back, and this was before that whole news with that snowstorm fucking things up for Santa happened.
They didn’t magically start to be all apologetic just because they noticed Rudolph’s freak glowing nose could be of use.You know that, right?
Your’s truly, a person who was bullied growing up and always felt like the odd man out even now, so this special has always resonated with me, and it annoys the shit out of me when obviously bitter pedantic people insist on pushing a narrative that is not there because they desperately want to look and sound smarter than they actually are.
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"Anything mentionable is manageable."
-Fred Rogers

I grew up watching Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. He reminded me so much of my dad that I would sit and listen to his show each day after school. He looked you right in the eye as if he were speaking directly to your heart. The subjects he discussed were sad like death and divorce and anger. They were such strange topics to me at 6. Now I realize they needed to be mentioned to be managed.
As I watched the movie about his life today, I wanted to return to that little girl who sat wide-eyed and confused. I wish now he'd give me the longest bear hug and take the tremendous responsibility of adulthood off my chest. He'd say, "You know, heartbreak or sadness or loss of faith in humanity is only a temporary feeling." He'd hold my hand, and we'd take a walk releasing all the painful words we felt to the winter sky. We'd cry some, too; I'd leave tears on his red sweater, but life's aches would gradually close up and heal.
Perhaps Mr. Rogers is still real because I believe in his tremendous capacity for generosity and compassion. He is the Santa Claus who resides within my heart and yours, the father figure we all wish for until we learn to cultivate such kindness and love for ourselves.
Happy Holidays! May your hearts be full of love.
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there are literally protests going on all over India against the citizenship amendment bills that has linked citizenship to not being a Muslim and i haven't heard a peep about it in any international media, and all Indian media are basically the mouth pieces of the fascist hindutva government. please reblog this. (On 13. 12. 19)
Here are a few images
jamia millia islamia, a muslim majority university in new delhi

Hyderabad, a city in uttar pradesh


These are all from North India. I can't find any photos from assam and north east, an area with high Muslim and indigenous population, where this law will affect the most number of people. Internet has been shut down. There are reports of the police already killing 4 people. PLEASE SPREAD AWARENESS. if you have any pictures, please add on.
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happy two year anniversary! THE GREATEST SHOWMAN (2017) dir. michael gracey
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Thinkin about how as kids parents told us to clean our rooms without having ever shown us how to themselves, taught us any organizational skills, spatial management, or any other knowledge necessary to know how to efficiently tackle a mess without getting overwhelmed and then got exasperated when we as ten year olds didn’t just……figure it out
#parenting#adulting#cleaning#neurodivergent#adhd#ocd#teach your kids how to do stuff!#they dont inherently know#teaching#executive function disorder#executive disfunction#executive function#these are good tips for adults too#it doesnt have to be perfect!
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We really need to normalise exercising and eating well for reasons other than losing weight or building huge amounts of muscle. I’ve started going to the gym recently to relieve stress and help me sleep but despite the fact that I fit into shirts and skirts in size small, I’ve been asked if I’m trying to lose weight numerous times.
Here’s a list of non-aesthetic reasons to exercise:
relieves stress
keeps you healthy
improves sleep
can have a positive effect on mental health
makes you stronger and fitter
something to focus on other than work/school/uni
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Me: I feel like the South has this culture of generous hospitality being the norm that’s lost in the rest of America. It’s generally accepted there to not let people leave your house without a plate of food and to spend half an hour talking with your visitor next to the car before letting them leave and it’s just … not like that in other places.
Someone, inevitably: excuse me go back to fucking your cousin?? (insert classist, ableist insults) a pitcher of sweet tea called me a homophobic slur
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Guys… I’ve invented this totally new thing called needing all the kitchen clutter.
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Hey guys! As you might have seen, kemeadows has rebranded to Faith Love & Stardust!
I will be focusing more on self-care and love, having a relationship with God, creativity, and life with chronic illness.
This will be my main blog for now, but I’m hoping to set up a real website soon since tumblr is dying a slow, fiery death. I plan on going down with the ship, but my art blog @kirstenmeadowsart is just getting up and running and I’m afraid tumblr is going to flag literally everything before I even get to post much. We’ll see how it goes, but Faith Love & Stardust will stay until the end :)
If anyone wants to unfollow, I don’t mind at all. I know a lot of you followed me from when I was a writeblr. I will still have word of the day posts and other reblogs, but my main focus will be the actual blog part. I encourage you to stick around though and see how you like it!
#rebrand#faithloveandstardust#tumblr#kemeadows#self care#self love#God#creativity#chronic illness#chronic babe#spoonie
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trice : Now only in the term in a trice: a very short time; an instant, a moment. [...]
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