me when my ship isn't canon
it doesn't go your way and people are never gay
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so pure
I’ve always thought that the title of “So You Think You Can Dance” was sinister af. Added an Evil German accent. Can’t stop laughing.
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there are so many layers to why this vine is immaculate. the slight blur of maple in the background. the halo effect on her fur. the warm autumn lighting. there are no flaws to this and i could watch it forever
More animal vines here
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“I’m a non-Christian living the South, I can’t even go to a god damn potluck without having to thank some space fairy for the broccoli casserole, and honey, it makes me a little uncomfortable.”
This is me at every family gathering.
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1. Stop replying to unworthy messages just to keep a conversation going. 2. Don’t start forced conversations. 3. Stop waiting for Fridays, live for Mondays, live for everyday, your weekends only make a fraction of your life. 4. Be happy being alone, but learn to appreciate company. 5. Stop holding grudges, learn to forgive. 6. Be enthusiastic about everything! 7. Learn to put the past behind you. 8. Stop being afraid of silence. 9. Talk less, watch more. 10. Don’t wonder ‘what if’. If it was meant to happen, it would have happened. 11. Read more, you’ll be glad you did. 12. Learn to be apathetic about people leaving, hold the door open for them. 13. Know your own self-worth, love yourself most. 14. Accept mistakes, perfection is often fake. 15. Draw stuff, make stuff, make art. 16. Spend more time outdoors. 17. But know that sometimes just getting out of bed is enough of an achievement. 18. Listen to happy music, listen to sad music, listen to something that keeps the silence from your ears. 19. See your friends more often, but also find comfort in spending time just watching the world go by on your own. 20. Don’t be afraid of terminating toxic relationships. 21. Smile more, smile at everybody. Sometimes they’ll need a smile more than you. 22. Find a reason to get up every morning, and a reason to go to sleep smiling. 23. Follow through with your ideas, no matter how small or silly they may seem. 24. Take more pictures, they’ll be perfect for nostalgia later on. 25. Plan for the future, but don’t live in the planning, things can change in the present while you’re too busy looking ahead 26. Get good sleep. but stay up until 4am every now and then, and observe how you change. 27. Write. Write songs, write stories, write poems. Write. 28. Sing, nobody really cares whether you’re bad. 29. Stop waiting for people to miss you, if they’re not with you, they don’t deserve to be. 30. Curse less. 31. Love more. 32. Become as happy as it’s possible for you to be. 33. Repeat.
33 Ways I learnt to get by without you. (via ink-will-spill)
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i really love our generation’s joke trend of like, very calm but incredibly inflated hyperbole. like nobody says “oh she’s pretty” anymore we say “i would willingly let her murder me” and everyone is just like “lol same”
i think “same” is also great and “me,” i love when somebody reblogs a picture of like, a lizard, and just says “me” and we all know exactly what they mean. the current online Humor Discourse is remarkable because we trade exclusively in metaphors and implications and nobody ever, ever says anything outright and yet EVERYBODY understands each other perfectly
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Waka Flocka Flame Made Vegan Muffins
The people over at MUNCHIES teamed up with Atlanta’s own Waka Flocka Flame and musician Raury to make blueberry muffins that look so damn good. And the best part? They’re vegan! Waka and Raury are both committed vegans, so they know that a plant-based diet saves over 100 animals every year, is better for the environment, and is healthier for them.
Waka stared in a “Ink, Not Mink” campaign in which he encouraged the hip-hop community to“understand what you buy” and think of the animals killed for their fur, such as foxes, minks, rabbits—and even dogs and cats.

In the second ad he warns cowards to “pick on somebody your own size” and encourages everyone to treat companion animals with kindness.

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hey guys psa regarding hospital bills
don’t just pay it. do not automatically pay the hospital bill when you receive it. call your health insurance provider and POLITELY say, “Excuse me, I just received a bill for $1200 for my hospital visit/ER visit/etc., is that the correct amount I’m supposed to pay?” because hospitals bill you before your health insurance and they will take your money no matter how the amount due may change based on your health insurance looking at it. 90% of the time, if your health insurance is in any way involved in the payment of that bill, you do not have to pay as much as the hospital is billing you for. call your health insurance provider first, and POLITELY request clarification, always remember that the person you are talking to is human and this is just their job, and then you will very likely find out you actually only owe $500.
don’t shout at anyone about it, don’t get mad, just understand that this is The Way Things Are right now and call your health insurance provider before paying the bill your hospital just sent you. there’s a chance the hospital bill might be correct, true, but call your health insurance provider.
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Transition Words For Your Essays
Transition Signals:
Transitions are words and phrases that connect ideas and show how they are related.
To repeat and ideas just stated:
In other words,
That is,
To repeat,
To illustrate an idea:
For example,
For instance,
In particular,
To illustrate,
In this manner,
To announce a contrast, a change in direction:
On the other hand,
In contrast,
Instead of,
On the contrary,
In spite of this,
At once,
In the interim,
At length,
At last,
In the meantime,
At the same time,
In the end,
To restate an idea more precisely:
To be exact,
To be specific,
To be precise,
More specifically,
More precisely,
To mark a new idea as an addition to what has been said:
In addition,
To show cause and effect:
As a result,
For this reason,
In short,
To conclude,
In brief,
On the whole,
In summary,
To sum up,
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Tomorrow, Tumblr Divided. Following the world premiere of the brand new Captain America: Civil War trailer, Team Cap and Team Iron Man will be answering questions live at 10 am PST/1 pm EST.
Join Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, Sebastian Stan, Chadwick Boseman and The Russo Brothers for an Answer Time Session on BuzzFeed’s official Tumblr.
Ask your questions here!
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Reblog if your blog supports Kesha and ANYONE going through sexual, mental and/or physical abuse
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skylines and turnstiles [my chemical romance] // mastas of ravenkroft [my chemical romance]
ever notice that the first line of my chemical romance’s first ever released song was ‘you’re not in this alone’ and the last line of their last released song was ‘i’m so fucking alone’?
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apparently i am a 'sweet hipster' this is great wow the perfect disguise for satan
i made an aesthetic generator now you can discover urself
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