extremecutting · 11 years
Day 28 - A Bittersweet Cut
Thank you.
Here are the results after 28 days, like the title suggests 'Extreme Cutting'- it wasn't to be! Obviously started off well, with good energy, lost motivation in the middle, picked it back up with towards the end it was a little disappointing- Will be back with extreme bulking next time- I bet that's easier to do. 
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extremecutting · 11 years
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Thank you #nisia. Lets Ander's Baby! =)
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extremecutting · 11 years
Day- Lost Count!
Sorry for no updates, and not having given feedback to your questions, I've had some bad news- which I'm still recovering from! Will follow up with the progress tomorrow!
R.I.P Pooja Raipancholi- Missing you a lot! :(
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extremecutting · 11 years
Day 12 - Active Recovery (Rest Day!)
Even though rest days are meant to be either complete rest or a light jog- I had some extra energy I wanted to get rid of so I decided for active recovery! - 
- Dumbbell Chest Press - 3 Sets - 10 Reps
- Decline Barbell Chest Press - 3 Sets - 8 Reps
- Dumbbell Flyes - 3 Sets Reps to fail
- Skip Rope - 10 Minutes - Alternate Legs!
- Leg Press - 12 reps
- 5 Minute - 1.6 K Run!
End of session!
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extremecutting · 11 years
Day 11- LEGS!
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It's my favorite workout day- Just LEGS! since I'm probably a 70% Endomorph, I have strong legs, check that- HEAVY LEGS! :p which is probably the reason I can't to pull ups! Weak Upper Body- Strong Lower body!- anyways: - since I have given LEG routine its own day- I wanted to try lifting heavier, and it worked- My barbell squats have gone up from 110 Lbs to 135 Lbs, and my leg press went from 160 lbs to 200 lbs. =)
Here's what the routine was
- Barbell Squats- 3 Sets - 12 Reps
- Leg Press - 3 Sets - 12 Reps
- Seated Calf Raise - 3 Sets 10 8 6 Reps
- Dead Lift- to fail.
No Cardio today! 
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extremecutting · 11 years
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A Day in the GYM!
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extremecutting · 11 years
Day 10!
 Today I decided to work just one muscle group, the Shoulders! This was because of various reasons- the main being that I usually do legs on the same day as shoulders, and after a leg routine its impossible to do cardiovascular training! so decided that its only shoulders followed by a new method of cardio-training that I wanted to try, so after a 1km warm up jog- I hit the weights to train my shoulders:
Barbell Clean and Press - 3 Sets - 6 - 6 - 3 Reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3 Sets - 8 Reps each.
Lateral Dumbbell Raise - 2 Sets, reps to fail
Front Raise - 2 Sets, Reps to fail.
Since I do HIIT on alternate days, I do steady state-cardio for about 30 minutes on non-HIIT days, usually between 10-12 KMPH for half an hour. Today I wanted to try a new method- here's what I did and why:-
To begin with I Put on a tight (not very but relatively tight) t-shirt, and a loose one over it- This was so I can sweat more and increase the blood flow, esp. towards my stomach since its the area I wanted to target.
Phase 1: Run for 15 Minutes- at a steady state- 12 Kph, - This was so I can perspire, and get my body into aerobic state.
Phase 2: Abdominal Exercises (Decline Crunches, Planks) - right after the 15 minute run, I started stretching followed by ab exercises, this was to test a theory that states when the blood is flowing into a muscle group and you train it- it burns more calories in that area- and this one being the targeted ABDOMINAL AREA!
Phase 3: Rest for 10 Minutes- It’s important that my body doesn't go into a catabolic state, where the required energy would come from the muscles- so a rest will enable my heart to slow down and my body will have mobilized the fat-cells into my blood stream.
Phase 4: Run again for 15 minutes- 2 Minutes at 10 Kph, and 1 Minute at 17 Kph (Almost like HIIT) for 4 rounds, followed by 3 minutes warm down. – This is to shoot up my heart rate and burn fat.
I’m doing my best to answer some of your questions quickly- but please bear with me as I need to research some topics more extensively before I can write about them!
Keep the questions and motivational messages coming! Loving it!
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extremecutting · 11 years
Day 9 - Back, Biceps (&HIIT)
Not the most intense workout session today, but definitely an exciting one, I've convinced my dad to start weight training, well to be concise- He used to weigh about 80 Kgs- at the start of 2012, he then decided to run- just RUN! no change in diet! - he started building prodigious endurance- and shot up from 4 Kilometers to about 15 Kilometers a day- 4-5 times a week, in just under 6 months- In over a year he lost 18 Kgs- sounds impressive, yes- but since he seldom did weight training some of the weight loss was not only fat- but MUSCLE too!
Today was his first day at weight training and here'show our session went..
Dead Lift - 2 Sets - 6 Reps (Heavy Weights)
Lat Pull down - 3 Sets - 8 Reps (Medium Weights)
Seated Row - 3 Sets - 10 Reps (Medium Weights)
Back Extension- 1 set to failure.
Crunches - 1 set of reps to fail in each, decline crunches, hand to leg ball pass crunches.
Biceps -
Dumbbell Curl  - 3 sets 8 reps
Barbell Curl (Concentration) - 3 sets reps to failure.
Standing Barbell Curl - 3 Sets reps to Failure.
Followed by High Intensity Interval training on an elliptical. 
Not even going close to the sauna and plunge pool. Maybe in a Week! :P
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extremecutting · 11 years
Day 8- Chest and Triceps (&End of week Pictures)
After yesterdays "panic-attack" I wanted to take it a bit slow today- but once I hit the gym, it changed, - did the usual chest and tricep routine- 3 sets of 8-10 reps each. My bench press has gone up about 2.5 kgs, still not going to tell you how much it is, because its rather embarrassing (still). To be very honest I haven't really followed my diet plan properly- not that I've been eating junk- just food that my mum cooks! So yeah, the end of 1st week and still not "extreme cutting" like I'm suppose to. Anyways, not many notable differences elsewhere from week 1, didn't have anyone around to take the pictures for me- so took some my self for the update. Loving the progress on my shoulders, and a little difference on my lower abdominal section.  Weight has weirdly gone up to 73 kgs. I need to start taking this seriously, as I have 20 days before I'm back in India for yet another holiday! :) . 
Anyways, Tell me if you see a difference from day 1. http://extremecutting.tumblr.com/post/46103355118/day-1-embarrassingly-endomorph-ic
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Thanks to all the new followers and mails wishing me well. You guys keep me motivated! 
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extremecutting · 11 years
Day 7- Panic Attack!
Sorry for not updating my blog for the past couple of days, just been busy- WORKING OUT! =p... well, yesterday was rest day- but the blog was completely out of my mind- today after an intense session of lifting and HIIT- I had a panic attack, well almost- my heart beat went up considerably, I would put it at about 190-200 beats per minute, and just could think straight, felt really really weak, but managed to breathe deep- in and out, almost zoned out while taking to someone about supplements- anyways, it could have been due to several reasons, just can't figure out which one. I worked out on an empty stomach, and went to the sauna straight after my High Intensity Interval training- which could mean I was severely dehydrated- which caused the dizziness and increase in heart rate. It could also be the fact that I went from outside hot to cold and back to hot straight after workout that caused my body to react adversely. Whatever the reason, it SCARED the f*ck out of me! 
Anyways, tomorrow is a new day- Chest and Triceps with a little bit of leg- and 6k run! Cannot wait! 
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extremecutting · 11 years
Day 3 Update!
Sorry about not updating day 2, to be honest- it wasn't the most motivating day- body was sore from day 1 - but still managed to get the workout done! did not however do the expected 6 kilometer run. Infact, did not do any cardio at all.. 
Moving on to day 3- just back from the gym- Very Intense workout- Back and Biceps (My favourite Routine)-
Back - Lat pull down - 2 sets 8 reps, Rowing Machine- 3 sets - 15 reps, Back Extension - 3 Sets, 15 Reps. 
Biceps - Dumbbell Curl - 3 sets - 15 reps. Barbell Concentration Curl - 3 sets (close grip - shoulder length grip and wide grip) 30 reps. 
Abs - Decline Crunches, Decline Bench Press with crunches 3 sets - 10 reps. 
NOW this KILLED ME. 3 Minute Warm up followed by 20 second maximum intensity and 40 second low intensity, - lasted 4 rounds before I couldn't take it anymore- took me 10 minutes to get off- and as I type almost 40 minutes later- I can still feel the after burn. Definitely recommend HIIT guys. Check out the tabata protocol - 
Give it a try- YOU WONT REGRET IT!
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extremecutting · 11 years
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extremecutting · 11 years
Day 2 Workout: (Shoulders, Back and Legs)
Seated Lateral Raise - 3 Sets Negative Reps 
Seated Alternating Dumbbell Raise - 3 Sets Negative Reps
Shoulder Press up machine - 3 Sets Negative Reps
Seated Dumbbell Press - 3 Sets Negative Reps
Static Hold DB Front Raise - to failure 
Back and Abs  - 
Pull ups to fail
Weighted (Plate) Crunches - 15
Diamond Push ups - to fail
Back Machine - 3 Sets - 10 reps
Leg Press sets - 10 10 10
Lying leg press - 10 10 10
  Followed by complete body stretching (specially Legs) and a 6 Kilometer Run! 
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extremecutting · 11 years
The Best High Intensity Interval training music -sprint to the drop- rest to the vocals. 
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extremecutting · 11 years
The 4 week Diet Plan
Here's the 4 Week diet plan I'm going to follow. Its going to be the same almost everyday except on weekends- I will have a carb re-feed and mostly juggle these foods around. 
So around 1700-2000 Calories a day.
Breakfast: (Post Morning Workout) - 4 Egg White Omelette, 2 Scoops Protein Shake with Milk. 
Snack 1: 1/2 Ounce Almonds, 1 Medium Apple
Lunch:  100g Grilled Chicken Breast with Boiled Vegetables
Pre-Post Workout Shake (Evening): 4 Scoops Protein Shake, 5g Creatine, 1 Banana, 1 Ounce Oats.
Dinner: 2 Egg white Omelette, grilled vegetables.
Snack 2 (Pre-Bed):  Cottage Cheese or Mixed Berries (1 Serving)
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extremecutting · 11 years
Create a meal plan around these foods.
Eat 6-7 Times a day, 3 Hours apart. 
50% Protein - 30%Fat - 20% Carbs!
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extremecutting · 11 years
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Here's some TRUTH! 
Eat Right. 
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