extremecutting · 11 years
Day 9 - Back, Biceps (&HIIT)
Not the most intense workout session today, but definitely an exciting one, I've convinced my dad to start weight training, well to be concise- He used to weigh about 80 Kgs- at the start of 2012, he then decided to run- just RUN! no change in diet! - he started building prodigious endurance- and shot up from 4 Kilometers to about 15 Kilometers a day- 4-5 times a week, in just under 6 months- In over a year he lost 18 Kgs- sounds impressive, yes- but since he seldom did weight training some of the weight loss was not only fat- but MUSCLE too!
Today was his first day at weight training and here'show our session went..
Dead Lift - 2 Sets - 6 Reps (Heavy Weights)
Lat Pull down - 3 Sets - 8 Reps (Medium Weights)
Seated Row - 3 Sets - 10 Reps (Medium Weights)
Back Extension- 1 set to failure.
Crunches - 1 set of reps to fail in each, decline crunches, hand to leg ball pass crunches.
Biceps -
Dumbbell Curl  - 3 sets 8 reps
Barbell Curl (Concentration) - 3 sets reps to failure.
Standing Barbell Curl - 3 Sets reps to Failure.
Followed by High Intensity Interval training on an elliptical. 
Not even going close to the sauna and plunge pool. Maybe in a Week! :P
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