palpattine :
Since the 1960s, Ed and Lorraine Warren have been known as the world’s most renowned paranormal investigators. Lorraine is a gifted clairvoyant, while Ed is the only non-ordained Demonologist recognized by the Catholic church.
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@kiramillerx / / liked this !
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                                         he's got a notebook & a pen , the  utensil  even poised in the a i r as if he HAD planned on  using  it . the only sound the CLICKING of the pen until he speaks , THOUGHTFULLY ❜ was there anyone else who saw this ? or were you a l o n e ? ❛
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                                      ❜ no , we're  ACTUALLY  just researching things that the government is  k e e p i n g  from the people . we have the right to know , if you feel  THREATENED  by that , that's  YOUR  problem , not ours . ❛
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                                         he's quite the PICTURE of professionalism , his hair rivaling that of a  mad  scientist & his stained jacket ( which he  SLEPT  in ) hanging loosely off of his figure , ❜  actually  i was hoping we could work  together  . ❛ after all weren't they the  SAME  ? one was just  slightly  less official .
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Basic Angst Starters
because sometimes what’s left to the imagination is much more terrifying.
“Are you feeling alright? You don’t look it.” “I just heard something… Something bad…” “Why didn’t you tell me about this?!” “What’s all this blood?!” “Will you tell me what the fuck is going on?” “Don’t give me that look! It wasn’t my fault!” “You should probably sit down for this.” “Please tell me you forgive me!” “I can’t live without you!” “Oh god, It was a mistake coming here… I’m sure of it.” “What the hell happened to you?!” “Where have you been?! I’ve been waiting for hours!” “You promised you wouldn’t do this anymore!” “I knew not to trust you!” “What’s that in your bag…? Is that–? Tell me it’s not!” “Is this what a dislocated shoulder feels like?!” “How could you do this to me?!” “Wake up! Wake up!!! You’re having a nightmare!” “I feel weird… what was in that drink…?” “I don’t want to leave you, but you’re not really giving me another option.” “Please… you’re scaring me…” “Ssh, I heard something again. How aren’t you hearing it? It was loud… and getting closer.” “Are you okay in there? You’ve been so quiet.” “I came as soon as I could! Did he/she get to you already?” “I don’t know whether I want to do this. I don’t know whether I CAN do this.” “Do you remember anything?” “You have to tell me who did this to you!” “No, no, I’m not alright. I’m definitely not alright.” “What’s your fucking problem?!” “Are you crying?” “You’re freaking me out! Please calm down!” “I’m leaving. And I’m not intending to come back.” “You… are dying?” “Did you drink the whole bottle while tripping? Seriously?” “Do you have a deathwish or something? Jesus!” “Ever been held at gunpoint? Want to know what it feels like?” “Stop screaming! Shh, calm down! You have to keep quiet!” “When’s the last time you slept?”.
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@keepingreel / / liked this !
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                                    ❜ no , no , no , don't start filming YET , ❛ his voice is muffled ( but the  GROAN  is accented ) pulling a JET BLACK glove fro between his teeth & pushing the camera down , ❜ we don't  s t a r t  till the interviewee tells their story , got it ? ❛
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@deucalionsdarcy / / liked this !
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                                       he smells like  s m o k e  & car exhaust . hanging out of the window of the broken down l e m o n , ( but from the look in his dark blue eyes , he's f a r away ) ten steps  AHEAD  of the world like  a l w a y s  was , ❜ excuse me , miss , you didn't  HAPPEN  to see a lady running this way ? ❛
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*paranormal now that i finally finished the promo graphic , give this a LIKE & i’ll make you a starter !! 
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░ ◇ ❜ 👽 CALL 818-555-7349 . YOUR RESIDENT PARANORMAL HUNTERS . SPECIALIZING IN , ALIEN LIFE , HANDLING OF EVIDENCE , OCCASIONALLY SPIRITS ( IDENTIFY TYPE OF SPECTER FIRST PLEASE ) . WILLING TO TRAVEL OUT OF ROSWELL . HOUSE SURVEILLANCE REQUESTS ACCEPTED FOR UP TO 48 HOURS BEFORE TIME OF SURVEILLANCE .                   (  x-4 hunting is not liable for any damage done to any property during an investigation .                         nor for anything that may or may not be discovered during said investigation . )
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                                 ❜  UM  actually n o , i'm on the  SIDEWALK  so i'm not  violating  any property . in fact , y o u ' r e  VIOLATING my right to peacefully speak my mind .  so  fuck off ! ❛
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*paranormal like this for a starter from this little babe !!
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How’s it shaking, Mr B?
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androidboy :
who wants to road trip w me we’ll hit as many ufo and paranormal hotspots as we can
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Oh, the stars looked so beautiful, and just like her, they could never be mine.
bleedingatakeyboard (via clairewords)
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tag drop !
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