Been harassed by the big blogs? Send me the Pics
123 posts
The big blogs have been going too far, at this point, it’s time someone makes what they’re doing public knowledge outside of Tumblr
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
exposingthemonster · 5 months ago
I thought I would be making this at a later date, but I’m going to state it now. This blog is not gonna continue.
I will leave it up as an archive, though I do not know how to deactivate side blogs, so as of now it will remain active until I figure out how to deactivate it.
That being said, through one of the victims, I wished to stand up for I learned about a blog that has actively been actively targeting Cerberus in a harassment campaign.
Do I support the things that Cerberus did over a year ago? No. I find disgusting. However, I am aware that they are trying to recover from this, in which I support the recovery from what they did in the past.
That being said, from what I have seen, the blog has consistently moved the goal post further back after each time it was met. If I am correct, this is a manipulation tactic (please do correct me if I am wrong on this. I do not wish to spread misinformation.)
What I do know is that they have been publicly spreading misinformation about ikamigami knowingly supporting a groomer. If any evidence to support the claim can be provided, then please provide it as it is necessary in cases like this to provide the evidence, whether it be in a Google document or just sharing the screenshots.
But I also know from what I’ve seen is that they used a manipulation tactic when bringing this up, which already makes me cast outs on the claim ikamigami supporting a groomer knowingly, especially when it has been pointed out that said groomer lied to the public
I also want to mention that this account seems to go against the wishes of one of the victims. the victim had mentioned that they aren’t happy with the fact that the document was being used to tear others down & being used as other people‘s moral high grounds.
I will admit I have gotten emotional looking through that blog as they seem to brush off any criticisms or concerns about the victims, when brought up by others, along with reading messages from the victims they made their account for. I am doing my best to keep those emotions separated from this blog, though I do apologize if they have slipped through.
For the victims that I wished to stand for, I apologize as I believe I have unintentionally harmed you. I went into this project, mainly with emotions without thinking of how it would affect my mental health, or a proper understanding of everything that has gone on in the situation. I do believe the blog that I am talking about here is in a similar situation to me when it comes to the creation of our blogs.
With That being said. I thank those who have come here to vent to me, give evidence, or just stood by my side and trying to help others. I’ve let you all down, and I apologize for doing so. And for the victim who had dm’d me, I’m sorry people are using the document from a year ago, along with what you experienced in the past in a way you are uncomfortable with. I do wish I could stop it for you, but I do believe I am powerless in this situation.
And with that, it’s farewell everyone.
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exposingthemonster · 5 months ago
mini break
a recent ask has made me realize something. I’m not 100% sure the big blogs were harassing others. their smear campaign from august i know was 100% malicious, though i am now questioning the September document & it’s intent.
on top of that, this blog generally makes me feel nervous when coming to it. so until i can get my thoughts in proper order, i shall have this blog being put on hold. i will be pausing all dm's & asks for this time.
i am not sure how long this break will last, but i know i will come back with a final verdict on the blogs existence once i come back to it.
the only thing I ask of those who follow the blog. Do not harass others, & keep safe.
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exposingthemonster · 5 months ago
Genuine question, I just got directed here by someone claiming the "big blogs" led a harassment campaign and such saying that this blog was documenting everything but I see exactly 0 proof and just a lot of hearsay and opinions. And no actual proof of anything. So like do y'all actually have evidence or is this all it is?
for starters, i have not claimed they lead a harassment campaign. Secondary, i have reblogged various vents that they claimed were inciting harassment.
all i know is they partook in it.
the only reason i can see behind claiming they did lead a harassment campaign was during august when they launched a smear campaign against an ex-member of the sun & moon show community when they were trying to calm the waters. i do not know if that situation was ever fully resolved or not, but i am aware of some of the events that happened in it
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exposingthemonster · 6 months ago
"Why do the victims even stay on anon?"
... We've been saying that this fucked up group swore to retaliate with something worse against us should they find out we came out publicly about this. Considering the doxxing threats, we weren't going to take chances.
"Why don't they reach out to people by DMing them?"
Because we don't know who to trust anymore. That one known animator who was also targeted by this fucked group, although verbally, openly said their skepticism about our situation.
It's a matter of keeping ourselves safe while trying to get our voices out there by any means possible, letting people know that this is happening to us, that these fucked up group got worse. We don't know who to trust with our usernames/url anymore. Someone who is a good person to you could be someone who will hurt us even more by having the info of something so crucial as our usernames.
We don't know who truly has good intentions and not make use of us being vulnerable as we are now. We need a lot of reassurance that we could trust someone to be open to them about everything that has happened to us for months.
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exposingthemonster · 6 months ago
And what evidence of harassment do you have? Everything you’ve ever reblogged is from the people who harassed the big blogs themselves, insulted them needlessly, or has been proven otherwise to be someone spreading lies and twisting the truth because they refuse to post anything against their own personal opinion. All your harassment evidence relating to the doc is just harassment made towards THEM with the occasional unrelated actual harassment evidence.
Most of the supposed victims of the big blogs even claim they’ve gotten NO harassment since the doc dropped. At most, one person said they thought of self harming. THOUGHT of it, but didn’t.
I exclude Lux from this as he brought what’s happening to him on himself by mentioning being on a callout doc before and causing people unrelated to what originally happened with his victims and the big blogs look for it. Literally, when I first saw him say that all it took was a single google search of “ShatteredSparks” and “callout” to bring up the original doc of the grooming allegations posted to tumblr immediately. It isn’t hard to find.
But somehow everyone wants to blame the big blogs for that getting around again (when the members of Alex’s crew weren’t even the first people to reblog it, it was fandom minors) as well as the new doc with more evidence and the persistence of Lux’s victims.
I want to start off by saying there is a difference between venting, callouts and harassment.
I say it’s a false harassment document not because the big blogs weren’t being harassed, but because the people who they are claiming were harassing them, were venting and calling them out.
Second off, it’s rather lucky that most of the victims that were initially named, dropped by them in the false harassment document haven’t gotten harassment. I do suspect it’s because 4 individuals have spoken out against the effects (the minor who nearly self harmed the day it dropped, Another person mentioned in the document immediately called out how they falsely accused people who had barely any to no interaction with them as harassers, not to mention two people admitted to contemplating taking their own lives.)
Of the posts I have re-blogged, most of them are either venting about how the big blogs were acting, and how they got away with attempting to send a harassment to people much smaller than them, but also the false inclusion of people.
Not to mention there have been people who associated with the people mention in the document that have gotten harassed. It was quickly shut down, but it does not change the fact that the document did lead to people targeting others.
And again, I know about that document. But for both the sake of consistency with the purpose of this blog and my mental health, it is not being included. I have mentioned this earlier.
And I never said Alex’s crew were the ones to cause that document to spread. If you could tell me where I implied that I am willing to correct it, but to my memory, I never said that they are at fault for it spreading.
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exposingthemonster · 6 months ago
I’m like 99% sure public death threats/threats of physical harm aren’t cool. Considering this blog supports you and is allowing this..?
I only saw this ask now, I do not know what the contents of the original post were as it’s been deleted, but no. I do not support any threats of physical harm or public death threats.
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exposingthemonster · 6 months ago
To be fair and blunt, you haven't had any evidence that the harassment towards the big blogs was false. There's a whole doc of it with details, real evidence. How is it false? I'm not associated with the big blogs in any way. In fact, I disagree with them reblogging the "Gore Anons are a Hoax" post, even if they're just clarifying something because their reblogs reached many people, and now, the victims of the Gore Anons are left rotting and not being believed in their cries for help.
i never said the harassment to them was false?
Again, this blog is for gathering the evidence of harassment against others caused by them. i never said they weren’t getting harassed though.
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exposingthemonster · 6 months ago
I want to add on that the primary point of this blog is about the false harassment document by the big blogs.
I genuinely want to help this community, but as of right now I want to focus on this specific document, I understand wanting to protect the community & send me stuff relating to more of the dramas, but for my mental health, I NEED to focus on one thing at a time.
I understand people want to protect others in the community, but for God sake, please don’t harass others. This goes for everyone in this community. Please.
I’m going to get somewhat personal here and state this. I am a college student trying to deal with a drama going on in a community I barely want any part in other than trying to set records straight.
I will not say who, but someone has informed me in my DM‘s that they are being stalked. I will not say who is the stalker, and I will not say who has contacted me. All I will say though is that stalking is unacceptable in any circumstance, just as block evading is.
My only request for this community is to stop stalking and harassing & block evading. Please.
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exposingthemonster · 6 months ago
I understand people want to protect others in the community, but for God sake, please don’t harass others. This goes for everyone in this community. Please.
I’m going to get somewhat personal here and state this. I am a college student trying to deal with a drama going on in a community I barely want any part in other than trying to set records straight.
I will not say who, but someone has informed me in my DM‘s that they are being stalked. I will not say who is the stalker, and I will not say who has contacted me. All I will say though is that stalking is unacceptable in any circumstance, just as block evading is.
My only request for this community is to stop stalking and harassing & block evading. Please.
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exposingthemonster · 6 months ago
im the anon who asked why u said it was u on the doc. im really confused, who do u mean? i was just asking cause it dont make sense to say uve been involved when you werent named? i feel like saying who the censored are makes it more likely ud get harrassed if anything??? im not harrassing you im so confused. I really dont get why u would attach urself when u werent named bc they didnt wanna name minors? i hope crystal was ok with u naming them too cause they werent named on the doc either
Ah, I see.
Well, I checked their blog and they seem to have found out on their own.
I understand your concern, anon. I revealed it because I was genuinely pissed off. I am tired of being dragged into drama, you know?
And I’ve only ever been harassed by like, one or 2 anons. They haven’t come to my blog in months lmao
Thanks for your concern though :)
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exposingthemonster · 6 months ago
Two things:
What the fuck. Someone HAD to have been stalking my blog to a) find those screenshots that they censored, and b) know I was a minor.
Mod I hope you’re doing okay. This fandom sucks. I wish you well
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exposingthemonster · 6 months ago
You guys sure care about minors by *checks notes* going against a minor’s wishes to not have their friendship used against their friend and ignoring my clear distress last time my posts were included in a callout doc
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exposingthemonster · 6 months ago
New exposure doc from the multiple minors Lix has groomed over the years came out and included a screenshot from Bitty (with their name censored) defending him as evidence of how he’s still manipulating and influencing minors I think??? That was what I got from it and not that they were blaming Bitty and the other minors.
Ughhh whyyyy leave them alone already
I took a look at the doc. I don’t see anyone else in there I know luckily (except the original tsams confession blog, which is like… what? How?). I’m so tired.
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exposingthemonster · 7 months ago
Okay.. wait… is Dana, Polaris and etc, are they actually like.. not good people??? I follow them and they’re like.. my biggest reasons for art and why I’m happy now and stuff… as well as I’ve shipped Solarmoon/newMoon, SunEclipse and such since like… the very beginning of the show when said characters first came into it.
I’m already getting teary just thinking about it but also in a sense of denial? Like.. there’s no way they’re actually bad people, are they? Everybody’s just misreading and misunderstanding them, right?
Please, please tell me that my favorite people aren’t wrong or bad.
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exposingthemonster · 7 months ago
Here a vent I hate when people use anonymous accounts to hate and be nasty. All it does is tell everyone ur a little bitch. I do like anonymous accounts for confessions (like this one) because it protects people. Anonymous accounts are to protect people not to enable attention hunger assholes (apologies for the language).
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exposingthemonster · 7 months ago
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More anonymously sent in screenshots.
I was also informed that the account that made these posts was taken down/deleted
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exposingthemonster · 7 months ago
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Screenshots that were sent in by someone who wishes to remain anonymous.
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