explododad · 4 years
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Masaru was moved to my multi @aurelicht​! Feel free to follow me there if you wish to interact with him or any of my other muses!
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explododad · 4 years
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Masaru was moved to my multi @aurelicht​! Feel free to follow me there if you wish to interact with him or any of my other muses!
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explododad · 4 years
HE STARED AT HIS DISTRESSED DAD.  he wonders what the other is thinking in this moment;   a moment so silent and precious. it was rare to see bakugou not spitting insults left and right while yelling. he cared for his parents:   even the old hag that hurt him so. not so much as he cared for the father sitting next to him.
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AUNTIE INKO?  admittedly,  he had not heard that name in a long time.  it takes him a moment or two to remember who exactly she was before he could respond.     ❛     no,    ❜    he had never though inko had laid a hand on izuku with how happy and optimistic he acted.   ❛    i just thought deku was weird.    ❜   he still thinks izuku is weird:    he was always so positive all of time. how could he do it;  even without a father?  he remembers the day the poor nerd walked up to him and cried about daddy leaving. ‘cheer up deku,  he’ll come back! mine always does!’  he remembers his female voice ringing to the other in an attempt to comfort him.
   Katsuki doesn’t get it, and Masaru can’t blame him. Why would he know? They never sat down and addressed any of this. Masaru never was man enough to act on what he was thinking to himself; that maybe Mitsuki was wrong in claiming Katsuki wouldn’t listen otherwise; that her insisting Masaru was different from them and thus couldn’t understand their way of communication was a gross misrepresentation of the reality they were living. Now, he is facing the consequences for his silence. 
   Despite being Katsuki’s father, despite loving him and treasuring him, Masaru can’t gauge how Katsuki will react to hearing Masaru’s side. It’s a somber realization, to find he doesn’t know his son as well as he thought. What has Masaru been doing all these years other than ignoring what was right in front of him? It makes him feel sick. He is sick of his own selfishness.
   “It’s an example. You said you believed all mothers act like yours does, and I wanted you to make you rethink this assumption.” Masaru wants to help. That’s all. “Your mother loves you, but that doesn’t mean she can’t do wrong. She was wrong to hit you, and I was wrong to let it happen. It’s...it’s abusive to hit your children, even if they did something wrong.”
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explododad · 4 years
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❛    WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKIN’ ABOUT?  doesn’t that happen in every family?  isn’t that normal?    ❜   he’d ask like a naive child:   like he didn’t understand what his father was telling him. and he didn’t. he had no idea that his mother was considered abusive;  he was always raised in a violent way. he just always assumed everybody’s mother hit then once and a while when the child did something bad. he un-tenses once the other takes a hand off of his shoulder.
❛     I’VE GOTTEN USED TO THE HITTING,  IF YOU’RE WORRIED ABOUT THAT?    ❜    it’s shown by the way he flinches that he’s lying. he’s greatly confused about why his father is apologizing to him.   ❛     i called you a nerd. doesn’t that mean you’re supposed to hit me or somethin’?    ❜   i know it was wrong,  but i promise,  i won’t let her do it again. you have my word.
   Masaru is at a lack for words, not because he is lacking things to say but because he realizes for the first time that Katsuki never learned what his family was supposed to be like. Masaru always figured that Katsuki knew not all mothers hit their children, that Katsuki had seen for himself how other families interacted. Now, Masaru understands that Katsuki never questioned his reality. At least, Masaru assumes he didn’t, judging by Katsuki’s words.
   He takes a deep breath before pressing a hand to his forehead. He isn’t an expert on any of this. He...He doesn’t want to say the wrong thing. But, maybe, it’s time he says something after keeping quiet for so long. “It’s normal for you,” Masaru settles eventually. “It’s how you grew up, but it’s not normal for most children.” After this, Masaru will sit down with Mitsuki. They can’t go on like this. “Do you remember Auntie Inko? I know you and Izuku aren’t friends anymore, but...Do you think she hits him?” 
   Katsuki shouldn’t need to get used to the hitting.       He never should have been hit.
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explododad · 4 years
Okay but...anyone in need of a gentle, loving dad...should let Masaru adopt them. Just saying. He gives great hugs.
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explododad · 4 years
Masaru loves his son so much...Haaaa, I missed writing him.
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explododad · 4 years
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@numrous​ said:  Looking away as he held out the father's day card to Masaru, he grumbled something before he cleared his throat and looked him in the eye. " Happy Father's day, old man. " - Bakugou
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   After a second of staring, Masaru takes the card and practically coos. He didn't expect Katsuki to give him anything, but that only means he appreciates the card all the more. He opens it to read before looking up and smiling at his son. “Thank you, Katsuki. That’s very kind of you.”
   Masaru will cherish the card. In fact, he already knows where to put it.
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explododad · 4 years
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           BAKUGOU INSTINCTIVELY FLINCHES WHEN THE HAND IS GOING TO BE PUT ON HIS SHOULDER.  he expects a smack to his head;   but instead it’s a reassuring touch on his shoulder. needless to say he still tenses though.   ❛     you’re nothin’ like the ol’ hag,    ❜      he’d note to himself outloud:   so he didn’t really care if the other responded or not.
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   Being this close to him, Masaru notices Katsuki’s reaction. It’s not the first time he’s seen it, but he still feels a sharp pain pulsing in his chest. For so long, Masaru has excused Mitsuki’s temper and the lasting scars it left on their son. If only Masaru had intervened, maybe---
   He squeezes a second time. Masaru is still smiling, but it is more sad than fond. Momentarily, he ponders on what to say. He knows he can’t undo his mistakes, nor can he undo Mitsuki’s. “I’m sorry, Katsuki.” He removes his hand and returns it to his side. “I never should have let her hit you.” There is no excuse. These words are years late, and maybe, Katsuki won’t want them. Masaru would understand if that was the case. “I know it was wrong. But, I promise, I won’t let her do it again. You have my word.”
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explododad · 4 years
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@dynamitem​ said:  Ah right, it is today. He'll offer an awkward hug for Fathers day.
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   Strong arms wrap around Katsuki’s frame, holding him close. It’s not often that his son will show physical affection, which is a testament to his growing older, Masaru supposes. It saddens him slightly, but Masaru is nevertheless proud. He smiles. “Thanks, Katsuki. Your old man appreciates it very much.”
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explododad · 4 years
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@eexplode​ said:  happy father's day, nerd.
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   “Thanks, champ.” Masaru smiles faintly, genuinely touched. He reaches out and places his hand on Katsuki’s shoulder to squeeze lightly. “I’d prefer if you didn’t call me that, though. It’s not very nice...”
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explododad · 4 years
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explododad · 4 years
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Press like for...something! Could be an ask or a starter.
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explododad · 4 years
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@tenacityblitz​ said:  Masaru's got his two year old interrupting his work from home. Katsuki's toddling over and pulling hard on his father's sleeve; he wants to be picked up and Katsuki's not taking no for an answer.
     It feels like yesterday that Katsuki came into the world. Masaru remembers crying his eyes out as soon as he lay eyes on him, thinking that Katsuki must be the most wonderful gift he would ever receive. To see him grow and develop a personality has been the greatest pleasure, though it is hard to believe he is already two years old. 
     Masaru really should finish these designs, but how can he resist Katsuki when he wants his dad to hold him? It’s impossible to say no, at least for Masaru. And so, he smiles at his son before picking him up and sitting him on his lap. “Do you want to help me with work, young man?” Masaru chuckles. “You’re so considerate.”
     Maybe Masaru should design some more clothes for Katsuki. He loves spoiling his child.
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explododad · 4 years
The day Masaru yells is the day Katsuki learns true fear. You can’t change my mind.
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explododad · 4 years
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@tenacityblitz​ said:  “I went a little overboard sure… but I’m still alive. So shh.”
     Whether Katsuki deems his behavior justifiable or not doesn’t matter to Masaru. He reaches for his son and wraps two strong arms around him, holding him close to his chest. A slight tremor runs through him; a result of the fear he experienced while Katsuki was gone. No, even now, Masaru can’t help but think of all the horrible things that could have happened. Regardless of how capable his son is, he still could have died. 
     “Please, don’t do this again.” Masaru squeezes his eyes shut in an attempt to calm himself. He never yelled at Katsuki, and he doesn’t want to yell now. He admittedly is close to failing. “And don’t shush me. No now. I---” He takes a deep breath, still holding Katsuki tight so that his son won’t see the tears shimmering in Masaru’s eyes.
     “I’m so glad you’re alright.”
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explododad · 4 years
Extremely Exhausted Starters
“You. Rest. Now.”
“You took five steps and need to sit down again?”
“I’m absolutely fine, I just need to sit down.”
“I just need to sit-what do you mean I’m already laying down?”
“Your eyes aren’t focusing. Just close them for ten minutes.”
“Write one sentence on this piece of paper, and then I’ll let you up.”
“I just need a breather, that’s all. Maybe ten. No fifteen.”
“We’re both so exhausted we can’t even argue about not being exhausted.”
“When I said I needed five more minutes I meant it more like hours.”
“… no… I’m tired… let me sleep… I don’t want to get up.”
“We need to get out of the heat, you’re starting to look sick.”
“You can’t hide those shaking hands from me. You need to stop.”
“I’m just a little cold, I’m okay, really. Let me sit with a blanket or something.”
“Moving…? No I’m good thanks.”
“Gravity has a hold on me of which I have not the strength to break.”
“Was… was that actually there? That wasn’t there was it?”
“I’ve had no energy for three days.”
“You worked yourself so hard that you’ve been sentenced to three days of bed rest.”
“Listen I can… I can get up. It’s fine.”
“If we’re both in this state, we both really screwed up somewhere huh?”
“I have energy for exactly one more person of favourable standing, and going the hell to bed. With or without that person, bed is happening.”
“You’ve struggled to move anything for the last hour.”
“This is what happens when you over exert yourself.”
“You were almost dead from pushing it too far!”
“I went a little overboard sure… but I’m still alive. So shh.”
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explododad · 4 years
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     He’ll take what he can get. 
He just said one word and this is what got received in return?
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‘‘Whatever, old man’‘, eh, could be worse.
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