every idea i ever had
2 posts
This is where I dump things with no explanation or organization. Best of luck to whoeverneeds to find stuff (a.k.a. me)
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everyideaieverbutitsamess · 2 years ago
three crows, two stones
Female Itachi, Time Travel, Reincarnation (but reversed?)
Summary: Itachi wakes up in the middle of the Warring Era. And the entire future of Konoha is changed for it.
Important Notes:
Itachi is Izuna's twin sister.
She was seen as somewhat of a pariah during her first few years of life since she seemed mentally behind. (In reality, Itachi had been processing memories and unable to 'wake up'.)
The Beginning
The day Itachi–not Itachi –completely woke up was the day she found her hand resting within the cavity of some nameless assailant. It was a warm mess of blood and guts between her fingers. Slightly disturbing, but familiar. With a little twitch of her fingers, she could feel the barely beating heart futilely pumping against her wrist. She observed as the man struggled to take his last few breaths. Absently, she noted that a bladed thrust this strong didn’t leave the man much time to live. 
Behind her, she could hear the sound of distant crying. A baby, she recognized, and instinctively, the first thing to escape her lips was—
She slowly slipped her hand and the kunai within her grasp out of the now umoving body, uncaring at the blood that splattered as it fell back with a loud thump. Her hands felt the thick red blood dripping down her fingers, but the baby—Sasuke—Otouto—protect—was still crying, and everything seemed to melt away at his shrill call. 
“Otouto,” she called out again. She slowly walked towards the source of the sound, barely able to make out some beige silhouette in front of her. Her fingers grasped around, trying to make sense of what she guessed was a crudely-made bassinet. Peeking within, she spotted a messy head of black hair swaddled in something white. Her eyes burned as she tried to get a clearer picture of the tiny babe inside.
“Otouto,” she repeated, causing the crying to stop. Immediately, she felt his chakra stutter a bit, before lightening slightly. It pulsed in what she could only describe to be innocent glee, the tense knot of chakra slowly dissolving into a relaxed thrum. The feeling of his chakra was unfamiliar–not Sasuke?–but she could at least make out that the little infant was no longer distressed. The baby she recognised as not-Sasuke finally gave a happy squeal, no doubt recognizing her face. 
Even if it wasn’t Sasuke, Izumi felt a pull towards the infant, moving her to pick the baby up. Baby talk filled the air, and suddenly she could feel the gloom and tension fade away. The dead body, the body of a man she just killed, seemed inconsequential as a result. 
“Hello, Otouto,” Izumi whispered. Her hands were bloody, so she paid special care to keep any more of it from touching the baby. Faintly, she felt a little throb at the back of her head and a name immediately filled her mind as she continued to watch the silhouette of the now calm infant. 
“Kitomo-kun. You are Kitomo-kun,” she repeated in a daze. Kitomo clapped, recognizing the familiar word.  “And I—“ she swallowed down the instinctive Itachi “— am Izumi.”
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everyideaieverbutitsamess · 2 years ago
Why do the stars never align
Anakin/Female Obi-Wan, Soulmark AU
Summary: Where Anakin and Padme are soulmates, tied by the red-string of fate and matching marks. But it is Obi-Wan who has Darth Vader’s name on her wrist.
Main Events/Notes
Obi-Wan's soulmark essentially haunted her for most of her early stay in the Jedi Temple. The whole reason she nearly got sent to Agricorps is because the Jedi Council thought this meant she would fall. This was put to a stop by Qui-Gon who intervened by saying he would take on Obi-Wan as an apprentice and keep her from going dark side.
"You assume this mark means she'll fall, but what if it's the opposite? What if this means she's meant to bring one of theirs back to the light?"
Obi-Wan is pretty much treated like a ticking time bomb. The rumors follow her less after her Qui-Gon takes her as a padawan. But the rumors resurge after he dies and Obi-Wan 'defeats' Darth Maul. A young Anakin faces the brunt of it.
"If you don't feel comfortable having me as your master, I can always petition for someone else to take over your training." "I don't care who your fated is. I'll always stay by your side. Your my master and I'm your padawan."
When Count Dooku is discovered to be the Sith apprentice, the council nearly sends Obi-Wan away.
"Was this all a ploy by your old padawan, Master Yoda? To use his own padawan, your grand-padawan, might I add, to claim the young Obi-Wan?"
"I know you want to argue against the council. But we must trust in the Force, Anakin." "Trust the Force? It's because of the Force that they're locking you away in the first place! You didn't do anything wrong, Master! You never asked to be bonded to the damn Sith!"
Anakin goes after Count Dooku, all the more enraged now that Obi-Wan was being held as a prisoner. At the Count's death and finding of evidence that Dooku had no ulterior motive with Obi-Wan, the council lets Obi-Wan go.
Cue other events. Anakin gets more disillusioned with the council and how they treat both him and Obi-Wan. But he attempts to stay strong for Obi-Wan's sake.
As Anakin grows up, he becomes concerned with his dreams. He sees Padme dying and he hears Obi-Wan screaming in pain at the hands of her fated. Cue self-fulfilling prophecy vibes where every bad dream Anakin tries to prevent essentially comes to fruition. So desperate to save his wife and his master from her Sith fated, Anakin falls to the Dark Side.
Obi-Wan battles Anakin. In the middle of their battle, Padme dies giving birth to the twins and Obi-Wan gets severely injured. Obi-Wan runs away from everything, realizing that the same Sith she had been avoiding her whole life was the man her padawan ended up being.
Possibly maybe cue a Obi-Wan on-the-run continuation as she tries to escape Darth Vader.
Notes: Just an idea so far with nothing yet on the sequel. This was just an outline of what I saw happening for the prequel timeline.
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