etchetceteraart · 3 days
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doctor julia Hoffmann ma’am can I be a patient in your sanitarium
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etchetceteraart · 4 days
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When I say I’ve “gotten into dark shadows lately” what I really mean is I’ve watched 70 episodes in 5 days (I’m sooo normal I’m so normal don’t worry about it)
In my defense, the episodes are only 20 minutes each and there’s 1,225 episodes total so really I’ve only watched a tiny amount of it so far
But. Yeah. I’ve definitely gone a little unhinged for it.
It’s kind of difficult finding people to talk with about it because, understandably, a soap opera from the 1960s with over 1000 episodes doesn’t appeal to everyone.
There’s something about it, though.
I don’t know if it’s the “flaws” that make it so charming—it was shot live, so actors frequently forget their lines, say the wrong lines and have to improvise, accidentally say each other’s lines, even forget their own character names. At one point an actor’s dress accidentally catches on fire during a scene and she finishes the damn scene because the show must go on. Improv acting ability is almost more of a necessity than regular acting ability in this show.
The soap opera format requires recapping each episode, but there are episodes where they recap scenes that just played in order to stretch the story out. The earlier episodes (and I started at 210, so I’m talking about even past that point!) are glacially slow at times.
The characters are either incredibly boring or a lot of fun. Willie Loomis is one of the best takes and best actors of the Renfield type that I’ve seen, for sure. Big beaten dog energy. Did you know they received a censor note warning them they were getting close to implying Willie and barnabas were in a homosexual relationship? It’s definitely a dark one, but I can see it. Intentional or no, the dynamic is Juicy.
Barnabas is fun to watch whenever he’s on the screen, and the slow story gives his characterization and turn from villain to hero time to really breathe. I’m kind of obsessed with how he’s stuck in the past and the trauma and darkness of it and bringing it forward into the modern day because he doesn’t see any other way to exist and everyone is suffering for it….
Maggie is a fun modern gothic heroine. And Liz and Victoria and Carolyn and roger and Burke and Joe and Sam and McGuire are….well, they’re there alright!
Anyway. Episode 280 now and I cannot *wait* to see what the next 800-odd episodes bring
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etchetceteraart · 5 days
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Two photos because neither quite captured the coloring. I love using teal and green paints, but they never photograph right!
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etchetceteraart · 6 days
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This is the telephone pole behind my house, where I take my dog to do her business
It has very “THOU SHALT NOT BE AFRAID” vibes
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i know that comparing pylons to angels is overdone by now, but these connecting rings they attach to the top of telephone poles couldn't be more halo-like if they tried
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etchetceteraart · 18 days
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I haven’t been making art as much in the past few weeks, mostly because of ME/CFS fatigue, but yesterday I did finish up a gift for a friend! She’s obsessed with the eccentric actor Crispin Glover, and because she talks about him all the time I kind of assumed he was at least semi-famous…cue me sending this to various discord chats going “does this look like him??” and everyone replying “I have no idea who Crispin is so idk” 😂😂
Well, even if I’m still not sure I quite got the likeness, I am happier with this than I have been with any painted portrait I’ve done so far! I think the unrealistic palette helps with focusing on the underlying shapes.
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etchetceteraart · 2 months
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Frankenstein’s monster my beloved
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etchetceteraart · 3 months
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etchetceteraart · 3 months
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etchetceteraart · 3 months
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I guess I should probably post art occasionally on this blog dedicated to posting art..
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etchetceteraart · 9 months
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Hi I haven’t posted in a year, please don’t take this as a sign that I’m going to start being active again and posting regularly because it’s definitely not
Time flies though yippee/oh no
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etchetceteraart · 2 years
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Alright, time for the 2022 version
To me at least the improvement isn’t as clear this year, there are still a lot of things I’d like to get better at. But I can see a few specific details I’ve improved on—eyebrows and ears mostly.
A lot of my focus this year has been on full-body anatomy instead which is perhaps why improvement isn’t as obvious in this portrait. But still, even if I don’t see as much change as I’d like to from last year to this year—looking at the difference between this year and 2020, I’m very happy.
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etchetceteraart · 2 years
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Fuck it, drawing myself as a hot anime villain. Because I can.
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etchetceteraart · 2 years
I love being able to make art because I can have a thought like “what if Nausicaans, that species from Star Trek that’s canonically stinky and only ever shows up as mercenaries/hired goons, were drawn like sexy anime bois” and then just make that happen
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etchetceteraart · 2 years
Alright, this’ll be the last of the “weirdly cropped details from art I’m not going to post in full” series lol
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Have I mentioned I love vultures? Because I love vultures a lot
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etchetceteraart · 2 years
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etchetceteraart · 2 years
Okay 2 out of 3 of the art pieces are completed for the upcoming show and now it’s time to work on my favorite of them (:
It’s buzzard time babey
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etchetceteraart · 2 years
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I’m not 100% happy with this but WHATEVER
Details from another piece which I’m not going to be posting the full of because it’s for an irl show. It’s a redo of an earlier piece and it’s nice to see how far I’ve come but also frustrating looking at how far I have left to go. I’m happy with aspects of it, at least, and with the progress I’ve made.
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