estrellascape · 2 years
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A demon from the occultist book, Dictionnaire Infernal (1818-1863).
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estrellascape · 6 years
Lacertian ~ adjective. Like a lizard; of or pertaining to the Lacertilia.
~ noun. One of the Lacertilia.
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estrellascape · 6 years
I'm going to begin my next spam. It is going to be dinosaurs, reptiles, and monsters. Oh my. Anyway... I hope you enjoy.
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estrellascape · 6 years
Planet of Origin: Terra
Family: Felidae
Genus: Otocolobus
Binomial Name: Otocolobus Manul
This is the Pallas's cat (also called a manul)... A creature, I believe, looks like it could belong to another world. However, this cat did not fall from some intradimensional doorway in space, but rather it originates from Earth, living mainly in the steppe regions of Central Asia (though it has been reported in parts of Afghanistan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, India, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan, and occur across much of western China).
These creatures are solitary, with both sexes scent marking their territories. They often spend their days in areas such as caves, rock crevices, or marmot burrows, and come out during the dusk and dawn to hunt. Probably caused by their stout bodies, the manul is not a fast runner, therefore it chooses to ambush its prey, often using low vegetation and rocky terrain as its cover. Its prey is largely diurnally active, including species such as gerbils, pikas, voles and chukar partridges, and, on occasion, young marmots.
This creature's breeding season is short, but often results in a litter of about 2 to 6 kittens. These kittens are born with a thick coat of fur, and weigh about 3.2 oz. Within two months the kittens already have their adult coats, at four they are ready to hunt, and by six they reach adult size. Their average lifespan in the wild is about 27 months, mostly due to the harsh environment in which they live. However, it has been reported that these cats can live up to 11 years in captivity.
So don't worry if you stumble onto one of these creatures they're not some alien's lost pet, but rather a beautiful creation formed by the Master Creator for the balance of the ecosystem, and for us to enjoy.
Information adapted from Wikipedia.org
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estrellascape · 6 years
Someday We All Must...
Someday we all must die.
Someday we all must say goodbye.
Someday we all must grow old.
Someday we all must leave home.
Someday we might stop loving one another.
Someday we might lose each other.
Someday may be today or maybe it's tomorrow.
Someday is... Always and forever.
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estrellascape · 6 years
My spam is over... It'll probably be a few days before I start a new spam, but for now enjoy some random posting.
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estrellascape · 6 years
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X As Children We Dreamed of A Less Harsh Reality X
above the sky
X But Reality Dealt Us Wrong X
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estrellascape · 6 years
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estrellascape · 6 years
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estrellascape · 6 years
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estrellascape · 6 years
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It's hard to breathe when you're underwater.
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estrellascape · 6 years
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There was probably more I should have said.
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estrellascape · 6 years
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Take a Deep Breath
You'll need it
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estrellascape · 6 years
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in my life
could prepare me
For This
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estrellascape · 6 years
“Some say drowning is peaceful, like falling asleep, others say it's pure torture, like fire in your lungs. But all I can imagine is what must it be like, clawing at a surface that doesn't exist, just to be so close, but so far away.”
“Imagine sinking deeper and deeper into darkness, water pouring into your lungs. You try to reject the foreign substance, but everytime you try to breathe it out you're greeted by it again.”
“Reaching the bottom you begin to breathe in dirt, it tears into your lungs, and the pain is unbearable. Now you're farther from the surface than before, staring up at the path to freedom, that you cannot reach.”
“Consciousness begins to fade and your brain is suddenly foggy. Which way is up? Which way is down? Your heart rate slows, yet you still refuse to except this is the end. But suddenly rest doesn't sound too bad anymore, and you accept it like an old friend. But you close your eyes just to be greeted by death.”
“That is not the way I would choose to die.”
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estrellascape · 6 years
So my Apocalyptic spam is over. It might come back again some day, but for now... Onto my next theme. Water, islands, and plane crashes.
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estrellascape · 6 years
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Maybe if we were to dream harder
Our future would be different
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