erujicchi-kun-blog · 8 years
Being Christian
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Faith tells us that believing in Christ as the Savior of all and accepting Him as the Messiah is the key of being a true and loving Christian since all people who seeks salvation must go through Him and only Him is the way of everlasting life.
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erujicchi-kun-blog · 8 years
The Emotion Challenge
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“If you learn self-control, you can master anything” - unknown
Emotions are very powerful and mighty, it can control and take over our sanity. Depending on our experiences whether good or bad, emotions sets our mood. When we experience positive things, its pretty obvious that our emotions will also result to positive like being happy, excited and many more. If our experiences are bad, then obviously our emotions are also negative like being sad, angry and many more. Emotions, if not manage properly can cause a lot of trouble and it may ruin or completely destroy your sanity as a person. That is why we need to learn on controlling our emotions, there are ways to manage and control them.
1. Don’t let your emotions carry you right away.
Don’t get carried away so easily because you will tend to lose focus and do rampant things right away like being angry. Learn and understand the situation first, be calm and be patient. Also, you must stay focus and think on what will happen if you do something, what will be its effect, will it ruin your reputation and will it hurt other people.
2. Pray
There are emotions that you just can’t handle and sometimes you feel worried that your resolution might not work. The best thing to do about this situation is to pray to God Almighty, when we pray to Him, all the troubles that are in our minds will be relieve. Seeking spiritual guidance and praying will free you from your worries and emotions.
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erujicchi-kun-blog · 8 years
Dear Erujicchi
Dear Erujicchi,
         Hey dude, Im Eljay-sama and I am writing you this letter for you to help me and give advices for me to solve my inner problems. I have heard from many people that you give the best advice to adolescents like me and some said that the two of us are completely similar in looks and personality. Here is a short information about myself.
          I have a normal adolescence and I’m similar to others. I play basketball, online games and watch movies while eating a lot. I’m not actually serious about my education and sometimes I find them very tiring, but because of my responsibility as the eldest, I need to keep striving hard and study to be able to attain high remarks in school, but due to these works, I end up so stressed out and plus at home I’m doing all the chores every time because both of my parents are busy at work.
           I wanted a normal life but I’m so pressured by my parents and in school that it will reach to the point that don’t wanna relax anymore. My anxiety keeps on attacking me because I tend to look up ahead in the future and worry in what will happen if I don’t take my responsibilities seriously.
            Erujicchi, what should I do? All these problems are making me worry a lot especially this week, I have to finish a lot of school projects and stuff. Should I leave them behind, sit back and relax? If you were in my situation, what would you do Erujicchi?
            Need your help at once.
Dear Eljay-sama,
            Hello there! Thank you for writing me this letter and I’m happy that you’ve come to seek my aid for help about your problems. Well Eljay-sama, I can tell that you are stressed out due to peer, academic, and family pressure which is similar to my problems before. I have experienced these, way back and was able to find the solution and what I’m going to recommend and advice to you is similar to my resolution.
           The best way to deal with your problems that stressed you out are first, is to relax, you have to take it easy some times and take a break. Next is meditate, meditating helps you to be calm and can even help you focus. Last but not the least is proper lifestyle, like eating on time, go to sleep early, and have leisure time with family and friends. These things helped me a lot before, and if I were in your situation, I would absolutely do the same. And here’s one more, the last piece of advice that I can give you the best. Be happy and always think positive because it will affect you in a good way and it will help you a lot.
            Remember what I’ve told you Eljay-sama, and always put it in mind and action. I pray that you will be able to solve all your problems using my advice and resolutions based on my experiences.
                                                                                    Truly yours,
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erujicchi-kun-blog · 8 years
This Works for ME!
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The more you try to control something, the more it controls you. Free yourself, and let things take their own natural course.   - Leon Brown
I’m a very busy person, first thing in the morning is to woke up early, fix my bed, cook breakfast for my family, prepare lunchboxes, take a shower, eat and go to school. It’s very exhausting because you have to woke up early even tho your still tired and in school, I must listen and study hard in order to have passing remarks because being a Senior High school student is really hard. After school, at home, I cook again for dinner and wash the dishes then study and make homework for tomorrow. In the weekend, I help my mother in doing household chores which is a stressful experience for me. But I won’t just allow them to break me so, there are times that I must relax in order not to lose focus.
I love basketball a lot. It is a good stress reliever because I can make shots, dribble the ball and lay-up and most of all, win games. Considering basketball, it brings body stress but not mentally for me because I’m happy that I was able to crush my opponents and win lots of game, with this, I can easily forget all of my troubles and worries that’s why I avoided stress.
Playing computer games, for me is also a stress reliever. I play computer games for great entertainment. Playing online games such as DOTA 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Dragon Nest and more can help me forget my problems for the mean time. Also, gaming can cool me down especially in very tiring situations like school or academics.
Music is very important to me, it helps me focus and meditate especially in making risky situations that causes a lot of stress. Listening to music makes me calm and I would chill out. Also, I use music to be inspired, motivated, and more. Listening to music, whether its melody and melancholy can help me understand its message, I would reflect on it and try to find answers to solve my daily problems.
Watching movies is a great stress reliever and second to playing computer games for entertainment. Watching movies also entertains me a lot because I can easily understand the story depending on its genre, whether its adventure, action, and many more. Also, I find movies fun and it makes me relax and stay calm. One of the best genre of movies that I like is comedy because it creates a positive feeling or vibe in the atmosphere.
Well, for me, I think food is the BEST stress reliever because every time  that I’m stressed out, I feel hungry. So to relieve my stress, satisfying my hunger with food makes me happy and alive. Also food can be connected to my other four previous stress relievers. After playing basketball and computer games, I always end up hungry so I must eat a lot of food until I’m satisfied. Next is every time I’m listening to music and watch movies, I need to chew or eat something to make it more enjoying and stress relieving, and its a great combination and it makes me happy! 
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erujicchi-kun-blog · 8 years
The Selfie Project
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I’m Eljay Rapliza Resaba, my friends call me ejay, 17 years of age and a Senior high school student at La Salle Academy Iligan City. I was born on the 22nd of May 1999.
I’m an open person, you can approach me or even start a conversation because I’d love to listen to other peoples’ story. I like people who are respectful and kind and I dislike prejudism. I fear oblivion and God more than anything or anyone. I love to spend time hanging out with my friends especially after school or weekends. We play computer games together or go on a food trip, I also have an enthusiast on watching anime, reading manga (Japanese comic), and watching drama and movies either Korean, Japanese and etc. I love the sport basketball and before I was just thinking of it as an hobby then I never thought it would be my passion, so I wanted to be a great basketball player someday so I started practicing and working hard to prove myself. I’m now currently a Team B member of my school’s junior-high basketball varsity.
In the future, I wanted to be a Businessman someday but my dad wanted me to be an Electric Engineer or Electronic Engineer so that’s why I’m taking the Academic track which is the STEM Strand which stands for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. So that’s it for now and thanks for being curious about me.
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