eric's super cool blog (mostly my ao3 fics)
7 posts
he/him | autistic | writer and artist sometimes | tarantula enjoyer
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ericoidd · 1 year ago
when stan has his first sexuality crisis at age 10 he writes a letter to john elway going
“dear john elway,
i think i might be gay. i don’t know what to do. please help?
and he has absolutely zero memory of doing this until like a few years later he gets a signed photo of elway in the mail that’s just a picture of him throwing a football that says “follow your heart!” on it and stan is like “yeah……yeah i’ll follow my heart…………..” even though he doesn’t have a damn clue what the context of it was
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ericoidd · 2 years ago
when you get out of the shower and your feet are wet so you can't put your socks on, but you also can't start walking around because you're autistic and cannot stand anything touching your bare feet, so you just sit on the edge of the bath like this (totally not speaking from experience)
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ericoidd · 2 years ago
What do you think of style angst, bro? a part of me wants them to have their bromance and the other wants them to never be happy and hate each other forever. *sweats and grips page tighter* I also have a completely unrelated outburst of motivation.. (Also sorry I keep sending asks, dawg)
I'll admit, I don't really like the fandom categorization of fluff, angst, domestic, etc. I understand it's helpful when organizing fics so that certain tropes are easy to find, but outside of the organization, to me, it feels like a crude oversimplification of human experience. I like style angst in that I like stories with conflict and feelings. I like style fluff in that I like the tenderness and imperfection of human interaction. However, I think these things need to be duly balanced to create a fluid and compelling story.
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ericoidd · 2 years ago
i present to you, shitty silly little doodles i made on roblox
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ericoidd · 2 years ago
the south park and fallout 4 crossover ever
you, yes you. do you like south park? do you like fallout 4? do you like reading about awkward teenagers doing things? if you like any of those things, then my south park au fanfic might be for you.
nuke goes kaboom, people get frozen, then unfrozen, and now they have to survive the terrors of a post nuclear war wasteland. yippee!!
oh and if you have any questions or something, ask away! i love answering asks
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ericoidd · 2 years ago
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silly little kyle doodle i did in free draw on roblox...
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+ stinky stan i drew in my sketchbook
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ericoidd · 2 years ago
I found ur cute drawing of jimmy on Colby's whiteboard, 10/10 made me smile. ur art style is like music to my ears but like.. imagery, yk? yk.
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! i was drawing with my fingers so it looked a bit silly but i'm planning on posting some of my real art soon 💪
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