erasanderson · 11 years
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erasanderson · 11 years
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Tumblr en We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/82606453/via/Rega1D
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erasanderson · 11 years
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Looking at pictures of teacup pigs is just so therapeutic. Like you just can’t help being happy when looking at them. I mean seriously! This little guy is so cute!
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erasanderson · 11 years
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my new roomie has a micropig ahhh!
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erasanderson · 11 years
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erasanderson · 11 years
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erasanderson · 11 years
Ty Ty Looks Nice Under the Sky Cookie || Closed Starter for foreverthebabyboy
It was just edging around the start of midnight and there was an eerie stillness to the quality of of the air around number 12 Bantoft Terrace. The lights were all out in the Madhouse tonight, creating a thick, inky darkness that the distinct lack of lampposts or other luminescent influences couldn't manage to penetrate the dense forest surrounding the home. The only light, in fact, came bright and clear from the moon - a large white circle of glowing illumination hanging low and pregnant in the night sky. Around it a vast array of stars blinked welcoming messages to Earth’s inhabitants, a twinkling greeting that encouraged admiration and awe from those who witnessed it.
It was to this luminary spectacle that Era turned her (almost) undivided attention. 
The pink haired guardian stared, transfixed, from her position in the boughs of large maple that had graced the front yard of her home since long before she or her parents where even a thought in the minds of their mothers and fathers. With one hand stroking a medium-sized bundle tucked restlessly against her chest, Era blinked adoringly at the moon and parted her lips into an awed sigh.
"Isn’t the big sky cookie super super prettyfied tonight, Kawa," she cooed to the lump on her chest, addressing the small piglet as if it could see the celestial orb through the barrier of Era’s clothing or, for that matter, understand a word she said. It didn’t matter that she didn’t understand, though. Era was just as happy believing with every fibre of her being that she could communicate flawlessly with her pets.
It was fast approaching her third hour spent in the tree, and the rough bark of the limbs that cradled her was beginning to leave such harsh indents along her back and thighs that it would be a miracle if her skin ever returned to its natural state afterwards.
Not that she could be bothered with such trivial details.
There was a sky cookie to look at, after all.
Humming a little tune (which Kawa seemed to enjoy the vibrations of against her chest) into the still air, Era was content to spend the rest of the night staying up much later than her bed time and think about how nice it would be if the moon was maybe a fluorescent orange or nice pink/yellow combination.
And perhaps she would have spent the night doing just that, had she not suddenly been alerted to the approaching presence of her charge a la a sharp thrum of activity against the golden thread of consciousness that linked the pair.
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Letting out a sharp squeal, Era bolted upright and began looking around with a fevered anticipation glinting brightly in her chocolate coloured eyes.
He would be here soon, she knew, and so she twisted her body and pressed her front against the limb her back had been resting on to lie in wait. Kawa, forgotten as she was, oinked an offended sound in protest at the sudden smushing of her tiny piggy body against such an unforgivingly solid tree branch and squirmed to the side to protect herself.
"Sshh, Kawa," Era whispered in a far too loud to be discrete tone, patting the piglet absently as her eyes continued the search in shadow after shadow while she waited for Tyler to appear.
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erasanderson · 11 years
createdmyowndemons probably wants to sing a duet
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Era looked up from her sand castle in confusion, wondering at the sudden shadow that crossed over her work. There were never any shadows in her sand box. This was new.
Tilting her head to the side, she observed the man in front of her, blinking at him.
"Hello," she called out, grinning at him with all the guilelessness of a child. "Do you want to help?"
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erasanderson · 11 years
bringinallthebirdstotheyard is after your lucky charms
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"Hiiii," Era trilled, waving happily at the funny looking man. She didn't know why he was there, but she liked it 'cause Nan was asleep in his kitty cage and Kawa kept running away every time Era tried to touch her because she didn't like getting green finger paint on her piggy skin.
She shrugged, smearing another streak of green across her paper. 
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erasanderson · 11 years
Kawa and Nan
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This is Kawaii (also called Kawa)
Kawaii (so called because of her enduring cuteness) is a two month old piglet from a farm on the outskirts of Ipswich. Era picked her out of a litter of six because she was the only pink piglet in a litter of black and multicoloured piglets. 
Kawa is not terribly clever or special, but she deals with Era's insanity very well and makes very little sound despite the chaos around her.
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This is Banana (also called Nan)
Nan is in Era's care as the result of a vacation in Norway. During a cave exploration with a local woman and her parents, Era found Nan behind a rock eating a bug.
Instantly stricken with love for him, she reached out to the small bat and, fearless, Nan flapped his way onto her hand. They have been inseperable since.
Era dubbed Nan Banana because of the tendency bats have to hand upside down in bunches - much like bananas. 
Era doesn't register the word for bat, opting instead to call Nan a kitty. 
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erasanderson · 11 years
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erasanderson · 11 years
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  General Information
Name: Era Coi Sanderson
Also Called:
Crazy Lady
Eracoi (Iracois)
Born: September 13, 1992
Sexuality: Ambiguous 
Faceclaim: Audrey Kitching
Potential life goal: to own her own camel and call it Snuffalupakiss J. Nemermeyer the Third King of Jasper Town (this goal changes often).
Hair:  Pink (with the occasional bit of green, blue, black or blonde in here for fun) and wavy, falling to just about the middle of her back.
Eyes: They're a rich brown
Body: She's slender, but long framed, 5'6, 110 pounds and slightly lanky. 
Clothing: she is notorious for wearing blindingly bright colors, the most recurring of which is pink, and has no consistent sense of fashion. She's as likely to wear a bathing suit in public as she is to wear an American flag at a funeral. It's happened before. She also over-does accessories such as rings, bracelets, and necklaces, hair bows, etc.
Distinguishing physical features:
a mole to the left of her nose
a bull ring piercing
Job: Works as traffic cop on weekends across from a children's park.
About her past:
Era was born in Ipswich MA to Jean and Andrew Sanderson, a pair of your average hard-working psychiatrists. As a child, Era showed promise at nothing in particular, preferring to put her toys in her mouth and talk to them rather than use them to learn. At one, she was taken to many play dates with the neighborhood children while Jean and Andrew worked, but always got complaints about how she "just didn't get along with the other children." Her parents tried to talk to Era, but she was too young to understand that whatever it was she was doing was wrong. Not wanting to be negative, they put her behavior off on her age and figured that when she was older, things would go much more smoothly.
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  They didn't.
By the time she had learned how to talk and form sentences, it was increasingly obvious that she couldn't bring herself to make sense. Instead of mummy or dada as a first word, the first thing out of Era's mouth was "shiny", followed shortly by "cookie", "kitty", and "nuclear". The she was forming sentences like "Kitty, Eraface wantsa ride the cookie to Snorkel Land today!" Which, after much trial and error, could be deciphered as "Mum, I want to take the bus to school today."
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  As she grew bigger and bigger with no friends but the inanimate puppets she had been given for her first Christmas, Andrew decided they needed to take action. Unable or unwilling to diagnose their daughter themselves, the Sanderson's took Era to three of the top psychiatric institutes in the nation. Alas, they each reached the same conclusion: Although her comprehension was absolutely phenomenal (she could understand what a person was thinking just through body language alone) Era's mind was unable to function on a level that was considered acceptable as the norm. 
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Distraught, the Sanderson's took Era home and decided against play dates where all that would happen is Era would pin some poor child to the ground and harass them with nonsensical babbling. Instead, they kept her home and safe, hiding their sadness in smiles and pretend games. It was about a year after that on a dull, rainy Sunday morning, that the phone rang, offering the couple a ray of hope. A certain Doctor Henry Brand in Olympia had heard about Era's case and thought he might be able to help. Despairing that no one could ever help Era but willing to cling to any ray of hope, Jean and Andrew made the trip to Ohio to see Dr. Brand.
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  Outside in the waiting room the parents were frantic. It had been several hours after they had arrived that a series of very stern looking men had passed them onto the way to the room where their daughter was being interviewed and even more time since either of them has seen so much as a flutter of a curtain. About the time Andrew had lost his patience and was about to demand entry into the room Era emerged, one hand held by one of the large men that had entered the room and the other holding Moose, (a yellow cat puppet) who was chatting away happily at the man.
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  Relieved beyond belief, Jean scooped Era into her arms and cast a furtive look at Dr. Brand, who had a very peculiar look about his face. Henry said that he would like the Sanderson's to stay a week in Olympia, free of charge, during which he wished to perform a few "very vital and hopefully revealing" tests on their daughter. After several assurances that the tests would in NO WAY harm their daughter, the Sanderson's agreed and endured.
  During the week Era was taken multiple times from the clinical hotel room to be tested and returned each time whole, safe, and blindingly happy. At the end of her tests, Era returned with Dr. Brand, who held several folders full of official-looking documents in his hands. Once Era had said hello and was happily situated in a corner with the new present Henry had gotten for her on the way home (a blue backpack in the shape of a teddy bear which she had immediately dubbed Zoingo) he took the Sanderson's into the mini kitchen and handed them the folders. He explained that inside they would find several documents from MENSA and the NPA including the results of all the tests she had taken and two certificates. One confirmed a long held suspicion that she had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The other explained that she was a high functioning telepath. Needless to say, this was a lot of information for Jean and Andrew to absorb and after a shocked farewell to Dr. Brand (who left them with his number to schedule further appointments) they packed up and headed back to Ipswich.
  Era is twenty one now and as hopelessly wild and random as she was as a child, but now with the body of a woman and the attention span of a dead fish, all who encounter her may find themselves in over their heads where this ball of hyperactive, pink headed insanity is concerned.
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erasanderson · 11 years
Turn Ons
People who smell like cupcakes
bright clothing
green fingernails
pretty hair
stickers on binders
glitter make-up
lots of stuffed animals on a bed
lace underwear
eating food off of people
nose bleeds
the colour pink
girls who can dance
ladies who aren't afraid to get down and dirty... finger painting with her.
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erasanderson · 11 years
Unfortunately, all of the magical genius power that Era holds in her is completely overridden by the fact that she has the attention span of a dead ant.
She can't focus on anything for more than a few seconds before something, anything really, completely and utterly distracts her from her original purpose.
She can also be quite self-centered when she's on a roll, hyperactive to the point it's painful for those around her, and is too liberal with her invasion of any and everyone's personal bubble.
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erasanderson · 11 years
Strengths and Abilities
Era is a guardian, companion to those with magical or mutated abilities that, when used, could compromise their bodies or minds. Her job is to protect special people from themselves, and when she must be - she is very dedicated to this job.
To assist her in this area, Era is telepathic. Her most profound mental bond exists solely with the person she guards, appearing in her mind like a long golden thread that stretches from her mind to theirs. She can hear the thoughts of others as well, but only when in close proximity to her. Those bonds exist as a blue thread.
Her telepathy has instilled in her a great understanding of people that comes in handy during her guardian duties. However, she doesn't always use that understanding, preferring to stay in the world she's created for herself rather than reality. Her imagination is absolutely astounding and, once in her childhood, she was taken to a testing facility that discovered in her the mental capabilities of a genius. That same medical facility also discovered that she was clinically insane, a condition resulting from her inability to cope with the world she observed.
She holds a great intelligence behind her drifting mind and when she's able to stop looking at shiny things and focus her mental power she is truly a force to be reckoned with.
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erasanderson · 11 years
Habitual behaviour
Chewing chocolate flavored bubble gum
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standing on her head on a sidewalk every Thursday
sleeping with her legs at a 90 degree angle on the wall
replacing the words of any song she hears with a sound usually consisting of growls, shrieks, purrs, and the occasional 'rawr' in varying tones and lengths.
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erasanderson · 11 years
Personality Quirks
She is usually completely oblivious of the things around her, but at times will switch her entire personality to suit serious situations. This tends to happen only in regards to her guardian duties, however, as she finds it blindingly difficult to concentrate on serious situations.
She also giggles often at inappropriate times, hangs upside down from pretty much anything, loves to climb on things like trees, buildings, and lighting fixtures.
Era has a habit of naming inanimate objects and talking to them constantly.
She carries a blue teddy bear backpack named Zoingo that never leaves her sight and somehow has the ability to pull much more mass out of it than should, when abiding by the laws of physics, ever be able to fit.
She also
bounces when excited,
has the tenacity to try and befriend almost anything, no matter how much it resists,
tends to blurt out her opinion on your personal thoughts, generally in crowded areas.
Era with Zoingo
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