snarkxsass · 11 years
My sempai is sad.
Send sempai some love, please? u/////u
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manbeneaththegreen · 11 years
//Any Tony's out there that would like to RP? Something Science Bros or Science Boyfriends related? Bruce is craving a certain billionaire rn. Just shoot me a message on Skype or send me an ask if you're interested.
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thearrowfell · 11 years
giveaway results
I counted up each reblog/entry from the records I've been keeping and started with first place so that everyone got a chance at each prize. The randomized winners were removed for every roll that followed~
original giveaway post
ONE first-place winner will receive a full body image of their muse.
TWO second-place winners will receive a bust image of their muse.
john-the-watson & wightofthenine
THREE third-place winners will receive a sketch of their muse animal-fied. Because I can.
createdmyowndemons & loistheintrepid & ceruleaneyedlycan
I'll get in touch with you via askbox. (: Thanks, everyone~
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towerofbooks-blog1 · 11 years
Nature Boy -- Leonard Nimoy
((>w< dfakdflkghfuitrhlg That's all I have to say about this ))
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School, Isn't It A Joy?
  Despite the early hour, the halls of Midtown High School were overcrowded with students. All kinds of students filled the long hallways; from nerds who talked quietly to their friends and teachers, to annoying jocks who pushed each other around and mocked almost everybody that stepped through the front door. 
And sadly, the next person to slip through the double doors was a thin boy with light blonde hair. He was small for his age, which made him an quick target to the jocks who instantly started barking words at the sixteen year old. 
Sighing heavily, the blonde bites his tongue and ignores them, his hands curling into fists as he keeps his head down. Moving quickly, he walks pass the over sized males and down the hall, hoping to get far away for the jocks before he ended up getting into a fight.
However, the small male is cut short as he ends slamming straight into someone. He falls backwards completely, landing on his ass with a little yelp. His face goes red, and it doesn't help that he can hear those jocks laughing from behind him. He scrambles to his feet,  his cheeks burning as he reaches  down to help the other male he had run into up, "Sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going...."
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itssciencenotmagic · 11 years
+ createdmyowndemons
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Alice looked around feeling slightly lost. She looked around at the large crowd of people to the building in front of her. She had been given directions to this place but looking at it, she wasn't sure if she was in the right place.
She opened the door, peering in. She didn't want to intrude even if she was told it was a business and not a home. Alice took a deep breathe.
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A New Arrival || createdmyowndemons
Nine months to the day since Tony and Sia had found out about their little surprise. Nine months, a new house, plenty of painting and building furniture, and a lot of preparation. It was already two days past the due date, and Sia was becoming more and more anxious.
On the third night, Sia went to bed early, having decided to read for a bit. Perhaps it would help her sleep. She crawled into bed and sat up, leaning back and wincing slightly. Ugh, cramps. Taking her book from the side table, she opened it and sighed, resting a hand upon her large stomach as she began to read.
After ten minutes, she hissed and set down her book as she felt another shot of pain in her abdomen. "Tony?" she called, looking around for something to help with her... Wait. She paused as she realize that the cramps were suddenly nearly gone. Not cramps. Contractions.
"To--" She suddenly felt a wet feeling between her legs, and not the good kind. "TONY!" she called urgently, getting out of bed carefully. She grabbed her sweater from out of the closet and pulled it on, leaving  unzipped. Ready or not, the baby was coming.
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atroubledgreen · 11 years
I'm bored. 
Bree's bored.
Tony blogs should come flirt with her.
Yes/yes? :3
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manbeneaththegreen · 11 years
M!A: Scrambled (OPEN)
Bruce had been watching a movie on one of the communal floors of the tower when it happened. He felt a sharp blow to the back of his head, and his eyes widened in shock, a pained gasp escaping his lips, as he fell forward, falling atop and shattering the coffee table.
The room spun around him from where he lie, and his limbs felt numb, the few shards of glass protruding from his arms going all but unnoticed. He tried to lift his head up to see where the attack had come from, only for pain to shoot through his skull. The doctor's stomach flopped, and bile rose to his throat. "Okay, bad idea. Don't do that again..." was his last coherent thought, before the world blurred and faded to black.
He woke to the sound of crunching glass, as if someone were kneeling beside him, the sound nearly deafening, and he winced. "Turn 'at off," he slurred, screwing his eyes shut against the noise.
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