I hope pelvic PT helps you but you should know that the process itself is excruciating, especially if you already have pelvic pain. My PT did not tell me at all how agonizing my sessions would be and they were definitely traumatic. I cannot recommend enough preparation for that in therapy first!!
Thank you for the heads up. My OB did warn me it wouldn't be a walk in the park, but then again neither is correcting any muscle dysfunction in my experience.
Still, I figure if I can work through having adhesions removed from my windpipe, I can get through a couple of rounds of pelvic floor therapy. Even if I need to cry about it in therapy first and after.
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The events that unfolded over the past 24 hours in Atlanta were not isolated incidents. Hate crimes against Asian Americans have increased nearly 150% in the US in the last year. 
Last June, in the wake up of yet another uprising in hate crimes committed by white supremacists, we released the following statement:
White supremacists, Nazis, and other purveyors of hate can fully fuck off. They are not welcome here.
These words are as true today as they were then. We stand with the Asian American community. If you see hate speech on Tumblr, please report it. That shit is not tolerated here. 
To help the survivors and families of yesterday’s hate crimes, please consider donating to a nonprofit like the Atlanta branch of Asian Americans Advancing Justice if you can. If you can’t, consider spreading the word. We’ll list more resources and reblogs over on @action as we find them.
As always, please make sure you are taking care of yourself as well. If you’re struggling for any reason, please reach out to any of the free and confidential counseling services listed here.
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The swing that broke the record. Quite possibly the greatest power hitter of all time, but certainly the greatest of that era.
“Hammering” Hank Aaron - 05 Feb 1934 - 22 Jan 2021
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#InternationalWomensDay when I saw this photo and read the caption, tears welled up in my eyes. @girltrek is walking the Underground Railroad. As you (better) know, Harriet Tubman saved her own life first and then went back time after time to save the lives of others. GirlTrek is honoring Mama Harriet and using her work as the blueprint for the work they do now. 10 Black women. 4 days. 100 miles. On foot. I’m crying. Look at this picture. Now read the caption: #Repost @girltrek ・・・ “If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there’s shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.” [And if you see us out here on the side of the highway pushing though this weather, send a prayer up. 🙏🏾] Day 2. 10 Miles down. 11 more until our stopping point
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Simple Ways To Prevent Falls In Older Adults
As we age, the risk of falling increases and becomes increasingly perilous. A fall can be a real health setback for a frail, elderly person. And, more older adults are dying from falls today than 20 years ago. A recent study showed that more than 25,000 U.S. adults age 75 or above died from a fall in 2016, up from more than 8,600 deaths in 2000, and the rate of fatal falls for this age group roughly doubled.
But the risk of falling can be minimized, says Dr. Elizabeth Eckstrom, professor and chief of geriatrics at Oregon Health & Science University. “A lot of older adults and a lot of physicians think that falling is inevitable as you age, but in reality it’s not.”
NPR’s Lulu Garcia-Navarro and Luisa Torres spoke to Eckstrom about the most common causes of falling among seniors and the best ways to prevent them.
Read the full interview here
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“A new JAMA study revealed that if you can do 40 or more pushups in a row, you’re 96 percent less likely to deal with heart problems in the next decade than someone who can’t do 10.”
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Remove the White Supremacists
Dear Tumblr @staff, 
In light of the recent white supremacist terror attacks worldwide: 
We, the Tumblr community (your community), implore you to change your previously passive policy against white supremacy and white nationalist extremist ideologies. 
Every major news station, social expert, and experts on extremist ideologies have identified that these extremist ideologies are spread and grown on online platforms: specifically social platforms. They have identified the major ways that communities can confront these violent extremist views; the biggest one being for social media groups to actually start removing user accounts that post and spread extremist white nationalist dog whistles, memes, and rhetoric.
Your users are begging for your help in stemming the rising tide of xenophobic violence. As has become evident by the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, these ideologies don’t begin with violence, but with strategically spouted rhetoric and hate speech that riles up others who are vulnerable to being persuaded by their subtle methods. 
Please.  If you support the safety of your users.  If you support the Muslim Community. If you support the Jewish Community.  If you support People of Color.  If you support your users regardless of color or religious background. 
Then it’s time to start taking a proactive stance against extremist white supremacist and nationalist ideologies and remove them. 
The signatures and reblogs below should serve to show you how strongly your userbase feels about this. We all stand for a world without Hate. Do you?
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My back hurts when I sit down.
It’s been going on for 10 years. It really doesn’t matter where I am — at work, at a restaurant, even on our couch at home. My lower back screams, “Stop sitting!”
To try to reduce the pain, I bought a kneeling chair at work. Then I got a standing desk. Then I went back to a regular chair because standing became painful.
I’ve seen physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons and pain specialists. I’ve mastered Pilates, increased flexibility and strengthened muscles. At one point, my abs were so strong my husband nicknamed them “the plate.”
All these treatments helped a bit, at first. But the pain never really went away. So a few years ago, I decided to accept reality: Sitting down is — and will always be — painful for me.
Then back in November, I walked into the studio of Jenn Sherer in Palo Alto, Calif. She is part of a growing movement on the West Coast to teach people to move and sit and stand as they did in the past — and as they still do in other parts of the world. For the past 8 years, Sherer has been helping people reduce their back pain.
To Fix That Pain In Your Back, You Might Have To Change The Way You Sit
GIF: Lily Padula for NPR
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This is tragic. My condolences go out to everyone in Humboldt Saskatchewan, the team and their family’s.
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We should be more pro-active or we’ll see more of such sad fates of honest people.
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Tumblr Boycott to Protest Continued Lack of Movement to Ban White Nationalists
Tumblr @staff have been silent about the use of this site by white nationalist bloggers, while numerous other sites (see this post) have made actions to ban nazis/white nationalists/”alt-right”/fascists. Tumblr needs to know their lack of action is unacceptable. I love my tumblr community and want to stay, but if this continues, I will have to considering leaving.
I suggest we push back, and unite to boycott on a certain date. I’m arbitrarily suggesting September 1st - it’s nine days from this post, and that gives it enough time to hopefully get spread as far as possible. Boycotts only work if lots of people do it. Please consider joining me and logging off tumblr on September 1st, to let them know we’re serious about their apathy towards white nationalism.
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Super Human. A short superhero comic about depression or something. Art by Stephen Morrow. Written by Johnathon O. Lyon. Lettering by boy Roland.
If you’d like to buy a hard copy of this comic, or just want to talk to John about literally whatever because he’s super down for that, hit him up at [email protected].
You can also check out John’s afterword HERE. If you want.
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My husband, Drew, and I having a quiet moment at Puhimau Crater Overlook along the Chain of Craters Road in Volcanoes National Park, Hawai'i. This is a sweet photo because our vacation actually began on Valentine's Day. Our buddy, Ben, took it when we didn't know he had his camera out.
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What is ageism, and what does it look like?
The term ageism, defined as “the process of systematic stereotyping and discrimination against people because they are old,” was first coined by Robert Butler, MD, psychologist and gerontologist, and founder of the International Longevity Center-USA, in 1969. Ageism can be personal (our individual biases) or institutional (driven by custom, culture and economic forces). Bias does not have to be intentional to be damaging. Unintentional biases also take their toll on older people… People don’t see themselves as ageist. Most ageism is unintentional—reflecting deeply held beliefs about old age that have been cultivated over generations. Most people think their views of aging are reasonable and justified based on their personal experience, when in fact public messages and images have influenced their thinking. And, of course, age bias is shaped by our own fear of death. —Cody Sipe, PhD (January 2017). Ageism and the fitness industry. IDEA Fitness Journal, 27.
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U.S. Senator Barack Obama poses with a basketball at the Spencer Family YMCA while on the Presidential Campaign Trail on Dec. 16, 2007 in Des Moines, Iowa. (Bill Frakes)
GALLERY: Barack Obama and Basketball
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Dr. Sammy Lee, the first Asian-American man to win an Olympic gold medal, died over the weekend after battling pneumonia. He was 96.
In the 1930s, Southern California had enough of the South in it that young Sammy Lee could only watch through the iron fence most days when other boys his age swam at the pool in Pasadena’s Brookside Park. The pool, like the area’s beaches and many other public facilities, was segregated. But not on Wednesdays.
The park declared that Wednesdays were International Days. “Basically, anyone who wasn’t white could use the pool,” said Paula K. Yoo, one of Lee’s biographers. “Then they’d drain it afterward.”
Young Sammy, though, had developed a passion for diving, and was determined to practice more often than once a week. In was to become his typical response to prejudice, he found another way.
Sammy Lee Climbed Above Racism, Dove Into Olympic History
Photos: Liz O. Baylen/LA Times via Getty Images and FPG/Getty Images
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