hmmnn making the executive decision to close requests until i can get back to this blog. i want to because we really enjoyed coining - just college got in the way & now stuff in my personal life mesns i have higher priority things than this blog :( i will do my best to do the requests i still have but no promises - some of them are a year old by now
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Hello! Do you still take requests?
i do but i'm in a massive slump right now and won't be able to get any of them done in any reasonable timespan. i'll get to it "eventually" but in reality "eventually" could be a damn long time /g
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what are all the 18+ role/identity flags you know of? as in not a part of a label system or anything, just the flat identity
im not sure i fully understand what you're asking?
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a flag consisting of 7 stripes, colored black, a thin stripe of dark grey, red, magenta, maroon, purple, a thin stripe of dark grey, black. in the center is a dark grey symbol of a triskelion, outlined in black.
a kinkic gender related to cnc snuff kink.
c + n + c + snuff + kinkic
from "cnc snuff" and the suffix "kinkic"
requested by anon, coined by us
id template by me
#kinkic#kinkic gender#kinkgender#kink gender#❥ my terms#nsft#minors dni#coining#mogai#mogaireal#mogaisafe#mogai coining#mogai flag#liom#liomreal#liomsafe#liom coining#liom flag
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and also maybe a gendie for when youre the cutest most helpless baby boy bottom but filled with fantasies of getting railed into next year? like yknow. cute bottom boy, really inexperienced. wants to be fucked through a wall. sorry if this is like... way too specific idk how specific youd get for these kinds of coins.
-starry once again
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Kinkic term relating to cnc snuff play? /gen
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ID START ; a flag consisting of 7 stripes, colored purple, magenta, red, orange, red, magenta, purple. the stripes bulge out in the center. in the center is a white symbol for expansion. ; ID END
a kinkic gender related to cum inflation kink.
cum + fla + ti + kinkic
from "cum inflation" and the suffix "kinkic"
requested by anon, coined by us
id template by me
#kinkic#kinkic gender#kinkgender#kink gender#❥ my terms#nsft#minors dni#coining#mogai#mogaireal#mogaisafe#mogai coining#mogai flag#liom#liomreal#liomsafe#liom coining#liom flag
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ID START ; a 9 striped flag, colored red, pink, rose, white, black, white, rose, pink, red. ; END ID
corruvicten !
a gender related to having a corruption kink and being the one who is corrupted.
cor + ru + vic + ten
from "corruption"
requested by anon, coined by us
id by me
#gender#gender coining#mogai gender#mogai coining#❥ my terms#nsft#minors dni#coining#mogai#mogaireal#mogaisafe#mogai flag#liom#liomreal#liomsafe#liom coining#liom flag
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umm i know you've coined inflatikinkic but could you possibly do a sublabel (?) of that specifically related to cum inflation? thank you in advance :0c
done :)
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gend hurr related to having a corruption kink and being the one whos corrupted
- your friend-and-pal starry, who is confident enough to disclose who i am but not confident enough to be off anon for nsfw asks
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ID START ; a flag with 7 stripes, colored cream, orange, dark purple, pink, dark purple, magenta, purple. the two dark purple stripes are thinner than the others and bumpy around the edges. ; END ID
acidean !
a gender related to acid / lsd.
a + cid + ay + an
from "acid" and the suffix "ean"
requested by anon, coined by us
id by me
#gender#gender coining#mogai gender#mogai coining#❥ my terms#nsft#minors dni#coining#mogai#mogaireal#mogaisafe#mogai flag#liom#liomreal#liomsafe#liom coining#liom flag
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ID START ; a flag with 7 stripes, colored brown, light brown, dark purple, olive, dark purple, green, dark green. the two dark purple stripes are thinner than the others and bumpy around the edges. ; END ID
hashian !
a gender related to hashish.
hash + i + an
from "hash" and the suffix "ian"
requested by anon, coined by us
id by me
#gender#gender coining#mogai gender#mogai coining#❥ my terms#nsft#minors dni#coining#mogai#mogaireal#mogaisafe#mogai flag#liom#liomreal#liomsafe#liom coining#liom flag
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ID START ; a flag with 7 stripes, colored red, orange, cream, yellow, cream, green, blue. the two cream stripes are thinner than the others and bumpy around the edges. ; END ID
shroonen !
a gender related to shrooms.
shroo + nen
from "shrooms" and the suffix "nen"
requested by anon, coined by us
id by me
#gender#gender coining#mogai gender#mogai coining#❥ my terms#nsft#minors dni#coining#mogai#mogaireal#mogaisafe#mogai flag#liom#liomreal#liomsafe#liom coining#liom flag
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ID START ; a flag with 9 stripes, alternating between thick and thin, colored desaturated green, desaturated dark green, dark green, pale purple, skip the fifth stripe, pale purple, moss green, green, light green. the fifth stripe has a diamond shape in the center, and is split down the middle, with the left side being purple and the right side being dark purple. ; END ID
alt tetrative flag !
tetrative is a plural term for introtives who are an introject or -tive of, or sourced from weed, weed-related things, or being high. originally coined here, this is an alt flag using @localhazard-wikiblog's flag template.
id by me
#tive#introtive#introject term#introject#❥ my terms#nsft#minors dni#coining#mogai#mogaireal#mogaisafe#mogai coining#mogai flag#liom#liomreal#liomsafe#liom coining#liom flag
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ID START ; a flag with 9 stripes, alternating between thick and thin, colored very dark purple, purple, magenta, pink, skip the fifth stripe, magenta, pink, light pink, pale pink. the fifth stripe has a diamond shape in the center, and is split down the middle, with the left side being pale pink and the right side being dark purple. ; END ID
alt kinktive flag !
kinktive is a plural term for introtives who are an introject or -tive of a kink. originally coined here, this is an alt flag using @localhazard-wikiblog's flag template.
id by me
#tive#introtive#introject term#introject#❥ my terms#nsft#minors dni#coining#mogai#mogaireal#mogaisafe#mogai coining#mogai flag#liom#liomreal#liomsafe#liom coining#liom flag
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ID START ; a flag with 5 concentric circles. from outside to inside, they are colored black, dark brown, brown, dark beige, and beige. inside the smallest circle is a white symbol of a music note. ; END ID
hatef--ksongic !
a songic gender related to the song hatef--k by the bravery.
hate + fuck + song + ic
from "hatefuck" and the suffix "songic"
requested by a headmate, coined by us
id template by me
#songic#songic gender#songgender#musicagender#⭘ my terms#coining#mogai#mogaireal#mogaisafe#mogai coining#mogai flag#liom#liomreal#liomsafe#liom coining#liom flag
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Genders (separate not together) related to acid tabs, hash, and shrooms, please? Also, I hope you're having a good day.
(Are you okay with spam likes by chance?)
done! and yes, i am :)
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