Every woman has a wolf inside her, has a howling dragon that says, mine, mine, mine. A beast that begs to be let out, a beast that wants to kill. A monster they cannot let out.
And every man has been given permission to let their sickly, scrawny, starving, beast out.
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And when the daughters-of-my-heart and the children-of-my-soul light themselves on fire in order to live, I will not shed a tear. I will only clench my fists in fury and smite those who denied them warmth.
-A quote from a mother that almost was.
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When children starve and no ones cries, that is when extinction comes.
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some sort of love poem
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I will love you until the stars go out
Which is to say, we may never know when I began and when I stopped
All of the light we see in the night may be dead
All of the glowing embers could be gone
I may never have had the chance to love you
Because maybe, just maybe, I never started
There isn’t a person in this world who feels unconditional love.
No one feels a unrelenting torrent of love when the see someone, not for forever and always
There will always be a catch, a hidden line rarely crossed, but when torn apart.
All the love in the world will fade away.
I envy the animals
They have no concept of morality, no heaven or hell
Only survival
I cannot imagine a world where I am eternally pinned by the chemistry in my brain.
Where a compound you can make in a lab dictates how I feel.
Where a rush of hormones and emotions pivot my life.
Where I could hand my life into the hands of someone I have never met.
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Play with me, the slope of their jaws hum.
Fight with me, the arc of their shoulders croon invitingly.
Kill me with everything you have and burn the ashes of my destruction. Their mouths say, the lazy slash of red-and-lipstick curving over lips. Mixing like oil paints on canvas, like blood and oil.
Try to bury my ashes, darling, the stomp of their feet echo.
You will fail, darling, their eyes sing.
-A War-Cry from people who aren’t allowed to speak.
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Adults willing to let their planet die in order to be right, their planet did not die. It was them that died, painfully and slowly, while the children blundered their way through life trying to heal their worlds that they had inherited from their parents and hoped and prayed to fix what mistakes their ancestors had made. Willing to fight for their existence and willing to heal the chinks in the well-crafted armour of life. Not yet broken and not yet lost. Grabbing at foothold along the cliff of life and just barely holding on.
These brave, darling children, thinking outside the box, and fighting against the ignorance of their people. Fighting for another chance, for another life, for another home. Affecting the world in the only way they knew how. In a world founded on war, the first PRIDE parade was a riot, and the bloody desecrated land of my ancestors are ones colonizers claim with smug dignity and “this land has been in my family for generations,” but they forget who it belonged to first, and who they had to kill and maim and rape and torture.
|Why fight against something you cannot stop? Maybe to say you tried. Maybe to keep having hope. Maybe because they still thought they could save it|
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She was made of misshapen beauty and the stars. Her voice echoed throughout the cosmos when she spoke, defining the very essence of creation.
Hair like fire, like the suns and planets she had created in her image and eyes like the water and ice of the deep. Deep pools of darkness and emptiness filling her up until she drowned. Over and over and over again. Trying to breathe and never managing. Her blood stained the earth and became clay. Skin, grafted off of her arms became sand, and the very essence of her flooded into its center to keep the darling creations made in her image safe. Pulling them so they were trapped in a paradise of their own.
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The children are screaming.
The children are screaming and nobody will help them. The adults are cowards and the young are bold. Not yet learned humility but still knowing how to hold their tongue until they can spread their sacred truths behind the backs of the stern and strict and dying.
A new plague to fix the wrongs and bring back the rights. How do you survive knowing the worst is on its way? Knowing that death is better than living with prejudices and shame. Sucicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. But the problem is that no one wants to admit that it's temporary. These twice-eternal ways of thinking are driving children to the edge of the cliff and goading them to jump off.
Revolutions are not fought in silence, and by everything precious in this world we will not stop screaming until we are recognized. Until those who kill with their words are six feet under, dead and rotting. They deserve nothing less.
Humanity is dying. Why do people not see that? Are they so willfully blind to all that they have burned that they still see perfection in pain? We are the children of those who never learned to fight with all of their being. Who were taught to stay quiet and stay hidden until you can lock yourself away no more. We were taught to devour and laugh, It’s okay to be scared, but don’t let it stop you.
Don’t let anyone pin you down and tear the hope away. Even if it’s something you hate. Don’t let them take it.
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