Protest To God
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Eventually, life gives into your success demands
Why holding on is the key to a better life The idea we’re all told is to work hard and never give up until something happens. As common as this saying is, success will come if you hold on. Comprehend this… My dream of becoming a motivational writer took 23 years to blossom. The journey was long and challenging. The reason I never gave up is because successful people always say, if you want to…
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Results of working with divine guidance: coming into alignment with the soul
In addition to the paradigm shift that consciousness is prior to everything, another result of working with divine guidance is coming into alignment with what the soul wants. The Octopus Model Back in the early years of my spiritual journey around 2007/2008 when I became aware that there was an invisible force behind the veil like a giant invisible hand moving everything and orchestrating…
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Never, Ever Underestimate Narcissists Or Flying Monkeys!
April 25, 2019 was the day I buried my mother.  I decided not to have a funeral because those she was closest to were elderly, ill &/or lived too far away to attend her funeral.  The day of her burial, I knew I didn’t have to be there, so I was unsure if I would attend or not.  That is at least until that morning.  The cemetery called late that morning.  Apparently they made a huge blunder.  My…
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Why ghosting people is good for your mental well-being
 Sometimes, life stops you abruptly, violently, and intentionally. I’ve planned my life for a long time. I knew my life had meaning, and soon after, my dream of helping people developed. Throughout my pursuit of it, I’ve gone through ups and downs which are too many to count. I’ve gotten used to setbacks. I’ve learned from them, cried because of them, and failed to achieve certain goals. What…
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Using embarssment as Fuel ⛽️
I keep a highlight reel of embarrassing moments inside my memory bank. These snippets of the past, though cringe-worthy, serve a crucial purpose in my journey. I choose to revisit them from time to time, not to dwell on my mistakes, but as a reminder of where I was and where I’m headed. Each awkward stumble and misguided step is a testament to my growth and resilience.Don’t be too set in your…
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Clive Ngwenya: Champion of Well-being
Clive Ngwenya is a visionary advocate for holistic well-being, dedicated to empowering individuals to enhance their physical, mental, and emotional health. As the founder of this emotionalintelligencedeveloper.com, Clive’s mission is to provide accessible resources and support for people on their journey towards improved well-being. Clive recognized the need for a comprehensive platform that…
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Results of working with divine guidance: a paradigm shift
When one works with divine guidance, where does this lead to? There are several topics that can be mentioned. And one of them is a shift in worldview. Nothing actually changed when people started thinking that the Earth was round and not flat or that the Earth moved around the Sun (instead of the Sun moving around the Earth). In daily life, the streets and fields looked as flat as before. And…
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Why I was labeled a misfit and how I overcame it
People will always judge you, and that’s okay. If you’re at a point where you don’t get why people are always talking about you. If you’re frustrated because you think their actions are because of your doing. Don’t blame yourself. When people label you, it’s their perceptions at work. You don’t have to believe it. Why did people call me a misfit? When I look back… I was always different. I…
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Why Emotional Intelligence is the Secret Weapon of Great Leaders
In today’s volatile landscape of the corporate and business world, exceptional technical skills and industry knowledge are no longer enough to be a truly great leader. You need more!  Dr. Sabine Charles, a visionary leader in professional & educational development is diving deep into the world of leadership and a quality that is often overlooked – emotional intelligence (EQ) in leadership. You…
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As within, so without
Sometimes life sends us little experiences that can be interpreted as metaphors for spiritual lessons. Here is a story that happened recently (spring of 2022). On the inside of our bathroom window, we have a pleated blind covering the lower half of the window. And even though I usually don’t clean the window behind the blind, one day I decided to pull the blind up a bit and remove the black mold…
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Why do I feel like a nobody?
This type of trigger happens when things aren’t going my way I sometimes ask myself: Am I meant to go through everything I go through? Or is it just bad luck sometimes? The selfishness of my heart means, when things are good, I expect nothing less. But when things are bad. When things are falling apart… I get triggered and fall into a depressed state. So, how do I break this emotional cycle? Am…
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When A Narcissist's Rage Turns Especially Vicious
As open as I try to be about my experience with narcissists, I have kept a few things private, partly due to the fact I haven’t felt the timing was right to discuss them.  One of those things I feel it’s time to discuss it, in the hopes this story will help some of you. Several years ago, I was pretty close with someone.  As time wore on, I began to see some signs that she was a narcissist.  I…
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A Trap You Can Avoid
In life, unnecessary pressure is a common trap that many of us fall into. We often sign ourselves up for situations that are beyond our control or build anxiety over potential outcomes that have yet to materialize. This kind of pressure can be overwhelming and counterproductive.One of the key ways to avoid unnecessary pressure is to recognize what you can and cannot change. It’s crucial to focus…
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Leadership Mindset Transformed: Unleash Your Potential with Leadership MEQ
Exceptional leaders know that people can grow, adapt, and learn new abilities to achieve goals, and this positive outlook can be attributed to mindset. Decades of research have shown that people with a leadership mindset are more likely to tackle challenges, use feedback productively, and problem-solve more effectively.  However, more than mindset alone is required to develop exceptional…
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How to Build Your Leadership Presence for A Strong Impact?
Outstanding leaders are easily distinguished from the rest and highlighted by their strong leadership presence. It’s an intangible quotient that directs respect and attention from others by exuding influence, confidence, and credibility.  Dr. Sabine Charles, renowned as “The CPA Doctor” and a leading expert in leadership development, personal growth, and education, shares her insights on how to…
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Examples of divine guidance (part 3/3): health issues, dreams, and mirroring events
Here are more stories about divine guidance. Everything is clogged When I did not want to share my spiritual journey, I got some breathing trouble in my throat, as if it was clogged. The throat chakra can cause problems if there is resistance to speaking one’s truth. Also, when I did not want to share, many things in our household got clogged, like clogged drains, clogged showerheads, and a…
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