welcome to ember island
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system of 20+ osdd-1b. autistic. body age: 20 • hosts: riot, moth
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emberislandsys · 3 years ago
Instead of tracking switches as they happen, we track who fronts in a day instead. We often switch seamlessly and our amnesia gets in the way of doing SimplyPlural types of things. We use a grid in a physical notebook (date on y axis, part on x axis) and color in the square. We can do it as it happens if we have an obvious switch, and/or reflect at the end of the day and mark who fronted. Hope this helps :)
this is such a better idea!! thanks sm we will be trying this
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emberislandsys · 3 years ago
fellow systems please give us all your tips on starting a system journal. we’ve tried using apps like simplyplural to keep track of alters & switches but constantly forget to update or forget we even have the app. what kind of things do you all include if you have one? we were gonna start with introductions/personal pages and such ofc but arent sure what else to include
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emberislandsys · 3 years ago
update on this! we have found a name that we all like a lot to collectively go by irl and our legal name can be a nickname for it. its not much but still progress
being a system where none of us identify with the body/legal name and not being able to change it to the host or any frequent fronters name instead bc we changed it the year before discovering our osdd really. just not fun. because we all have to go by it and mask both our osdd and autism all at the same time it feels like faking our way through life for safety and to avoid ridicule that we mentally cant handle and it sucks
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emberislandsys · 3 years ago
hellooo we have been gone for a bit and have had a lot of changes in our life :) we recently moved to our own apartment in the city and are working on getting a therapist that specializes in trauma and dissociative disorders. communication has been getting a little better, we have a few new alters which we have to make faceclaims for and introduce on here! we miss being in system spaces a ton and are working towards acceptance and coming out of the denial stage hopefully things can only go up from here -riot
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
sunni fronted during our last half hour of work and went into sensory overload we were planning on staying after to study but had to come home and get in pajamas to calm down since there was almost a panic attack due to noises and forgetting the fidget toy we normally have. sunni isnt great at masking when it comes to our autism so it was the first time we had stimmed at work and luckily nobody said anything or questioned it
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
being a system where none of us identify with the body/legal name and not being able to change it to the host or any frequent fronters name instead bc we changed it the year before discovering our osdd really. just not fun. because we all have to go by it and mask both our osdd and autism all at the same time it feels like faking our way through life for safety and to avoid ridicule that we mentally cant handle and it sucks
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
@ systems. what are your littles favorite cartoons/shows if anyone feels comfortable sharing? jude has been flipping out bc he wants to watch teen titans but refuses to watch tt go (dont blame him tbh) and our hbo max subscription was canceled so we need alternatives for now until we can pay for it again
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
hmm... *gets in evil bed and holds my evil stuffed animal* evil night.. *turns off my fucked up evil lamp*
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
honestly that "it costs 0 dollars to be kind" bullshit is bullshit. it does cost things to be kind. it costs time. it costs energy. and it isn't always easy and it isn't always natural. it costs so much to be kind, sometimes. but that's the whole point. if being kind were easy, or simple, every single person would be an angel. but they're not, and the world isn't easy and simple. so no, it does cost something to be kind. but it's worth it anyway.
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
going to work and trying to just ignore this happening and remember customers orders while someones either screaming or trying to tell a joke really makes things hard sometimes lmao. usually have to ask a customer like 3 times to make sure its correct before making it
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
Singlets don’t know the pain of being co-con and having to fight for spotify rights. You truly don’t know pain until that one weird alter™ wants to listen to fucking death metal. You just don’t get it
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
will be spending the rest of the night trying to replicate our inner world in minecraft with jude. this should be fun | 💥
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
does anybody else have trouble knowing who the host of their system is? like at the moment our most frequent fronters are moth and sev but we’ll go long periods of time where someone else becomes the main fronter and our original host (venus) has been dormant for quite a while. we arent sure if its because of stress, work and school and having to mask or being blurry often or if we’re just kinda lost without venus here. we are working on having more communication and logging switches and still trying to find/see if we have any other alters since we are still pretty new to realizing we’re a system so does anyone have any tips/advice/info on this?
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
New alter help: Walkthrough carrd
A while back, we created a walkthrough carrd for new alters. Find it here! Feel free to use and share, credit is already on the carrd, so it isn't needed!
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
oh my GOD we just found this app called Simply Plural to help keep track of alter info, pronouns, switch logging and everything and its already a lifesaver. we wanted to try and get a journal with a lock to try and log without being scared someone would look through it but this just saved us if any other systems are looking for something similar check it out
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
ok so question. how to go about an alter whos a minor interacting with people on the internet? because we all cant seem to agree on whether its morally correct for said alter to list their age rather than the body age on their personal twitter but they want to and arent sure if they want to be out as being part of a system on there
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emberislandsys · 4 years ago
don’t let anyone on this website call you cringe they literally have a tumblr account
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