Coffee with a dash of whump
16 posts
To improve my english skills, i like (and love) to read whump/hc fics.
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elueths · 7 years ago
Me: I love this character. They are so precious to me.
Me: *reads 500 fanfics where character gets whumped*
Me: *writes nothing but stories where character gets hurt, injured, sick, or abandoned.*
Me: I love this character so much.
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elueths · 7 years ago
Whump in spanish?
Whump in Spanish, would you read it?
I don't know if anybody read this, i'm still learning how to use Tumblr. But i have a question: would you read whump in spanish?
I mean, i always thought to write a whump fic. But i speak spanish as first language and i'm not very good with english yet. I can read and understand english, but can't redact very well.
A lot of fics (the good ones) are in english, i want a nice whump fic in spanish too 😁
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elueths · 7 years ago
Whump challenge day 5
Day5: Favorite fandom to whump?
- Natsume Yuujinchou
- Young Justice
- Criminal minds
- Endeavour
- Stargate sg 1 and continuum
- Spiderman Homecoming
I'm pretty sure that i'm gona send this and inmediately i'il remember an important show or book that love but i forgot
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elueths · 7 years ago
Whump challenge day 4
Day 4: top 3 characters to whump and why.
Mmm depends what i see o read at the moment. Now, i think it would be:
-Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Spencer Reid (criminal minds) and Endeavour Morse (Endeavour): because i like the "nerd" characters. They are kind, intelligent and have a vulnerability vibe that i love. They are shy, skinny (except daniel) and fragile in some way.
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elueths · 7 years ago
Whump challenge day 3
Top 3 whump scenes and why:
It's a hard task... Let me think...
1. It's from a book, Eldest by Christopher Paolini. The main character (Eragon) had an strange injury in his back. And a big effort, a bad move or exhaustion bring him a lot of pain. When occurs, he ends incapacitated, sometimes he pass out, with great pain.
2. Criminal minds 2x14: When Reid is being "tortured". Because i love that kind of things. Although i expected more.
3. It's from a movie that i saw many years ago. The haunting in Connecticut. The boy had cancer and a i liked saw his pain.
This top 3 isn't very accurate because at this moment i can't remember very well the scenes with best whump to me. I used to have a list with the series but i can't find it.
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elueths · 7 years ago
Beautiful 🖤
I was thinking about it, and I’ve noticed that many things whumpers say sound a lot like the way some villains speak. Imagine how awkward it’d get if there was a show with a villain who says the things we say. (It would probably be the source of oh-so-many reaction gifs, though.)
“You suffer so beautifully, dear hero. It’s not that I don’t like you - quite the opposite, in fact.” Cue the smirk. “I love the way you gasp when it hurts. You look better when you’re bound, injured, covered in your own blood, and I just want to bring out the best in you.”
“You present that mask of invulnerability, of invincibility, but I live for those moments in which the human behind all that shows. The moments when you can do nothing but suffer. That’s you, the real you. It’s you, unfiltered, and it’s beautiful.” 
“I want him alive! Injured, fine, badly injured and bleeding out, delicious, ill and delirious, hot daMN THAT’S MY JAM , dying, maybe, but dead? DEFINITELY NOT! That’s going too far, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“Wait, you had a dislocated shoulder just last time I saw you. It was, what, two days ago? You can’t possibly be well this quickly!”
“You don’t understand,” the villain explains to someone else. “I NEED to see him bleed.”
“I love it when you scream. Specially when your voice cracks. Mmm, that’s nice.”
“Healing magic? HEALING MAGIC? HEALING MAGIC?” Cue table being flipped in rage. “THAT’S NOT FAIR!”
“Getting up again? Ah, I love it when you don’t give up that easily!”
(watching a fight between another villain and the hero and chanting) “BEAT HIM UP! BEAT HIM UP! BEAT HIM UP!”
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elueths · 7 years ago
Find Tumblr and the "whump community" was the best thing that happend to me last month. I thought i was crazy and no one else enjoyed the suffering (whump, h/c, angst) from characters on movies, books, fanfics, etc.
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elueths · 7 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Patrick Jane - The Mentalist 3x08
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elueths · 7 years ago
“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”
-Charles William Eliot
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elueths · 7 years ago
I love when the whumpees (it's correct?) after being injured, return to work because they need to end something urgently and after that they feel exhausted and faint front a boss, friend or colleague.
Morse from Endeavour is an example. I still don't know how to do a gif, sorry.
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elueths · 7 years ago
I'm with you!
Now in spanish because i'm not fluent in english Yet:
Estoy contigo. Para mí no hay edades ni limites en el whump ( do you know a word in spanish form it?). Y también creo que depende de la edad de cada uno. Cuando era más chica me gustaba leer whumps fics de personajes que hoy no me producen nada. Y personajes que antes no me producían ningún sentimiento o sensación al ser heridos, al desmayarse o algo, hoy si me lo producen.
Y a mí hay tópicos que no me gustan demasiado (non-con, rape) pero no voy a ir a ff, ao3 a decirles a los escritores que no hagan fics con esos temas. Si a ellos y a sus lectores les gusta, me parece perfecto.
Is it ok to whump an underage charachter if they act like an adult, have an adult voice actor, and you know the voice actor from their other work and have been dying for them to get whumped since forever? Plus I don't think of whump in a sexual way.
The wonderful thing about whump is that there is no right or wrong way to enjoy it.  If what you describe is the kind of whump that makes you most happy, then go out and embrace it!  There are no rules to this, no black and white lines dividing “right” whump from “wrong” whump, and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is not representative of the whump community as a whole.
If you’re looking for my opinion, I think a lot of it comes down to age.  I’m an adult.  When I was in my teens and in high school I probably would have whumped the shit out of, say, Tom Holland’s Peter Parker.  But these days I don’t get anything from his whump because he’s just so young and I don’t get any whumpy butterflies reading or watching his whump.  BUT I’m not about to go out on AO3 or my blog and tell people who DO whump the shit out of Peter Parker that I think what they’re doing is wrong.  Because I don’t think what they’re doing is wrong.  I just don’t gain any satisfaction from reading it like I would, say, a Hawaii Five-O fic with tons of delicious Steve whump. And yet, I can read the last book in the Harry Potter series and get the whumperflies from Harry’s “death” scene.  Go figure.
So really, there is no rhyme or reason to it (at least for me). We love what we love so we should all just get on with the lovin’!  Am I right?  
Who’s with me?
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elueths · 7 years ago
To those of you who may be struggling with a creative block today, be it art or music or writing, I’m sending you lots of creative vibes! They’re on their way to fight that block and tear it down so you can continue expressing yourself! You got this, you’re totally gonna rock this project you’re working on.
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elueths · 7 years ago
I'm allowed to be proud of my own writing. But i can't. Because i hate what i wrote years ago. I mean, no the writing but the characterization. My character. And hate people who likes my book. I feel that i'm a bad writer, a disappointment. I don't want to be recognized for that book. I want to erase it.
just a friendly reminder
you’re allowed to be proud of your own writing.
you’re allowed to show it to people and tell them you think it’s great.
you’re allowed to feel good about your skills as a writer.
you don’t have to, and a little self-criticism is what we need to get better, but you’re allowed to. and you should. don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.
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elueths · 7 years ago
#Whumpchallenge Day 2
Least favorite whump trope(s)?
I don't like rape/non-con. I think that is a lot suffering and too realist to me. I prefer stabs, gunshots, etc. But sometimes i make exceptions.
Character death: i hate it so much. If the fic ends with the death of the main character i refuse to read it. I'm a hug fan of happy endings. I love h/c, whump, angst but i like the aftercare too. Without aftercare it's meaningless. Death= no aftercare.
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elueths · 7 years ago
#WhumpChallenge Day 1
Ok, i'll try this. (Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, english isn't my first languaje)
1. Favorite whump trope(s):
- Panick Attacks (or anxiety)
- Breathing issues (for any reason)
- Broken Bones: Legs, ankles, ribs, clavicle. Those that cause limited movement, limp.
- Back injuries: Whip, stabs, cuts, shots, etc.
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elueths · 7 years ago
Este es un texto del por qué me gusta Natsume y por qué me siento identificada con él.
Pero antes de empezar, quiero decir que estoy encantada con esta red social que acabo de descubrir. A ver, la conocía, pero nunca creí que la fuese a usar. Hasta que la búsqueda de fics (y whump) de calidad me trajeron hasts acá. Por si alguien no quiere leer la historia. Recomiendo Natsume Yuujinchou si están en busca de whump o h/c. Es muy buena en esos temas. Y bien detallado.
Ahora sí, el tema de verdad:
Natsume Yuujinchou esta bassdo en un manga del mismo nombre creado por Yuki Midorikawa (Te debo gran parte de mi felicidad, gracias Yuki).
Trata de Natsume, un joven que puede ver unos seres llamados Yōkai que el común de la gente no ve. Por esto, la gente cree que es muy raro, que es mentiroso o que le faltan unos tornillos. Y le han hecho bullying casi toda su vida. Y a pesar de todo lo sufrido, sumado a que es huérfano y no tuvo hogar estable (familia que lo quiera de verdad) hasta el inicio de la serie, Natsume es buena persona. Es el ser más amable y considerado que pueda existir. Trata de no molestar a nadie, trata de no causar problemas (cosa muy frecuente debido a los yōkai).
Y ahí una se pregunta, ¿Cómo una persona que desde la niñez conoció los peores lados de la gente, puede ser tan buena? ¿Cómo puede no odiar al mundo? Y ahí aparece esta frase que me encanta (e identifica):
"Cuando era pequeño, no me llevaba bien con nadie. Pero luego conocí a unas personas amables, y me di cuenta de lo que era la bondad... y no quería huir. Yo mismo quiero llegar a ser alguien amable."
Y este es el punto que me conecta a Natsume.
Desde el jardín y el primario me hicieron bullying. No físico. Sino que se me burlaban, me evitaban y me mentían por diversión. Por diversión. Eso es algo que me marcó mucho. Siempre he usado lentes a causa de la miopía, y habían unas chicas de un curso superior que lo tomaron como punto para molestarme. Pero no de la forma común ( diciendo cuatro ojos y cosas así). Se inventaron una historia. Me decían que un chico de un curso superior me buscaba y me quería romper los lentes. Y yo como era muy chica e inocente les creía y me asustaba hasta el punto de llorar cuando lo veía. Estas chicas me llevaban a un sector del patio al que, según ellas, él tenía prohibido ir. Y me decían eso siempre. Lo hacían porque les gustaba verme llorar. Así como lo leen. Les gustaba ver como lloraba. Y eso es una parte de lo que me pasaba y todavía no encuentro los motivos por otras actitudes que la gente ha tenido conmigo.
Y si bien medio que siempre odié a mis compañeros de casi cualquier curso, nunca traté mal a nadie. Soy dentro de todo buena persona. Como Natsume. Me gusta ser una persona amable. Me gusta que la gente se sienta apreciada, me gusta der la clase de persona que no fueron conmigo. Quiero ser un buen recuerdo en las memorias de quien me cruce. Quiero no provocarles inseguridades que les marquen de por vida. Quiero demostrar que las buenas personas existen, que no todo es maldad en este mundo. Quiero que la gente sea feliz.
Y bueno. No sé si alguien lea esto alguna vez, pero quería escribirlo ahora que encontré una red social en la que no tengo a nadie conocido.
Amo Natsume Yuujinchou, sus historias y lo que me producen. Hay cosas buenas en la vida y ess historia es una de ellas.
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