elliotthatesyou · 4 years
Oh, where’s the fun in that??? Haven’t you enjoyed all the fun summer activities??
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I mean, I have been participating in activities over the summer. But it’s nothing to write home about, y’know? What class did you hold?
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
elli && bas
bas: 😥
bas: might this be an opportunity that we've been waiting for? maybe there is a possibility that our destiny have crossed.
bas: i would take to invite myself along, but i must ask-- may i come along??
bas: please 🥺🥺🥺
ell: how could i ever say no to you, my sweet bas?
ell: will you hold my hand?
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
elli && bas
bas: i'll try.
bas: 😱😱😱
bas: that was such a way to put it
bas: 🤣🤣🤣
bas: thank you. i'm certainly trying.
ell: do you not know what i mean, though? i have not enjoyed one single second of this camp experience. it's really gotten me down, if i'm honest. i just want to feel /something/.
ell: i wish i could help somehow.
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
elli && bas
bas: i just... don't know.
bas: i saw that you were requesting a tattoo. what are you thinking about getting?
bas: i never thought i would ever stop painting.
ell: if you think of something, please let me know. :)
ell: anything, really. i kind of just want to be stabbed with a bunch of tiny needles for a few hours.
ell: please don't. you're so talented. so good.
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
text 💌 open
Quinn: So, I’m pretty sure the cabins were supposed to bring us closer together, and I think that it’s been long enough now for some solid results. How’s everybody enjoying the bliss that is this summer? 💛
Elliott: I wouldn't exactly use the word "bliss"... More like "hell".
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
elli && bas
bas: i've spoken to kurt about it and researched online.
bas: i don't know what will help me.
bas: i've decided to take a combat course. though i don't know how i'll do. i know that you are a fellow artist, i thought that we can get some tips from each other.
ell: there's nothing i can do for you? i would feel useless to you otherwise.
ell: i think that will be good for you. i think you'll do great. i try to get some air when i'm lost for muse, but sometimes you just can't force it, i guess. when it comes back to me, i can't stop writing usually.
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
FINN: ELLIOTT, my man. How have you been?
ELLIOTT: FINN! Dude, I'm going crazy.
ELLIOTT: Get me out of this hell hole.
ELLIOTT: How are things with you?
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
I never thought I would say it, but I can’t wait for classes to start. I’m done with this whole summer camping thing. Has anybody actually enjoyed themselves or are we all complaining the same amount that I am? I need a new tattoo and a drink.
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
elli && bas
bas: when you loose your muse, what do you do?
ell: try to figure out your block. cut out what's blocking you. find new things to inspire you.
ell: what's going on? i can help in whatever way that you need.
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
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elliott jackson gilbert > a moodboard
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
txt > sebelliott
s: oh no-- i can understand living in these emotions right now. of course, i could never imagine befalling such a tragedy. or if you just need your mind off of it, i can help with that too.
s: of course! i was really scare that you would not invite and i would have to find myself a spot in the fields alone :( though, sam might come with me though.
e: it's okay, babe. it was a long time ago. i appreciate that, and you know i'm always here if you need to talk about anything, too.
e: nice! i would really love to get some along time with you. i'll bring my guitar. there's a song i would love to sing to you, if you don't mind.
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
Has anyone else checked Kiss From A Rose bakery? ‘Cause they got really amazing baked goods and Im not bias because the Roses are close family friends and not because they’re making my mom’s wedding cake but, everyone should check them out. PS Im not getting any money to do this advertisement for them, Im just getting baked goods. 
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Why is it that every time I see you, you’re talking about food in some sorts? Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally there with you. I simply must try these baked goods.
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
txt > sebelliott
s: oh :( i hope that it is nothing to concerning. is everything okay with your father?
s: i love them ♥ nothing fixes my muse more than sitting in a swaying field of luscious grass and to confabulate over mindless creations. i hope that there is more to this questions since it brought about such a frisson.
e: yeah, i guess. it was recently my mother's birthday and also the anniversary of the day she left us, so my dad is always down at this time of year. he never really moved on. don't worry about me. how have you been?
e: i feel exactly the same. there's something about fresh air and quiet that activates my muse. and they're even better when you get to share those moments with someone. how would you like to spend some of those moments with me? i would appreciate it.
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
txt > sebelliott
s: but i've never left my love. i'm still here. the question is where have YOU disappeared too?
e: i've been around. there has just been a lot on my mind lately.
e: how do you feel about picnics?
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
txt > sebelliott
e: i miss you.
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
One thing about working at the bakery, is that Im not at the camp all the much right now. I also get to watch Hamilton without fear of Cassie, Figgins or Holly stalking me, which now they’re going to be stalking me now. How’s everyone’s week going?
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I have to admit, I have been sucked into the Hamilton hole once again. Hamilton and baked goods sounds like the perfect combination, actually.
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elliotthatesyou · 4 years
to bas,
so when i heard that we had to write letters, i knew i had to involve you even if i didn’t have to. 
i wish i knew what drew me to you, it’s something i can’t explain. there’s no one else like you around here. i’m not a man that goes to dances and has a good time. you made me want to go and you showed me it was okay to enjoy myself. and oh, i enjoyed myself with you. 
i’m pretty rough around the edges and i don’t know why you seem to enjoy my company, but i’m so glad you do. most people, besides my circle, don’t enjoy me so it took me a hot minute to understand that you wanted to actually talk to me. let me tell you, i appreciate that so much. i’ve never been one to open up and just talk to someone. i’m more interested in the physical, honestly. but you made it so easy to share. i’m still a closed book but i hope i can open up more with you.
from your favorite leather wearing boy, 
ps. i miss your lips.
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