ellcyy · 23 days
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Disclaimer: This blog is solely for educational purposes only and a requirement for our subject, development psychology. Rest assured that the photos, information and anything mentioned in this blog has been consented by the interviewee.
As a parent, a lot of questions will cross your mind, particularly if it's your first child. Now that you have completed your pregnancy, this is when the real fight will begin.
The birth of a child will profoundly alter your life. Despite the chaos of daily life and mental state, having a kid is a blessing, but raising one needs a village, courage, and lots of patience.
On September 7th, we interviewed Ate Ellien, now a mother of three, who recently had her youngest child, Cai, and was asked a few questions about her experiences on having her third child.
Ate talks bout her difficulties in the first month after giving birth to Cai. She said that having a baby and two toddlers causes her a lot of stress, and looking after three children challenges her patience. She says that at the time, she was experiencing post-partum depression, and that at one point in her life, shouting was the only way she could express her emotions. Because of how severe her depression was, she sometimes asked herself inappropriate things while staring at her children. Now that even if Cai is her third child, there are still difficulties that she can't escape after giving birth.
When I asked her how it was different with her two kids, she said there wasn't much of a change, but for Ate Ellien, her youngest was the most difficult to care for because Cai was the neediest child prior to the first two.
As for baby Cai, Cai is a happy baby who is almost two years old, however he is taller than his age-appropriate height. In his age, He can now say things like "mommy san papa," "goodnight," and "tawag papa." He is also very talkative and can utter words that we cannot understand (well, not for his mama). We played with baby Cai for almost three hours while we were there. He enjoys copying his brother's actions and annoying them. We also questioned Ate if she allowed Cai any screentime, to which she said that she did occasionally. Ate also mentioned that Cai enjoys watching Ms. Rachel, and as a result, he enjoys mimicking what Ms. Rachel is saying and with this it shows that, his environment and surrounding had an impact on his growth.
Additionally, Ate shares that she uses a baby walker because she thinks it would strengthen Cai's legs. The only thing that she refuses to follow was th elders' idea that a baby must be massaged on both legs in the morning to prevent "bakang" In her opinion, this belief is not ethical.
This interview demonstrates how a child's growth is largely influenced by his or her environment. We think that baby Cai is more advance for his age because he has two older brothers with whom he can play and interact on a daily basis. Cai is currently developing as a result of their acts, which have a significant impact on him.
As we end this blog, we would like to thank baby Cai and Ate Eilleen for taking part in this activity as we come to an end with this blog. Ate, we hope that you know what a wonderful mother you are. Three kids, especially young males, are difficult to raise. Always remember that you have kuya to support you and to let you know that you are loved every day. As for baby Cai, We ask God to guide baby Cai into a great life and to grow up to be a decent young man. We hope that he can enjoy his childhood and be surrounded by people who loves him.
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ellcyy · 24 days
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Discalimer: This blog is solely for educational purposes only and a requirement for our subject, development psychology. Rest assured that the photos, information and anything mentioned in this blog has been consented by the interviewee.
To be able to be called a good mother/best mom, there are lots of efforts that need to be put on, like patience, knowledge, and understanding. There are sacrifices that need to happen to be able to take care of the baby. But despite these challenges, there is still a sunshine that brings out the happiness and excitement of a mother and the father. 
Last Saturday, together with my partner, we interviewed a mother via Google Meet (due to her work schedules, we decided to have it on Google Meet). Her name is Hannah; she is 34 years old and 7 months pregnant. She shared her experience and adjustment to her pregnancy. 
Hannah is 7 months pregnant with her 2nd child and currently working in the bank. According to her, in the first pregnancy she is having anxiety due to the changes in her physical appearance. Because of the hormonal change, it leads her physical appearance to have changes, which she would always say whenever she sees herself in the mirror, "Hala pumapangit ako lumalaki yung ilong ko." Despite her having those experiences, there is the husband who is always giving her assurance. 
She said that in the first pregnancy it is all new and tonnes of what if. "What if I will not be a good mother?" "What if we can't give the good life to our baby?" While on the second baby, she already has knowledge of dos and don'ts. To what to overthink and not to think and how to fight the anxiety and all. All that she experienced during her journey with her first baby can apply to the second baby since she knows how to take care of the baby already.
For her, the most stressful period during her pregnancy was the 1st trimester. All the experiences are in the first trimester because, at this stage, it is critical that there be many possibilities that may happen both in the mother and baby. The morning sickness is her rival, and she doesn't eat much since she doesn't have appetite. That is why the first semester for her is the hardest time. 
All of us are very aware of how hard it is to be pregnant, but if the mother has a good relationship with the father, it would be a good journey for both the mother and the baby. In the last part of our interview with Hannah, we ask her how she copes with everything. She said the most important thing that can help to be a "healthy pregnant mommy" is having a good environment and being around supportive people. Since it is a pregnancy journey, Hannah said that she needs to be strong and brave enough so that her baby is happy. She mentioned that whenever she feels that depression is coming into her, all she does is move around often so that she won't experience it.
After conducting the interview, we thanked and bid goodbye to Hannah for letting us have the opportunity to interview her. 
To ma'am Hannah, we pray for your safe delivery and for the safety of the both of you. May God give you unending support and a good environment for your family.
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