“Before I speak, I have something important to say” —Groucho Marx Tech and Random stuff by Elia Schito
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Past and Future of Ruby and Rails
As a sad orphan of railsapi.com I'm proud to present you valuable links to ruby and rails documentation in SDoc format:
Searchable Ruby 2.0 API documentation
Searchable Rails 3.2 API documentation
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Autocomplete "git" as "g"
For all you lazy Git bums, here's how you can type "g" got "git" and still have autocompletion (paste into your ~/.bash_profile or .dotfiles system):
alias g='git' complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _git g 2>/dev/null \ || complete -o default -o nospace -F _git g
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Let jRuby and Pow!™ be happy together
Turns out that Pow! won't support jRuby anytime soon but the trick described in josh/nack#32 actually works, so rollup your shirt's sleeves! Go open node_modules/nack/lib/nack/server.rb inside ~/Library/Application Support/Pow/Current and replace sock.close_read on line 132 with:
# WAS: sock.close_read begin sock.close_read rescue IOError raise unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' end
Happy hacking!
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Get back Rails backtrace links on Safari 6
If you're back to Safari and want your clickable Rails backtraces here's the solution: [**Download RailsnStacktracenlinks.safariextz**](http://cl.ly/3q0S2B004607) Thanks to [http://kangoextensions.com](http://kangoextensions.com) that made supereasy transform a userscript into a Safari extension. ![Links again!](http://f.cl.ly/items/1I1S0y3x0H3Z3u2A0g0h/Schermata%202012-09-29%20alle%2011.12.55%20pm.png)
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[slides] Rails views for the OO-savvy Rubyist
Rails OO views from Elia Schito
note: transitions and music are lost with slideshare, but you can get an idea of them in this video:
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I'll speak at RubyDay.it tomorrow!
I was asked to write about the talk I'll give tomorrow at **[RubyDay.it](http://rubyday.it)**. Without giving away too much here's a post I wrote some time ago about [`@instance_variables` usage in Rails implementation](http://elia.schito.me/post/17547757285/another-reason-to-avoid-instance-variables-into-rails). Last I add a promise: _it will be fun!_ _Cross posted from [MIKAMAYHEM](http://dev.mikamai.com)_
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“Use Node.js FOR SPEED” — @RoflscaleTips
So I obeyed, and wrote the `opal` NPM package, this way, finally, Rails and [`opal-rails`][1] are no longer necessary. Here's my first node app:
server = Server.new 3000 server.start do [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, ["Hello World!\n"]] end
For it I had to write the `Server` class:
class Server def initialize port @http = `require('http')` @port = port end def start &block %x{ this.http.createServer(function(req, res) { var rackResponse = (block.call(block._s, req, res)); res.end(rackResponse[2].join(' ')); }).listen(this.port); } end end
Put them in `app.opal` and then start the server:
$ npm install -g opal # <<< install the NPM package first! $ opal-node app
![The running app][2] ### YAY! now I can roflSCALE all of my RAils apps!!1 [1]: http://elia.schito.me/post/24087273859/stop-writing-javascript-and-get-back-to-ruby [2]: http://f.cl.ly/items/352N3A2U0c013I391i0Q/Schermata%2006-2456088%20alle%206.18.09%20pm.png
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Stop writing JavaScript and get back to Ruby!
Remeber that feeling that you had after having tried CoffeeScript getting back to a project with plain JavaScript and felt so constricted?
Well, after re-writing a couple of coffee classes with OpalRuby I felt exactly that way, and with 14.9KB of footprint (min+gz, jQuery is 32KB) is a complete no brainer.
So let's gobble up our first chunk of code, that will salute from the browser console:
puts 'hi buddies!'
You wonder how that gets translated?
Fear that it will look like this?
'egin',cb='bootstrap',u='clear.cache.gif',z='content',bc='end',lb='gecko',mb='g cko1_8',yb='gwt.hybrid',xb='gwt/standard/standard.css',E='gwt:onLoadErrorFn',B= 'gwt:onPropertyErrorFn',y='gwt:property',Db='head',qb='hosted.html?hello',Cb='h ref',kb='ie6',ab='iframe',t='img',bb="javascript:''",zb='link',pb='loadExternal Refs',v='meta',eb='moduleRequested',ac='moduleStartup',jb='msie',w='name',gb='o pera',db='position:absolute;width:0;height:0;border:none',Ab='rel',ib='safari', rb='selectingPermutation',x='startup',m='hello',Bb='stylesheet',ob='unknown',fb ='user.agent',hb='webkit';var fc=window,k=document,ec=fc.__gwtStatsEvent?functi on(a){return fc.__gwtStatsEvent(a)}:null,zc,pc,kc,jc=l,sc={},Cc=[],yc=[],ic=[], vc,xc;ec&&ec({moduleName:m,subSystem:x,evtGroup:cb,millis:(new Date()).getTime( ),type:nb});if(!fc.__gwt_stylesLoaded){fc.__gwt_stylesLoaded={}}if(!fc.__gwt_sc riptsLoaded){fc.__gwt_scriptsLoaded={}}function oc(){var b=false;try{b=fc.exter
Nope! it's Chuck Testa
(function() { return this.$puts("hi buddies!") }).call(Opal.top);
But it will be obviously a mess to integrate it with existing javascript!!1
Let's how to add #next and #prev to the Element class:
class Element def next(selector = '') element = nil `element = jQuery(this.el).next(selector)[0] || nil;` Element.new element if element end end
But I'm on Rails!
Here you served:
gem 'opal-rails'
Which il provide you a requirable libraries for application.js
//= require opal //= require rquery
and the .opal extension for your files
# app/assets/javascripts/hi-world.js.opal puts "G'day world!"
A template handler:
# app/views/posts/show.js.opal.erb Element.id('<%= dom_id @post %>').show
and a Haml filter!
-# app/views/posts/show.html.haml %article= post.body %a#show-comments Display Comments! .comments(style="display:none;") - post.comments.each do |comment| .comment= comment.body :opal Document.ready? do Element.id('show-comments').on :click do Element.find('.comments').first.show false # aka preventDefault end end
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Use dimensions by @sstephenson to add automatic images size and improve browser rendering
UPDATE: I just released the dimensions-rails gem which adds default width and height to the image_tag helper!
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Open the current url from TextMate
Whenever you're within some text in TextMate you can see the urls properly underlined. Today I finally (and accidentally) discovered how to open those urls in the browser.
The command is ⌅ and on my macbook can be reached by using together fn and ⏎.
Now that I know it I can start implementing the lynx bundle!
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m17eryOpYD1qzaszdo1_540.jpg)
Jedi training on Cesano Boscone (the planet)
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Another reason to avoid instance variables into Rails controllers? /2
They have an insane implementation:
(still in rails head)
# Define some internal variables that should not be propagated to the view. self.protected_instance_variables = [ :@_status, :@_headers, :@_params, :@_env, :@_response, :@_request, :@_view_runtime, :@_stream, :@_url_options, :@_action_has_layout ]
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Another reason to avoid instance variables into Rails controllers?
They can't be deprecated. (at least AFAIK)
Now go, and add gem 'decent_exposure' to your Gemfile.
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Awkward Rails 2 routes
Don't use parenthesis to mark a parameter as optional in a Rails 2 route
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Set subdomain in Rails 3 request specs
Every request spec runs inside an Integration::Session hence just add:
before { host! "mysubdomain.#{host}" }
This of course works for Rails3+Rspec2.
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