ein-keiser · 6 hours
If you did not know already, yes, we as Ao3 fic Authors can see if you write anything into your Bookmarks of our fics you saved.
And god damn i love it, i love to read through the Bookmarks so please write more into them!
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ein-keiser · 2 days
Sue my ADHD ass for getting distracted all the god damn time with new fics ideas and every few months only getting the motivation to continue writing and posting my already published stuff, meanwhile my privat notes and writing program is full with already newly started things. All gay ofc.
I hope that my readers can truely forgive me for all these delays and well grammer mistakes [My betas can save my dislexic ass just so far (Also English is not my mother tongue if someone did not know already)]
Here a snippet of what i'm curently doing during one of my re-watches
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ein-keiser · 7 days
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During the time it takes for Wei Wuxian to say pages worth of words, Lan Zhan has uttered one word maybe
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ein-keiser · 11 days
Glad that you seem to like it!
What if Wednesday and Bianca already knew each other?
What if they had met as children, even though Wednesday Friday Addams would have had to get to know Bianca Barclay as "Brandy Jane".
By children, I don't mean as toddlers, but more like ages 8-10 or 11. That would have given them enough time to learn about each other's habits and quirks.
It would have allowed Wednesday to learn about the difficult mother Bianca had, and it would have given Bianca enough time to learn a bit about the Addams family and how they viewed certain things in life. They may have even learned to dance together.
Even if they were torn away from each other, whether on good terms or not, they probably never forgot about each other, or at least not completely.
So when they met again as teenagers at Nevermore, under the alias of the Siren, it was definitely a surprise.
Bianca probably heard about the Addams family coming to her school with a slight panic, as they could potentially expose her and ruin the life she had worked hard to build. But would Wednesday really do that to her? They had no contact over those lost years.
For her part, Wednesday was likely surprised to find Bianca at Nevermore, especially under a different name. She understood, at least she thought she did.
So she stayed silent for now.
This all points to a potential Wenclay ship, though they could easily just be friends as the main plot. The jealousy trope is right there as well, with the journey from strangers to friends, back to strangers, enemies, frenemies, and potentially lovers.
This was just what was on my mind.
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ein-keiser · 11 days
Sense8 What if Sun never went to Prison?
Have you ever imagined what would have happened if Sun had not gone to prison for her brother?
What would have changed?
Would her father still be alive? or would he have died regardless?
Would her father's behaviour towards her have changed?
What about her position in the company?
Would it have influenced her cluster? If yes, how? In what way?
Please let me know your thoughts about it.
For anyone who does not know what sense8 is about: Eight strangers from around the globe suddenly begin to communicate telepathically, but soon discover their gift also makes them targets.
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ein-keiser · 24 days
can they invent a mobility aid that helps with the joint pain & also does NOT cause different joint pain in a different area from use
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ein-keiser · 28 days
Please guys drop your AgentCorp fic ideas, my tiktok fyp is suddenly full of the ship and it in all honesty has potential.
So please if anyone ships them a lot and needs more fics drop your ideas, in the comments or reposts so Ao3 Authors can do their magic.
Agentcorp = Alex Danvers x Lena Luther
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ein-keiser · 1 month
Let's entertain the idea of: What if Lena Luther found out very early on that Lena is in fact Supergirl, since she seemingly had no issue finding out about some other peoples real identiys why not this too.
But Lena being Lena does not tell anyone that she knows espcialy not Kara, she does not act like she knows since she is a Luther she can do that much since it's not her place to say that she knows about the truth.
Instead she waits just to see when Kara and the others will finally tell her, when she finally gained their trust of knowing. This way years go by and she really tries not to be hurt by the endless lies, by the fact that other people get told but never her. Never Lena who knows her seemingly best friend by then since years.
Now when she finally do snaps she is even more hurt then anything else, by the fact that they do not see as to why it hurts her so much.
This lie never was meant to protect Lena, okay maybe in the beginning but after that? after years? years of Lena being in danger constantly anyways, years of their other friends also joining in on the lie over and over again.
And she is supposed to act like it never happend in the first place, to act like she will just continue to help them for other peoples sakes?
But what if she does not? what if she stops and due to knowing Karas real identity since forever she does not go silly rogue for a bit, no. Inatead Lena just stops caring, she stops giving their friendship her 120%.
She starts to prioritize herself, to take her distance to be "selfish" as well.
She takes her time to truely Life again without truely knowing where she stands with people she thougth of as friends, she does not let herslf be sweet talked back.
She will take her time all the time she needs even and if she comes back then with more boundries with rules and conditions, she is not one for endless second chances.
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ein-keiser · 1 month
I just created a Discord Server for People who want to chat, write or do art together with other people or simply want to be kept updated with my Ao3 stories.
Since i just created it i would be very thankfull, if someone could help me check if everything works as it should.
In the following picture i present you my curently existing Server Chanels&Categorize.
I'm not used to working with Bots so i hope i did not accidently create a mess with them.
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ein-keiser · 1 month
If anyone asks about my writing and Updates this is how such things go:
Source: Tiktok skeletonkie
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ein-keiser · 2 months
This is just about preferences, i made such a poll question once at another Account of mine so my readers suffering is already granted.
I rather post my unfinished stuff and update after many months or years, instead of regretting it to never have posted it to beginn with. But this is purely my own stand on my own works.
Also people, rather Orphane your work if you don't want it anymore instead or deleting it please, i beg you.
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ein-keiser · 2 months
I always see people discussing the prophecies in Merlin about Morgana and the one about Mordred.
But now, what if [specifically right now] the prophecy about Mordred does not exist?
Or if it does exist, what if Merlin did not know about it and never found out?
What do you think could have changed?
What would have happened?
And for my Merdred shippers, what if the tension between them was this time not because of the prophecy?
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ein-keiser · 2 months
What if Arthur actively had magic and would discover it somehow? The curiosity taking the better out of him
Maybe whilst still in camelot
Maybe on the run
or maybe when he left camelot visiting or fleeing to a magic rich kingdom
Maybe before everything went south
Maybe before Uther dies
Maybe before or after Morgana Turns sides
Maybe whilst Merlin is present
so many what ifs and maybes
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ein-keiser · 2 months
Oh people you will love it i got the people in the LCF discord server i'm on to write some fics to that with me
If you want to join the ao3 fun feel free to use the collection i just created
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Will see if they post and/or add their stuff tho
Either way it has fun crack potential
Cale is so pale and pretty people would confuse him for a vampire
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ein-keiser · 2 months
Everyone is always like
What if Merlin Ignored the dragon and truely befriended Mordered?
What if Arthur knew about Merlins Magic ealier?
What if Merlin Told Morgana about his Magic and helped her?
What if Morgana never turned "evil"?
Instead of what if Morgana died much ealier? What if she died before she switches sides? before merlin almost killed her? before Uther died? during a higthed sibling scene? What if she was killed by a fellow magician right in front of her brother? in front of merlin? What if Uther killed her? What if she was killed by a sword? so many options
The How early, when and how exactly she dies could every single time change a lot in the follow up storyline!
Please tell me your what if about it and at what point her death would be in your scenario!
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ein-keiser · 2 months
I'm okay with Pretty much any fandom as long as you follow the rules which are written at the very top of the Comission file.
I won't write anything just to rip a character to pieces or a group of individuals just because you hate them for some reason, i write things with actual plot and not just for shits and giggles.
Hello there,
This is my account, Ein_Keiser. I created it specifically to post my writing ideas, requests, discussion themes, "what ifs," and fanfic works.
My AO3 account has the same name. English is not my native language, so any mistakes are my own. I go by He/They pronouns, please respect that.
Feel free to use my inbox if you have anything to tell or request from me. If you don't want a certain thing or idea posted, please let me know in your message.
As always, feel free to use any of my ideas I post in your fanfics. If you publish them on AO3, please tag me or inform me so I can read them.
Some ideas may seem familiar, as I have previously posted them on theoldwhisky. However, I decided to create a separate account because I repost so much content.
The following are just google form links to 1.Where you can request things i should write and no, just because you requested it does not mean i will write it. [Also please try not to request much f/m since i do not like writing it yes, i'm dead serious and i also do not write crack fics, no chat fics] 2. A google form were you can recommend me fics to read! Any fandom is allowed.
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ein-keiser · 2 months
Thank you!
In the following i will insert 2 LCF ideas of mine i had randomly one night, any typos are my own.
If someone could repost with an ALT text for the picture i would be imensely greatfull since dunno what to write.
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My intend with these ideas? more suffering for cale of course.
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