ehusky · 8 years
Today I only made some bullets that are supposed to turn to the way they are moving. This was the result. Also as you can see, that’s a shit ton of bullets and the fps seems to be doing fine. My only problem would be when I get to make patterns where the bullets move to different places and constantly change their direction. The problem with this is that it will be lots of objects doing stuff per frame and that would hurt the game’s performance, but let’s see, maybe I’ll find a way to face tha issue.
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ehusky · 8 years
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So I remade the power points I already had done as objects this time. Tried the particle alternative and found out that it was too complicated to destroy just a single particle (or almost impossible), so it was better to just go on with normal objects instead. As you can see in the gifs, I made the POC (Point of Collection), which is just a collider that makes the collection collider of the player get bigger if it enter the top of the screen and go to its normal size when it exits. This sounds weird but it’s actually a better approach (performance-wise) than making the collider check almost every frame if the player is inside or not.
Power items increase power by 0,01. 
Point items increase points by 1.
Life pieces and bomb pieces add a piece of each.
Bomb and Life items add one bomb and one life respectively.
If your bombs a lives are full and you pick one of those you some extra score.
I don’t know what I’ll be doing tomorrow but it certainly won’t be something that big as I may need to rest a bit.
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ehusky · 8 years
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Not much done today. Tried the whole day to make use of the Particle System so I can use it for item pick-ups, kind of got it but just discovered that there’s no way to destroy/hide a single particle from an entire Particle system, you can only clear them all. I also did the spawn effect shown in the gifs and player some more with the graze.
So fuck it, tomorrow I’ll make normal objects for items… Or maybe a single particle system for each item? I don’t know. I need to investigate more and see which of both is heavier for the performance of the game.
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ehusky · 8 years
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Today I did a lot of things. Here’s also a small video too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiDlNPmgTrI.
What I did:
Optimized my bullet pool script a bit more
Added familiars, hitbox and bullets to Reimu. They are animated aswell.
Made the graze mechanic functional. For now, for every 100 graze points you get 100 score. This will change later tho.
Added particles that tell you when you are close enough to graze. See the gif above.
I had a lot of fun today and I’m tired aswell so see you later ~
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ehusky · 8 years
So this is what I did today. Not much for the moment, but did some simple patterns to test the bullet pooling I did and other things. I spent the weekend doing other stuff, so this week I’ll work harder before I start college again in about 2 weeks from today.
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ehusky · 8 years
Here’s a little preview of what we’re working on! More info later.
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ehusky · 8 years
Testing particles and bullets
Today, since my friend @nesarts was working on Reimu’s sprites, I added a simple player that can move and use shift to focus and move slower. Say hi to Reimu.
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Also, my friend sis (@vacshy) who was working on the bullet sprites finished them all and I was testing some things with the particle systems.
Once, when I tried making a small android Touhou game, I used Object Pooling for bullets. Object Pooling is in other words the recycling of programming. Instead of destroying and creating new bullet objects, I can also hide them and reutilize them later since destroying and instantiating are pretty intense for the performance when done a lot of times. This helped a lot with the low FPS problem, but I still wanted even more bullets.
I decided to try using particles as bullets, or at least for most of the simple patterns, so I can make the game have even more bullets than I could make it have before.
That’s all I did today, had to update Unity3D after spending 2 hours figuring out why the particles had the same Random Seed and then I noticed that it was a known bug for my current version and had to update for another hour. Tomorrow I’ll work on the Object Pooling for the more complicated patterns… But for now…
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With particle systems I can have more bullets than I’m even supposed to put in any stage of the game. Even more for the poor shrine maiden who will suffer dodging…
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Well, Reimu is hacking as always.
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ehusky · 8 years
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Another little update. Just finished the functions I’ll use for the lives, bombs, power, graze and points interactions. Nothing to show for points and graze for the moment tho. I like how it turned out but I just noticed that the bomb piece sprite needs to be a bit more opaque I guess.
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ehusky · 8 years
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Today I worked a bit on the score, lives and bombs system. Tomorrow I’ll work on the power, points, graze and a bit on the player.
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ehusky · 9 years
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ehusky · 9 years
i waant a dog
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ehusky · 9 years
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open/close your eyes
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ehusky · 10 years
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Enigma appears in Mother 3 as a Men’s Room Sign.
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ehusky · 10 years
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Can’t touch this
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ehusky · 10 years
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ehusky · 10 years
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Thanks to all the artists who made this event a success!
The prints are segregated into sections for viewing ease. If you’d like the print version of these cards, they can be found in the link below:
Don’t forget to thank the artists found in the credits!
Storm Spirit - hindusalamander
Witchdoctor - enzyme-attack
Rubick - wondersableye
Templar Assassin - omelette
Vengeful Spirit - snowyvixen
Puck - Lyn-sensei
Templar Assassin - murasaki-yuri
Sven - cookieflips
Shadow Shaman - ravagerorr
Phoenix - lakehampton
Enchantress - f4bl3s
Skywrath Mage x Vengeful Spirit - themightyraccoon
Legion Commander - rotorheart
Anti-mage x Invoker - keterok
Wisp - dasianex
Crystal Maiden - squidsticks
Windrunner x Invoker - kittiofdoom
Mirana - sajedene
Crystal Maiden x Storm Spirit - fwosh
Invoker - hobolyra
Anti-Mage x Invoker - ziarenxolous
Leshrac x Enchantress - nasty1009
Razor x Naga Siren - anjael
Razor - agito666
Morphling x Enigma - tartaricing
Invoker - kittiofdoom
Lion - ihopesenpainotices
Night Stalker - alwaysdota
Mirana x Luna - askwr
Naga Siren x Slark - anatoleserial
Drow Ranger x Windrunner - cookieflips
Terrorblade - sweet-roll-cococo
Windrunner - kittiofdoom
Doom - hankenta
Crystal Maiden - ohneek
Waifurunner - 99hunters
Death Prophet x Void - sajedene
Drow Ranger - f4bl3s
Alchemist - nasty1009
Jakiro - wondersableye
Skywrath Mage x Vengeful Spirit - agito666
Crystal Maiden - wjndwalk3r
Fuzzy Wuzzy - doctorpie
Earth Shaker - mopperz
Kunkka - quasarden
Silencer - ziarenxolous
Timbersaw - lasanha-do-lidl
Clinkz - skelebrumm
Phantom Assassin x Omniknight - 99hunters
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ehusky · 10 years
But what if you're tired of being alone like that? It sucks to me :
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