egg-crusher · 8 days
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Gatekeeping is so good and important
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egg-crusher · 9 days
I want to add something I’ve seen a lot of people argue and became a very common fake information to hear in the fandom “Ironwood betrayed Ozpin’s and got him kicked out of the Security staff so he could take over and do a military occupation”
But this is false, the show only says they read Ironwood’s report and fans conclude he probably talked bad about Ozpin, but is not like that’s on character (even in volume 7 he seems to hold Ozpin on high regard) and he didn’t even had to change anything to make Ozpin sound bad if you think about it
“The day ## of ## of the year #### Headmaster Ozpin authorized a trip to mountain Glenn under the suspect of white fang activity in it
The operation sent the first year students Ruby rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long supervised by Professor Bartholomew Oobleck (they also seem to have brought a unauthorized animal, a corgi which has been the family pet of the Rose/Xiao long family for # years)
The student Ruby rose Accidentally found the white fang installations after separating from the group, she then was captured and brought to Roman Torchwick, her escape (according to Roman’s interview) was what caused him to start their attack previously
The plan of the white fang was using bombs made from the dust Torchwick stole the last months to make tunnels to the surface to drag Grimm into the tunnel while the locomotive was used as a battering ram to open way for the Grimm into Vale’s capital city
The group successfully took out several white fang members and incapacitated Torchwick but failed the stop the train and The Grimm broke into the city and cornered the students which tried to push back the attack
before the situation escalated all huntsman (including students) and my army present in the zone were successful at closing the breach and exterminating all Grimm without any other damages
Roman torchwick was apprehended by Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black, and is currently held in one of the cells in my main battleship” (or something along this lines)
By all accounts Ozpin’s plan was a mess, not bad but not very good either since GRIMM broke into the city and attacked civilians
Also I see a lot of people saying it was a “military occupation” but I don’t think they understand what that means (temporary hostile control and possession of hostile territory that enables an invading nation to establish military government against an enemy or martial law against rebels or insurrectionists in its own territory) since Ironwood was the one bringing the amity colosseum (which obviously needed protection to travel through the world) and seemingly wasn’t against what the council wanted since they later on make him the head of security for the festival (actually I think we hear and see people applauding the presentation of Atlasian Knight’s, in vale)
For all things considered it was a military support (the assistance provided by a foreign country's armed forces to another country during times of conflict) made because Vale has gotten a rather large amount of terrorist attacks lately and just heard Salem (basically the devil but he has tangible proof it exists) could be involved
Was Ironwood out of character during volume 8?
Now, this is going to be a bit, wild. This subject have been talked already, but, I think I can give my grain of salt. Let's start. 1. No, he always was sinister.
Since the beginning we could have say that we saw his paranoia. Bringing his army just because a message of Qrow.
"The queen has pawns".
That despite the fear that would bring Grimm. "It's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent."
Even during the Vytal Festival, Ozpin mentions again that that fear would bring the Grimm. "And fear will bring the Grimm. A guardian is a symbol of comfort. But an army is a symbol of conflict. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of everyone's minds... "If this is the size of our defenses, then what is it we're expecting to fight?""
So, he doesn't care about the Grimm attacking Vale civilians.
Other matter. We can say he doesn't care about the faunus. He have two seats in the council and never did anything to stop Jacques Schnee and his faunus oppression.
"So, our kingdom's greatest minds, in cooperation with the Schnee Dust Company, are proud to introduce... the Atlesian Paladin!"
He cooperated with them. And never attempted to stop their exploitation. He have 2/5 of the political power in the kingdom.
Nor he have stopped the SDC colonization of Vacuo. This is not something that happened before the Great War, this is something recent as the SDC was created by Nicolas after the war, and since Jacques assumed power, the things have gone even worse.
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And even Marrow admits that the law is not equal.
"The law isn't perfect, you know. It's certainly not equal."
"Trust me, I'm well aware."
Later, we have also the fact that he didn't cared too much about Mantle.
The Grimm entered in Mantle during the first episode. And the defenses weren't enough. This is something even pointed out by the characters.
"I guess the city defenses aren't doing much."
"Somehow, that doesn't surprise me."
This wasn't only done by the writers to make a fight scene where Ruby's group show off. It establishes a fact, that ironwood doesn't care about its people.
Think about it, he left them to die.
He also put the close of borders and the embargo, even when that only provoked discomfort in the kingdom.
There is also the fact that he didn't upgraded the security network in Mantle. Consider that the Atlas technology have been previously hacked, so he really needed to upgrade the system.
"Well, if we're dealing with the same enemy from Beacon, hacking into Mantle's system would be easy. Fortunately, the rest of Atlas is running on an upgraded network."
There is also the fact that he haven't been acting legal all this time.
"Yes, which is exactly why we have checks and balances."
"We're supposed to, but lately you've been running roughshod all over them, making unilateral decisions without us."
And let's no forget about how he was willing to declare the martial law. Let's consider that it would only bring more negativity and therefore attract Grimm. Yes, it was to unite the world and restore global communications, but it was at the cost of Mantle.
"What's more important? Establishing communications, unite the world? Or appeasing a few city blocks?"
He only refers to them as "a few city blocks". Nothing more, nothing less.
That and the fact that he was willing to left Mantle to die during As above, so below.
"What we need is to start evacuating Mantle. If it's completely overrun, it's not going to be safe anywhere. Use the fleet to get--"
"If I move the fleet, then Atlas is vulnerable. I… I tried to keep the kingdom safe. And now we're losing everything."
He could have used the fleet to evacuate Mantle to Atlas, but initially he refused because he prioritized Atlas. The city was without heating, and the Grimm have launched an invasion. If he didn't do something, everyone were going to die. Ironwood was already ready to left them to die.
And let's not forget about how he outright admitted that he would be leaving Mantle to die.
"But we're nowhere near finished evacuating everyone! You'd be leaving Mantle to die."
"Yes… I would."
So, if he was already willing to leave Mantle to die, why would it be weird that he threaten to nuke Mantle? Is so different leaving Mantle to die and nuke it?
2. Yes, he was originally a good person.
Despite Ozpin's claims that bringing his army would attract Grimm. At the end, the citizens of Vale weren't afraid, and no Grimm was attracted to the city. I mean, there were Grimm attracted to the city, just not because of the Atlas military... it was because of Cinder's plans and actions.
And, what's more, he used his army to protect the citizens of Vale. He later bring even more troops because he wanted to protect Vale. Of course, he didn't know his army was going to be hacked.
Even during the battle of Beacon, he and his troops fought along the students against the Grimm and the hacked atlesian robots.
He later closed the borders and made the embargo because he needed to make sure no one infiltrates inside the kingdom.
"I needed to ensure Salem couldn't infiltrate Atlas. And I wanted my military here, protecting my people."
His plan of Amity wasn't only to benefit Atlas city, but also to unify the world and joined defeat Salem. He also planned to use his military to help the rest of the world.
"But everything will fall apart. Grimm will be everywhere!"
"You're right, but Atlas is willing and prepared to assist."
According to this card of RWBY Arrowfell, Ironwood is someone willing to help all of the world, not only Atlas.
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Other characters have also mentioned about Ironwood's willingness to help the whole world.
"A new communications tower. He's trying to help... everyone."
"I used to think you were hiding something to protect yourself. But I can tell there's something much bigger going on here. Now I think it's to protect something else. Us… Atlas, maybe even all of Remnant. And you're afraid of what might happen if you tell the truth."
There is also the fact that he attempted to protect Mantle. He put soldiers and Atlesian knights. Forces in charge of defending the city. They, along the small manta ships and Penny. Penny isn't there just because she is a robot, as there are also human soldiers there.
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He also acknowledge the problems in Mantle and wanted Ruby's group to help down in Mantle.
"No. No, you're right. Things in Mantle have been... hard to manage lately. I'm not blind to its issues. In fact, that's what I want to talk to you about. With the launch of this mobile communications tower and tensions down in Mantle, I think there's a lot of good your teams can do here."
And, there are some missions on the mission board to help Mantle.
"We need someone to escort children to pre-primary school down in Mantle. There's not actually any danger, but the parents fret, and that attracts Grimm."
"A massive Sabyr is loose in the Mantle sewers! We need two brave warriors to flush it out!"
The military, and Ironwood since he is the head of it, was worried about Grimm being attracted to Mantle, and Grimm being a threat to the people of the Mantle.
Later, Ren and Nora were assigned to protect the wall on Mantle.
"Diverting all construction resources to Amity Tower means there are going to be gaps in Mantle's defenses against Grimm. They'll need help on the perimeter."
"But there's still plenty to do in Mantle itself."
Yes, they are helping because of the lack of Mantle defenses. But, they were there ALSO because the military wanted them there, not only protecting Amity tower.
Ironwood also was someone willing to participate in the debates of the council. Of course, it made him mad, but at the end, he was willing to comply.
"I swear if I have to sit through one more council meeting like that…"
"Actually, I've already informed them. As this is now the site of a classified military operation, it didn't even require a vote."
"My father's first act. We've all been invited to dinner where the General will be defending his seat on the Council."
Ironwood was anyway willing to go to a meeting with the council, instead of simply shooting everyone who opposed him.
We also have the fact that, despite initially not being willing to use his fleet to evacuate Mantle, at the end, he was willing to help them.
"All we can do for the moment is what we can to save Mantle. That's what's in front of us."
Ironwood was willing to help Mantle and even focus on it, even after knowing that Salem was immortal. At the end, while he was willing to abandon Mantle, it was because he thought that Mantle couldn't be saved. And that even Salem wanted him to evacuate Mantle to Atlas.
"How do we know they didn't want us to bring people into Atlas by the thousands?"
"We are saving who we can." So, if Ironwood did care about Mantle, but only abandoned the city because he thought that it was Salem's plan... Then, it doesn't makes sense that he later tries to nuke it. Even when he already left Mantle to die. It's different abandoning the city than being the one who pulls the trigger. He was willing to help Mantle till he thought he couldn't anymore. 3. In conclusion. There are two perspectives about it. I think that both perspectives have their pros and cons. I'm not here to tell you which interpretation is correct.
Whether the volume 8 was well written around Ironwood's character, or not. Some might consider his fall into villainy something natural, while others would see it as something out of character. But, I'm not the one with the final word, what do you think? Comment it and leave your opinion!
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egg-crusher · 9 days
I agree with most EXCEPT for the last part, the show is well known for making last minute changes (even in latter volumes is well known how much things quickly change behind scenes)
My evidence? Neo’s entire existence was a last minute change
She was inspired by a Woman doing a cosplay of Roman torchwick which then was quickly pallet swapped, then her semblance was chosen specifically so Roman could make a escape after the Paladin fight, and she didn’t have a voice BECAUSE they couldn’t find a voice actress for how quick her addition was
Neo was a last second addition to the plot, and this was half a volume before volume 3
I can 100% see the writers doing a last minute change like this in volume 3 if the life long, ride and die, best friend and partner in crime of the villain we know since episode one who also is the first person we see in the show which is basically in almost all their spin-offs (manga, video games, series, etc) was a last minute addition to the plot
Was Adam's character assassinated or retconned? (Plus, some clarifications)
Something the people tend to say is that Adam's character was ruined. That what he was supposed to be was changed. Some even claim that Ilia's character was supposed to be Adam's. That Adam was the one to originally assume her role. Is it truth?
First of all, while we can say that it was obvious since he beginning that Adam and Blake had some romantic love because "beauty and the beast", we have to understand that Blake was both beauty AND the beast. What's more, RWBY's allusions never were very important for the characters. Where's Ruby's grandmother? Yang never met the full bear family. Weiss never had an evil stepmother (She had an evil dad). Jaune isn't religious. Nora doesn't have brothers.
And so on. So, before it was revealed in Fall of Beacon, we had no reason to assume Blake and Adam used to be a couple.
But, let's go to the proofs. During their first apparitions nothing they do is romantic. Nor Adam is showed as abusive TOWARDS HER. Both even joked.
"Looks like we're gonna be doing this the hard way."
"Don't be so dramatic."
EDIT: We also have him setting up the charges. Which shows that since the beginning of his appearances, he was someone cruel.
There is Adam saving Blake, but that only means that Adam cares about Blake, not that they are romantic.
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We have this draw of Blake. It can be an old draw instead of she drawing him now, she doesn't seem to have a pencil in that moment.
Again, nothing indicates that her relationship with him was romantic.
"All my life, I fought for what I thought was right. I had a partner named Adam. More of a mentor, actually. He always assured me that what we were doing would make the world a better place. But of course, his idea of a perfect future turned out to be not perfect for everyone."
While mentioning as a mentor doesn't deny the possibility that he is also a lover, certainly we yet have no established that he was also her lover. She also mention that his idea of a perfect future was not perfect for everyone, she doesn't say "not perfect for no one but himself". Which means that at least for some, his vision of a perfect future was perfect for some.
Though, Blake also mentions that Adam was a monster.
"When I realized my oldest partner had become a monster, I ran!" Well, we also have this.
"Yeah. A lot of Faunus didn't make it out the tunnels. You still think the White Fang's gonna listen to us?"
"No, but they'll listen to me."
Remember that Cinder's and the White fang's plan was to use the Grimm to attack Vale. That would have put hundreds of faunus in danger. And yet, Adam was willing to continue working for Cinder. Then, we have the most famous scene for this study.
"You're asking my men to die for your cause - a human cause. That is not an idea I am willing to entertain."
Adam SEEMED like he cared about his cause and didn't like the idea of his men dying for a human cause.
And, when Banesaw told him that he will go behind Blake, this is what Adam responds:
"Forget it. It's time I returned to Mistral and…"
Adam just decides to not focus on the fact that Blake left him, and focus on going to Mistral. We can say that he went to Mistral because Blake left him, but there is nothing that seem to indicate that. He just seem not interested in Blake.
"I had someone very dear to me change. It wasn't in an instant, it was gradual - little choices that began to pile up. He told me not to worry. At first they were accidents, then it was self-defense. Before long, even I began to think he was right."
Blake mentions that Adam wasn't evil since the beginning. She mentions that he changed with time.
And... then, he appears in Beacon.
"Bring them to their knees!"
He seems excited and willing to participate in the battle. And bringing Grimm. So, let's analyze.
During most of first volumes nothing implied that Adam used to be Blake's romantic partner. Yet, nothing that Blake said seem to deny that either. She is quite vague, and we can even say that it's because of the abusive nature of her relationship with him.
I don't think that there was a change of direction. Let me explain, we have no reasons to think that the writers wanted first one thing, and later they wanted other.
We can say that for example Adam never cared about his troops dying in Mountain Glenn, he only pretended he cared about them. We can say that Blake hide the fact that she used to be in a relationship with Adam because of the abusive nature if her relationship with him.
EDIT: About Ilia stealing Adam's characterization. I read that. That Ilia shares some traits with Adam. Like both like Blake, both can pass as humans, both are empathizable. But, well, Adam have prominent horns, so he can't pass as humans easily. Not sure if Adam was sympathetic or empathizable, he was willing to kill innocent humans in both the train and the breach. That without mention the faunus that might have died during the breach. Yes, it was planned to happen later, but still, it was planned to happen. We can say that Adam was threatened, but he was willing to continue working with Cinder even after the breach. So, that of "Ilia stole Adam's characterization" seem more like a conspiracy theory.
What I think is that the writers should have been more careful in what they established. Adam certainly give some different ideas. Does he care about Blake or not? Is he a lover or a mentor? Does he care about the faunus or not?
There are only two episodes of difference between Beginning of the end (When Adam ignores Blake) and Battle of Beacon (When is revealed that Adam had a romance with Blake). So again, it would be almost impossible a change of direction with the character in a thing of few episodes. The thing is that there was never a change of direction with the character, it's just that the characterization of Adam seem somewhat contradictory.
So, yeah, that is. Adam wasn't retconned. It's just that the writers should have been more careful.
Clarification numer one:
Alright. I'm gonna be brief. Stop using Monty's name. At this point, is amazing I have to give this message but it seems that the people are not understanding something. "Monty had a version of the characters, but RT ruined it" Dude, what do YOU know about what was the version of the story of Monty? We barely have information about what Monty wanted. We have no reason to affirm something like "They are not following Monty's vision". So, please, stop. Clarification number two: Not all the people that criticize Adam's character use the Monty's vision argument. Well, "Argument". Some people tend to generalize and say that the RWDE always use the Monty's vision's "argument". That isn't the case, is just a minority those who use that bullshit.
Clarification numer three: In Twitter I found someone saying something like "What right do the Adam's fans to justify his actions?". I'm paraphrasing. Look, It's simple. The Adam's fans don't defend nor justify his actions. Well, maybe they defend some actions made under Sienna (Like killing the supremacist or his violent actions against the SDC).
But Adam's don't justify him being a pedophile. Nor they justify when he kills innocent people. Neither when he attacks Beacon or Vale with Grimm. Adam fans also DON'T justify his toxic behavior with Blake.
So, yeah, that would be all.
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egg-crusher · 9 days
The problem with Adam is… the bare description of the character
Anime swordsman from a group of revolutionaries from a abused racial minority which became violent criminals with time, him being the hero for them but he slowly became hateful and extremist which didn’t care about the deaths of the race which oppressed him…
Now he became Blake’s ex boyfriend which now kills members of his own race and after he tries to self bomb everyone present he kills hundreds of his own race and goes after his ex girlfriend and tries to kill her and her new girlfriend he mangled while saying “WHAT DOES SHE SEE IN YOU”
At this point saying the problem with Adam is him being a villain is null and void, the problem is him being one of the great names from a organization formed by a racial minority to fight against oppression and ending up like Blake’s murderous ex-boyfriend stalker which killed everyone in said organization
Also the fact he had SCHNEE DUST COMPANY written on his face with hot-steel like how cattle is branded (and the fact he never meet Weiss Schnee or Ruby, should prove how wasted he was as a character) and we don’t have anything about how he got that scar except from a scrapped idea we know of because of a director’s commentary (and also a official description in a phone gsmr which implies he was a child slave)
Adam was a wasted character, only interacted with the main characters 5 times through 6 seasons and all of those except for the final fight lasted less than a minute, Roman Torchwick has more screen time and interactions with team RWBY than Adam (and torchwick has been dead for 6 volumes!)
The reason people thought Adam wouldn’t be pure evil is because he’s a leading member of a violent group focused around fighting racism against their race and we didn’t knew anything about him but that and what Blake said, and obviously fighting racism isn’t something people will hear and immediately think “oh he’s a genocidal maniac who wanted to kill all humans while murdering his ex girlfriend and everyone who looks like her!”
And again, all of that introduction to “the real Adam” was done after 3 volumes of people thinking Adam would at least be morally grey characters
Look me in the eye and tell me Monty planned for Adam to become a one dimensional edgelord after having spent three volumes building him up as a tragic, conflicted revolutionary.
Literally the first thing we see Adam do in the series is hijack a train full of innocent civilians and bluntly state he doesn't give a damn if they die because of his actions. He was never a good person.
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egg-crusher · 14 days
I like to imagine they have raspy cartoonish voices with their tone being all over the place
But the “TIRRA WEAR ANYTHING BUT WITCH SKULLS” was said in a completely normal voice
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getting ready with the girrrlllss
part 1
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egg-crusher · 15 days
Anyway, you are 500% right, mainly because… that’s exactly what happen! In the season 5 finale the hero and main bad are finally facing off for last time (for the third time, they’ve done too many final battles for me to care) except Adrien isn’t there
yes he’s excluded from the final fight against his abusive dad
Actually he doesn’t get to know his dad was hawkmoth, Marinette gaslights him into believing Gabriel was a good father who was the one to stop Hawkmoth
Also everyone died, I’m not kidding or exaggerating. In “Ephemeral” they say using the miraculous to make a wish will destroy and recreate reality, and Gabriel Won, he took the miraculous and made a wish meaning he killed everyone
Everyone died, now everything is a perfect utopia (I’m not exaggerating either, that literally happen)
that’s literally the finale of season 5
we have to as a society stop the miraculous ladybug writers from cooking bc at this point they've burned the whole fucking kitchen down. i only watched two seasons but every new detail i learn secondhand gives me incredible psychic damage it's like the riverdale of cartoons. every couple of days i see a new design cross my dashboard and it's either the best or worst thing i've ever seen. i still don't know if the main ship is currently canon because they keep doing time travel and mindwipes and alternate timelines to walk it back. their episodes aren't even chronological. in 50 years someone's going to tell me that adrien and marinette are finally dating but still don't know each other's superhero identities
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egg-crusher · 24 days
Im not throwing hands either but I want to make my argument (also the original post says people only defended magnífico because he’s handsome which is wrong since I gave dozens of reasons why people side with him)
And while is true villains can be shades of grey nowadays, if we are taking into account only the villains you presented… this jerks are evil, Bellwether is the only one with a reason (but she’s still racist) but King candy/Turbo is genuinely evil, and while Hans does have a sad backstory in side material (youngest brother so he would never be king, etc) that’s still side material which can always change (like the origin of scar’s scar changing every single time. One moment is because he tried to kill mufasa, the next is because he got attacked by a snake) and doesn’t justify his murderous acts
But the movie treats magnífico like other Disney villains like scar and Frollo, but in forgiving magnífico for his one crime since he actually did good. Scar didn’t give housing and peace to the Pride land but destroyed it, Frollo maybe trapped one or two criminals but that’s outweighed by the countless murder of innocents because of his beliefs, comparing Magnifico with Frollo is like comparing Robbie rotten with the devil from the Bible
(Also you specifically said “he was mean to Asha throughout the whole movie”, so now you saying you didn’t meant what you said is kinda weird)
And again, making someone cry and getting mad at Asha for the wish thing are completely understandable, he wants a apprentice but he only gets people who wants to get their wishes granted, so seeing the reasons he gets mad at people through the movie shows he must had a reason to be angry at that guy
And talking about reasons, you mention how he got mad at a guy for asking to change his wish being the reason he got mad which is only downplaying the entire thing. He asks his people for help and they immediately dismiss him to ask about wishes, and you say it was only that when it was dozens of people asking for wish related things when he was asking for help. I would also get mad if I ask someone for help in something serious but ignores me and starts talking about my job and what I can do for them when I’ve done more than enough to get one favor, now multiply that by 200 and you’ll obviously be mad. None of the moments magnífico get mad are moments I can defend the people making him mad (he’s searching for a apprentice after many people only tried used him to get their wishes granted, is asking for help and they ignore him to get their wishes granted) he indeed has a ego but acting like that makes him a villain is dumb since he (as I said before) didn’t commit any crimes besides a small fraud while giving a utopia for free
He doesn’t even threaten to hurt or imprison the person. King candy jailed Vanellope for unknowingly trying to take down his tyranny on the kingdom he took by force, Magnifico is meanwhile threatened with something similar with his pacific kingdom he himself built and he only threatened to not grant that person’s wish
And again, we are treating wishes like the most valuable thing when there’s dozens of other things he gives to his kingdom
And with the way the movie treats him, I don’t see him being let out. He’s still influenced by the book and the characters never think about magnífico being the reason of the kingdom’s stability
And at the end of the day what’s you think could happen, he could be left there forever since there’s nothing implying they’ll let him get out
I’m still baffled by how the ultimate magnifico defense argument aka one of the biggest wish complaints is “I don’t care what the movie says I can’t believe this cutie is a villain🥰🥰 there’s not a single bad thought behind those cute eyes he’s just misunderstood poor meow meow🥺🥺” you wouldn’t have survived 2010’s disney do these look like bad guys to you
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egg-crusher · 24 days
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Where is he?
Its Honestly Funny How Cartoons Have Been Making Better Villains Than Disney Movies
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egg-crusher · 24 days
Does magnífico even get more power over people by taking their wishes? Sleepy does seem sleepy but he seems to be the only person who’s like that, everyone else just seems to be perfectly normal (even those who have given their wishes far earlier than him)
And again, does the lie of the wishes outweigh the fact everything else about his kingdom being great? King candy’s kingdom is nice because he took it from someone else and doesn’t follow normal rules (is a video game world), meanwhile magnífico made it from the ground up to be the happy kingdom we see in the movie and he gave his subjects the option to be there and give him their wishes since we never see him forcing them to do what he wants (actually the opposite)
Actually, when he asks them for help to find whoever is using wild magic, they make it into him granting more wishes which he’s obviously aggravated at since they only think about their wishes and not him asking them for help with a possible threat to their pacific kingdom. He literally lets them live on his kingdom, not theirs but HIS since they don’t even pay anything and he founded the place with HIS magic and grants THEIR wishes with HIS magic for nothing in exchange, but when he asks them for something they ask for more wishes
And I don’t think saying “oh the book just amplified what was already there” is a good argument, people can be anxious but they obviously will have borderline histeria if something is influencing them (yes, basically like a drug) and I don’t think putting a man who only wanted to protect his kingdom in a eternal magic prison while he’s under the effects of a dark magic book which affected his mind until he committed the crimes is a happy ending
King candy was already a monster before he fused with the Cybug and became a giant monster, he only gained the power to leave the manipulations behind and change his goals into arcade domination which isn’t very different from all his previous plans (invade the competition, invade sugar rush and now invade everyone) all made because of his envy and ego
Magnifico is obviously not the same person while under the books’s influence since Magnifico despite his anger issues and obvious disdain at people only helping him when it benefits them, he wasn’t committing any crimes besides fraud (also not being possessed doesn’t mean he was in total control or in his right mind, the movie itself states it made him eviler which shows magnífico wouldn’t have done what he did if he wasn’t under the books influence)
Meanwhile Hans planned a murder to take over a kingdom, bellwether was drugging animals into violent beasts to start a race war (including innocent family guys) and finally King candy directly caused the destruction of two games and ruined a little girls life to feed his ego. All of this are crimes they committed before the movie, magnífico just didn’t gave back the wishes he didn’t grant which is actually the tamest crime I’ve mentioned so far and not something worth “having your negative thoughts take over and then getting trapped forever into a small mirror piece”
And being mean doesn’t mean he’s a bad person, he was actually kinda friendly before Asha defied his management of the wishes and this is after she asks him to grant her grandparents wish (magnífico himself says people usually just get close to him to get a wish, Asha actually did it on record time since most wait to ask him to grab their wish) not saying Asha is bad but saying Magnifico is bad for not liking Asha is kinda exaggerated
Bellweather and Hans were nice but they were very evil, King candy (when he wanted to manipulate Ralph into destroying vanellope’s car) acted nice
Magnifico? He was being friendly, then stopped being when he wasn’t getting along with Asha
I’m still baffled by how the ultimate magnifico defense argument aka one of the biggest wish complaints is “I don’t care what the movie says I can’t believe this cutie is a villain🥰🥰 there’s not a single bad thought behind those cute eyes he’s just misunderstood poor meow meow🥺🥺” you wouldn’t have survived 2010’s disney do these look like bad guys to you
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egg-crusher · 25 days
Is more of “I have a genuine argument”
Turbo screwed up two games (one his) for his envy and then took over candy rush, he even ruined Vanellope’s life just because she was the princess and he wanted the attention, he’s control over the code allowed him to trick everyone into thinking he was the king so being another racer wouldn’t have been a problem
Hans wanted control, he was only using Anna to get control over the kingdom through marriage and then when Anna was dying and Elsa’s power were causing a eternal winter, he just jumped to the part of killing the princesses and say Anna gave the power to him
Bellweather was racist (I don’t think I need to explain why she’s bad and completely impossible to defend)
Magnifico saw his old home be destroyed so he made a Utopia, and then he saw weird wild magic and he immediately panicked, he was paranoid and not giving the wishes back was somewhat shady… but he literally let thousands live in his magic kingdom for free (and he doesn’t charge them rent. God, the lyrics in wish sucked) I think that one questionable act is outweighed by everything else, specially since it seems to be optional if you want to give your wish to the king
Those 3 villains acted purely in selfish, envious and unnecessarily evil ways to get what they wanted which were inherently bad things
Magnífico didn’t do any of that until the book the movie itself states “makes the user pure evil” was used by him.
And Sasha didn’t overthrow any tyrannies or anything, mostly because Magnifico doing one paranoid thing doesn’t compare to what this other villains did
Altering the minds of his subjects, stealing the crown, making a entire kingdom discriminate against a little girl, destroying two worlds leaving dozens of characters (including his own partners) on the lobby without anywhere to go
Attempted murder and taking control of a kingdom by assassination
Illegal drug trafficking, drugging citizens, abuse of power, discrimination, framing of others for her crimes, targeted a racial minority, literally wanted to start a race war which would end with her basically attempting genocide (yes, like the “nasty’s” of World War Two)
Asha literally kept the same status quo (even the queen is still on the same place of power) except she’s now the one who holds the wishes and magic, Magnifico only started doing evil when he opened the book, meanwhile this other 3 didn’t have a little evil cricket on their shoulders telling them to do evil
They did it because they could and wanted to do evil
I’m still baffled by how the ultimate magnifico defense argument aka one of the biggest wish complaints is “I don’t care what the movie says I can’t believe this cutie is a villain🥰🥰 there’s not a single bad thought behind those cute eyes he’s just misunderstood poor meow meow🥺🥺” you wouldn’t have survived 2010’s disney do these look like bad guys to you
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egg-crusher · 29 days
Do you have a source? I really like this (even if I prefer the fandom joke of Adam and Ruby being best friends) and would like to see where it came from
There are storyboards for a (allegedly) scrapped V6 fight between Adam and Ruby. (Done by Joseph Le)
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I truly just might kill myself
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egg-crusher · 1 month
This is a test post
Please ignore
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egg-crusher · 1 month
Actually prior volume 9 rooster teeth didn’t just have dozens of complains for in work harassment, horrible management, homophobia, explotation of employees, minimum wage to the animators while overpaying the faces who constantly did things like buying teslas
A great bunch of the animators actually got fired during volume 8 and actually had the animators and writers MAKING YHE SHOW DURING AIRING!
A great chunk of volume 8 was made while it was releasing
And a giant chunk of the money that should have been used on RWBY’s was instead given to Gen:lock (the mecha show which became racist and pro-suicide in season 2) and the one to blame was because Roman’s voice actor who had a high rank in rooster teeth
A great mount of the people working for RWBY actually weren’t even given notices of rooster teeth closing but discovered through twitter
Im not defending Warner bros (is a awful company and it should die, like Disney basically killing a doctor with their negligence and refusing to take responsibility because he got a Disney plus free trial) and David should be thrown to the animators he fired while Coyote vs Acme gets to the cines for everyone to see while Warner bros actively loses money while the people working for it get paid
But rooster teeth was a awful company, I like many things about RWBY but the parent company isn’t one of them
“Rooster Teeth had a lot of issues as evidenced by the allegations past employees have come forward with” and “Warner Bros is fucking evil for axing an entire company and letting some of its employees find out via tweet” are statements that can and should coexist.
Like. It’s not some gotcha that RT is shutting down. It’s not some vindictive justice that this Big Bad Company is gone now. Projects are now canceled. People will be fired from their jobs. And because it’s Warner Bros. it’s only a matter of time before all those animation projects (RvB, RWBY, Camp Camp, every single episode of anything they made) is scrubbed off of the internet.
It’s gonna be the same thing that happened with HBO Max. It’s gonna be the same thing with the Coyote vs. Acme movie and Batgirl.
RT going down is not the thing you should be lording over people. RT going down should not be some ammo for your “RWBY is mid” takes. RT going down is not some “I always knew it was cringe” meme. Real people are gonna be effected by this. People will lose this jobs and will lose all the passion projects they worked on.
This is horrifying for the people involved in these projects and the state of animation itself. Warner Bros. only owned Rooster Teeth for 2 years. They bought them in 2022. Not even 2 full years. They didn’t even get a chance and they axed THE ENTIRE COMPANY. NOT JUST ONE SHOW. THE ENTIRE FUCKING COMPANY AND ALL ITS IPS. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. THIS IS NOT THR TIME FOR A FAN WAR.
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egg-crusher · 1 month
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Literally the entire reason why RWBY fails at racism
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can we stop doing this trope
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egg-crusher · 1 month
RWDE: WhY dOnT pEoPlE lIkE Us?!
Also RWDE: Sends death threats, Suicide Bait, False Accusations, Being general assholes, Bitches about everything.
It fucking baffles me the way these people act.
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egg-crusher · 2 months
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egg-crusher · 2 months
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Hi Would You Like To Talk To Me About Dinosaurs?
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