dumplingme · 2 months
Starting today I have 10 days to lose an unspecified amount of weight (just lose) before my boyfriend arrives on August 12th. With losertown I calculated that by 15 august I’ll be 50.8 setting my calorie intake on 750 and doing 3 days of exercise a week plus 10.000 daily steps which will burn approx 250.
Math is mathing.
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dumplingme · 2 months
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dumplingme · 2 months
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new wallpaper unlocked
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dumplingme · 3 months
So 3 ok days of restriction, ~1000 calories with some workout here and there to make the habit. This Tuesday i’ve my final exam. I’m super anxious. I’ve also seen Inside Out 2. What if they make a new emotion called ED🤪 (jk) anyway loved that movie. I’m eating way too much chocolate but I guess it’s fine since it’s pure 70% dark chocolate and not some junky cake or donut. Trying to be 50 or maybe if I can 49 for my finals trip to Barcelona with my classmates and my boyfriend of course. Stay consistent, you can do it.
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dumplingme · 3 months
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Some ed memes found on Instagram
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dumplingme · 3 months
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dumplingme · 3 months
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🫡🫡yessir mia
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dumplingme · 4 months
🩷 TW- dni if in recovery 🩷
Question for the bul!m!c girlies: How do you know when to stop when p^rging? Like how do you know that you got it all out?
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dumplingme · 4 months
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found on tiktok dm to remove
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dumplingme · 4 months
Hear me out: Sabrina Carpenter and Olivia Rodrigo are like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones of our times (im jk)
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dumplingme · 4 months
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dumplingme · 4 months
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dumplingme · 4 months
Non so se ti è arrivato il messaggio, se serve lo riscrivo. (Ho notato l'italiano).
tranquillx è arrivato ancora grazie per avermi migliorato la giornata💕🌸
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dumplingme · 4 months
(ho notato che sei italian*). Il mio psicologo una volta, per incoraggiare a smettere di fare sh mi ha detto di pensarla come un "ogni volta che cado, mi rialzo, ricomincio e cercherò il più possibile di non cadere, ma se succederà, cadrò più lontano possibile dalla prima caduta, più vicina alla meta. Un giorno, la meta la raggiungerò ". Ho aggiunto un po' per spiegare meglio, spero possa essere di aiuto. Il mio nick si vede, no? Quindi quando vuoi sono qui per aiutare, o almeno fare del mio meglio. Buona serata.
Grazie mille 😭, io non vado da uno psicologo/a al momento quindi quello che hai detto mi ha aiutato davvero tanto. Mi sento un po’ una fallita ad aver perso tutto il mio lavoro, però non si molla. Ho avuto questa ricaduta a causa dello stress per la maturità. È assurdo come un piccolo gesto qualsiasi come il tuo possa far stare molto meglio qualcuno. Davvero grazie mille. Mi hai fatto sperare nell’umanita di nuovo 😇💕
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dumplingme · 4 months
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Just cut myself after 14 months of being clean, I don’t know what to do, I’m just panicking at the feeling of burn that the cuts give me. I’m so relieved.
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dumplingme · 5 months
Yesterday I did everything right: I went to the day hospital where they made me eat healthy things, I read, I went to the gym, I did my homework. It was the perfect day. The satisfaction I felt in going to bed knowing that I had done my duty is much better than that of binges . I'll watch this post when I want to binge.
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dumplingme · 5 months
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It’s difficult to explain to *normal* people
It’s difficult to explain to *normal* people why the urge to cut goes sooo deep that you’re willing to do almost anything to get your hands on something sharp, and if you can get your hands on your favorite razor blades it’s euphoric!!
It’s difficult to explain to *normal* people why you can’t eat that last piece of whatever or why you definitely can’t eat any of that birthday cake…
It’s difficult to explain to *normal* people how you can spend €100 on a large quantity of food that you binge and purge on in one day…
It’s difficult to explain to *normal* people that you want to die…………
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