dudekasa · 10 years
Each SNK Episode Quick Breakdown
episode one: walls...cattle...key...dafuq is going on OH MY FUCKING GOD NOOO
episode three: dat potato
episode four: SHIT JUST GOT REAL SON
episode six: i must cuddle and hold her she is my child you cannot hurt her
episode seven: what the fuck is up with the pomegranate
episode eight: NEW CHALLENGER oh wait its eren
episode nine: one word. heichou
episode ten: its official, armin became hot
episode eleven: Jaeger cant hold his jager
episode twelve: get your shit together eren
episode thirteen: but...but freckled jesus...
episode fourteen: [notices new opening; destroys computer] courtroom scene; fangirl shippers created
episode fifteen: SONNY. BEAN.
episode sixteen: military police
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dudekasa · 10 years
Thread Tracker (Please let me know if I'm forgetting anyone)
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dudekasa · 10 years
AUs I want:
Arranged Marriage AU CIA AU Fallen Angel AU James Bond AU Fashion Designer AU Dancer AU Camping AU CEO AU  Roommate AU  Zombie AU  Prison AU Backpacking Across Europe AU  Lost in the Woods AU Asylum AU  Imaginary Friend AU Beauty and the Beast AU Band on a Tour AU  Both Speak a Different Language and Have to Communicate Another Way AU Small Town Lovers AU Road Trip AU Everything is the Same Except it Rains Ducks AU Deep into Character Development AU
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dudekasa · 10 years
Send 'heck yes' if you would like to have ship with my character.
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Bonus points if you tell why.
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dudekasa · 10 years
Do you ever follow someone and they follow you and you really wanna be friends with them but you feel like you’re bothering them everytime you try to interact with them but they’re just so cool and you’re just like
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dudekasa · 10 years
Finally,finally,the taller male managed a tiny ghost of a smile.It seemed Eren had taken his words to heart.That's what he needed to do.Face reality,deal with it,and get things done."No more messing around.Let's end this."
It would still take a while for them to get in sync with one another.Practice was necessary for them to achieve anything great,but at least the brunette had seemed to be more focused now.
"We should head back to the training area."His tone of voice had gone back to its usual stoicism,but there was a bit of fondness now in his gaze.He had been where Eren was at one point.So full of revenge and sorrow.Seeing himself in another was a strange feeling for the taller male, but not all unpleasant.It gave him a feeling of kinship towards Eren.
Don't Chase the Rabbit || Eren and Misaka { Pacific Rim AU }
The words of Misaka felt oddly strange, like he had heard them before. They rang familiar in the distant part of his mind. Fight. Those words almost seemed to be significant to who he was. A remembrance that triggered his heart. 
His eyes wavered as he looked behind him to stare at Misaka. Eyes filled with a longing sense of hurt. Something for him to grab onto. He had to fight. He had to fight for her. For the world. He would be strong for her, however his heart still yearned for her touch, the calming sense of her words. 
He had seen his memories. He felt that pain but only for a split second. Even now he felt a longing sense of what Misaka felt. He had to fight. That memory of seeing Armina vanish in front of his eyes fell away from his mind. 
The feeling of her love disappeared and only filled him with determination. He pushed his arms up as he stood. Tears that gathered in his eyes trickled down his face as his fists gathered into rage. 
"We fight. Together Misaka. Let’s end this battle. Let’s get what we deserve." 
In that moment. He felt her. A feeling of her. He had to. For her.
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dudekasa · 10 years
The raven haired youth paid no heed as Eren denied that he was the books owner once again and instead stared intensely at the cover. Whoever exposed his younger 'brother' to such things was going to pay.The brunette was much too young to be seeing such filth.Oh how he would enjoy burning this book...
Before that destructive train of thought could continue,the magazine was ripped from his grip.He looked up just in time to watch Eren as he spun around,ready to head out the door. Misaka followed closely behind.
"Eren,if we're going to burn it,you should be a bit more quiet about it..."They didn't need to draw any attention to themselves.What if a high ranked officer got curious as to what they wanted to burn?
"And don't walk like that Eren.You're going to trip over your own feet."
"I found this last night. Is it yours?"
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Eren turned to the person who questioned him, only to see it was Misaka holding some towards him. He took a glance at it-then a double take. Yes, it was something familiar to the titan shifter…. in fact… he never thought he saw this blasted thing again…
Right in Misaka’s hand was the VERY same book Armin had shown Eren …. It was the very same Dirty Magazine Armin found randomly in the lodgings a while back.  He could’ve sworn they got rid of it… but clearly he was wrong."W-W-Wha… is that even do—-Um. N-No That isn’t m-mines at all! in anyway what so ever!" Eren gave a nervous laugh and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head."W-Why would you even THINK that at all, Misaka…?"
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dudekasa · 10 years
Misakas' eyes narrowed as he looked in the direction of where the sound had originated."I'm not sure.."
Titans maybe?Most likely.However,the noise he heard was unlike any titan he had ever heard before.
"Sasha,your swords..."His hand slid down to touch the handle of his own blades,fingers itching to take hold of them.Whatever was going to come their way,he would be ready.
"Did you hear something?" (//Hello and thanks for the follow~c: )
Angsty Sentence Starters
Sasha’s senses peaked when there was a mysterious noise. She turned to Mikasa, face full of concern.
"I—Yeah, I heard it too… What—or who—do you think it could be?"
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//Hi there! And thank YOU for the follow back~!
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dudekasa · 10 years
He nodded even though he was fully aware that she couldn't see the movement with her back turned and straightened up in his seat. Misaka watched as she moved about the room,grabbing the plates and silverware,a smile of his own forming on his lips.It would be a bit strange to eat alone with someone who wasn't Eren and Armin but,not a bad kind of strange.Perhaps he could get used to her close company.
"Honey, I'm home" Because why not?xD lol (For Fem!Sasha btw,since I haven't had a chance to interact with her yet~)
Um ok Mikasa’s my new husband, would you like some food? *trying to be wife-ly*
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dudekasa · 10 years
Misaka narrowed his eyes at the brunette for a moment in warning but just sighed in the end,managing to quirk the corner of his mouth up into a smile.He needed to lighten up a little more.Sasha wouldn't really consider going after Eren...would he?
That train of thought was derailed when Sasha spoke up again,his expression honest and his words reassuring.The raven haired youths' cheeks lit up just a tinge when the other male brought up going after Eren."You'd do that?"His expression dulled a moment later when he remembered that this was Eren they were talking about.The girl was oblivious sometimes.Not to mention she was his sister.Well,not really...
"I...actually,I think I would like your help in doing just that."He hoped that whatever plan they came up with,wouldn't mess up his relationship with Eren...
♠ (//omg this is awkward and I regret this already >A
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dudekasa · 10 years
Concern flashed across the raven haired youths' expression for a moment,a hand reaching out to touch his shoulder."Are you alright Eren?I didn't mean to startle you!" At the brunettes' question,Misaka tilted his head slightly."I figured it'd be better if we took a shower together.It's much quicker and more efficient this way."
Conserve water!
Eren jumped and the back of his head hit the wall in surprised when Misaka barged into the shower. He clutched his sore spot with gritted teeth as he tried to will the pain away.
"W-what are you doing, Misaka!?"
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dudekasa · 10 years
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mikasa appreciates how considerate annie is. mad respect yo
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dudekasa · 10 years
Reblog if you don't mind getting asks while you're offline
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dudekasa · 10 years
Send me ☞ if you'd like a starter for our characters.
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dudekasa · 10 years
I am a strong person. But every once in a while I would like someone to hold my hand and tell me things are going to be OK.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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dudekasa · 10 years
//*worshiping intensifies*
dudekasa replied to your post:THE STATUE OF WORSHIP FOR THE SACRED ORCA { ITS…
//*worships statue of Sacred Orca Senpai*
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dudekasa · 10 years
                                                    I won’t give up                                                  I [won’t] admit defeat                                                I’ll get back on my feet                                                           And f i g h t
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