DSK International Campus
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dsksicpune-blog · 7 years ago
How Does Product Design Help Build A Great Brand?
When it comes to branding a product, the name, website, and logo will only take you so far. What differentiates the good from the great is the design of the product. The market is flooded with products that look similar – how do you stand out? Efficient product design is the key to a superlative brand. Here’s how: It is your brand’s voice. Good product design ends with customer satisfaction, which translates into success for a brand. The more detailed and well-thought-out your product design is, the easier it is for you communicate its purpose to the market. Moreover, it differentiates your product’s purpose from being money-oriented to value-oriented. For a great brand, knowing that difference is of utmost importance. It lets your audience identify you. It’s all about the visual identity. If you take Apple’s example, their logo is enough identification for their audience. A strong visual identity differentiates you from your competitors, which, in some cases, can be as convincing as the product itself. It lets you innovate. Why do some products stand out in a pool of others? Innovation is key in today’s cut-throat business environment, and quite frankly, is the reason most businesses have sustained. Innovative product designing helps create a superlative customer experience, which, in turn, helps your brand with more revenue. This drive to stand out from the rest is what sets an ordinary brand apart from a great brand. It helps you keep reinventing yourself. The customer is fickle. With an array of products in the market, it is imperative that your brand keeps up with the fast pace and short attention span of the consumer, and keep updating in tandem. For example, Google keeps morphing its logo on special occasions, which only goes on to say that change, is a constant part of their identity. Good product design can truly make a great deal of difference to your brand, as long as you chart a course in accordance with the afore-mentioned points. After all, good product designs instigate change – not just in the consumer, but within an organisation too. Looking to sign up for an all-inclusive course in product design? Look no further than DSKIC! Choose from UG & PG Programs, and kick-start your career as a product designer. 
Source URL: https://dsksicsupinfocom.wordpress.com/2018/04/23/how-does-product-design-help-build-a-great-brand/
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dsksicpune-blog · 7 years ago
What Does It Take To Become A Successful Car Designer?
If you’re a car enthusiast, you’ve probably been mesmerised by those swanky Ferraris, BMWs, Audis and Porsches. And it is but natural that the thought of designing an even more fabulous car someday must have crossed your mind. Guess what? Though it’s not a child’s play, it’s not impossible either! Here’s how you too can become a successful car designer –
First things first If you think designing a car is just making it look great, you are wrong. Designing is all about creating an innovative model that improves the appearance and functionality of a car. You also have to ask yourself whether you are truly passionate about it. This is a field that requires you to truly love what you do. Your zeal for design and working with cars is what will drive (no pun intended!) your success.
Understand the industry Before you enrol in a course, it’s always better to take a close look at the industry and understand it as much as you can. Joining a car servicing workshop would be a great idea as it will present a clearer and more practical picture of how cars function on a mechanical level. In addition, you will also get a hands-on experience, which is very crucial.
Hone your skills Being good with drawing and sculpting is an essential part of car designing. Practise as much as you can and perfect these two skills.
Join a transportation design program Joining a revered automotive design program will help you in the following way -
The right mix of theory and practice: Design theory, by definition, means the understanding and discussion of design knowledge, which includes a lot of knowledge related to the history of transport in its entirety. This includes transport engineering, technology, design and so on. Design practice includes preliminary investigation, program drawing, model making and more. A good institute uses the right mix of theory and practice, so that you master the art of transportation design. A few institutes also offer you live design projects that enable students to engage with both major companies and small entrepreneurial businesses.
Technical prowess: Though CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) is one of the most crucial aspects of transportation design, there are other software as well that you need to learn and gain expertise. In addition, it is essential you choose an institution that has the best infrastructure and focusses on project-based activities that take place within a studio setting appropriate to the subject.
Industry connect: Renowned institutes often invite guest tutors from the industry who bring their insight and experience to the course. Interacting with such professionals not only enhances your knowledge but gives you a better understanding of the industry scenario as well.
Portfolio: While you are learning the intricacies of transportation design, it is essential that you work towards creating an impressive portfolio.  A portfolio reflects your creativity and showcases your work to potential clients and employers. It gives them an idea of what you are capable of and the skills you offer. Renowned institutes know the importance of a good portfolio and guide you towards creating one.
Internship: Internships play an important role as you get to see the industry up front, learn from successful professionals and get hands-on practical knowledge and exposure.
If you are looking for an institute in Pune that has a proven track record of producing successful car designers, zero-in on DSKIC. The institute takes pride in its state-of-the-art infrastructure, learning in a studio environment, experienced faculty and alumni who have made a mark in automobile design industry.
To know more about UG & PG programs in Transportation Design at DSKIC
Explore Courses http://dskic.in/
Source URL: https://dsksicsupinfocom.wordpress.com/2018/04/23/what-does-it-take-to-become-a-successful-car-designer/
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dsksicpune-blog · 7 years ago
Here’s Why You Should Make A Career In Video Gaming
 'Do what you love’ has become the defining mantra when it comes to choosing the right career path. And for video game enthusiasts, the dream is to get paid to create the object of their passion. So, if you are someone who loves video games and the highly creative process behind them, then here’s why and how you can turn your passion into a rewarding career path.
  1. There are many roles and job descriptions to choose from: When it comes to video gaming careers, there’s literally a host of options. Some of the jobs in the gaming industry are:
o Game Developer
o Game Producer
o Project Manager
o Game Designer
o Game Level Designer
o Game Artist
o Environment Artist
o Programmers
Apart from these categories, there are roles for animators, audio engineers, writers, interpreters and translators, testers, technical support specialists and video game marketing specialists.
  2. The work environment is flexible and creative: Jobs in the gaming industry allow for more flexible and creative work environments than usual. If you love a work environment with flexible hours, then this is the place for you. However, this is not to be confused with a lack of dedication or commitment towards the work. Instead, make use of this flexibility to fuel your creativity.
  3. You can put your knowledge and skills to great use: Don’t confuse the work that goes into video game development with only fun and play. A job in the gaming industry requires you to have a sound set of skills that are relevant to the role. For instance, as a designer, you will need to have excellent communication and problem-solving skills. As a programmer, you will need excellent math and logic skills. A comprehensive study program that is industry-centric can equip you with the right kind of skills and training for the job.
  4. You get to work with the latest technology: The gaming industry is always up-to-date with the latest and most cutting-edge technology. Knowledge and familiarity with the latest technology offers several advantages to you as an individual and as a professional in the gaming industry.
  5. Gaming is a lucrative and profitable industry: The gaming industry is a thriving one with a bright future ahead. With investment pouring in on a global scale, jobs and career options in the video gaming industry look promising.
  6. Your creations are enjoyed by the world: The most rewarding aspect of a career in gaming is that millions of people out there can potentially enjoy what you create at work. This is a matter of great pride and is the finest example of job satisfaction.
  Discover the perfect career path in video gaming with the UG & PG program offered at DSK International Campus, Pune. DSKIC is a state-of-the-art residential institute that provides highly industry-centric, professional programs in Product Design, Transportation Design, Animation, Video Game, Fashion, Interior Design and Graphic Design. 
Visit dskic.in for more info.
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dsksicpune-blog · 7 years ago
Hollywood Movies Animated by Indian Studios
How we lose ourselves in a whole new world when watching animated movies! Fun, quirky and engaging – animated movies are everybody’s favourite no matter what your age.
It is widely believed that Hollywood takes the cake when it comes to animation and CGI effects. However, it is a well-kept secret that some of the best animated Hollywood movies were created in India! Surprised? Don’t be! India does have some of the best animators in the world, the alumni of the best animation schools in the world.
Here’s a look at a few Hollywood movies that held the world captive with their brilliant animation:
  1. Avatar 
Released in 2009, it is safe to say Avatar revolutionized the world of animation and arts. Considered a classic, the movie features breathtaking animation with even the smallest of details taken care of. The credit for the stunning visuals in the film goes to Prime Focus World, Mumbai.
 Source - http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/indian-firm-behind-visual-effects-in-avatar-109122000020_1.html
  2. Puss in Boots 
A classic fairy tale, Puss in Boots thrilled the audience with the fluffy, wild-west styled cat voiced by Antonio Banderas. Puss in Boots was brought alive by DreamWorks’ 200 member team at Technicolor, a DreamWorks dedicated unit in Bangalore. Parts of the fun Vikings-meet-Dragons hit How to Train Your Dragon, released in 2010, were created by the Bangalore subsidiary of DreamWorks Animation.
 Source -https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/Bangalore-animators-brought-amplsquoPuss-in-Bootsamprsquo-to-life/articleshow/11012147.cms
3. Maleficent
Disney’s 2014 Angelina Jolie starrer featured some brilliant animation work. Detailed animation of dark woods and beautiful castles brought alive a dream-like world beyond the imagination of everybody. Some of the prominent parts of the movie were also created by Technicolor, the Indian subsidiary of DreamWorks Studio.
Source - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-india-outsourcing-animation/witches-and-thrones-indian-animators-cash-in-on-special-effects-boom-idUSKCN0S625Y20151012
  5. Skyfall
James Bond may be English, but his movie Skyfall (2012) shot to fame, thanks to Indian animatorsfrom the Moving Pictures Company based in Bangalore. More than 250 graphic artists, special effects experts and other professionals worked on the movie to make it the stunning visual experience with some stellar CGI and special effects.
Source -https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/James-Bond-can-thank-Bangalore-for-Skyfall/articleshow/16987459.cms
6. Life of Pi
Ang Lee’s Oscar-nominated 2012 film Life of Pi was acclaimed for its breathtaking visuals. The life-like tiger and the ocean stretching for kilometres on the screen kept movie goers talking for a long time after the movie’s release. The animation of the movie was created by Rhythm Hues’ Indian offices in Mumbai and Hyderabad.
Source -http://www.rediff.com/movies/report/slide-show-1-behind-life-of-pi-goregeous-visuals-effects/20130313.htm
7.Game of Thrones
If you thought the Khaleesi’s dragons came from Essos, you would be delighted to know that they flew out of Prana Studios, Mumbai! Around 800 visual artists, animators, light and sound artists worked on not just creating the dragons, but also to lend them a character of their own.
India is the proud recipient of many accolades, and now skilled animators and artists are a new addition. You could be an animator too and pursue your dream career at DSK International Campus’ course in animation.
Know more about DSKIC -
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dsksicpune-blog · 7 years ago
Why Is Graphic Design An Illustrious Career?
If you’re among those with a passion for art, then you may also be familiar with the fear of not being able to make a living out of doing what you love. While it is true that a career as a traditional artist comprises of a fair share of undulations, it’s important not to let anyone discourage you from following your passion. Graphic design, which is essentially a form of commercial artistry, is a lucrative career option that you could explore.
Graphic design is an illustrious career option that allows you to dabble in a variety of creative roles. Here’s everything you need to know about graphic design as a career.
1.What is graphic design?
Graphic design is the application of art for various commercial purposes. As a graphic designer, you will use art and design for things like company brandings, logos, web design, social media, printed materials, posters, flyers, books, and much more. From product packaging to billboard design, graphic design encompasses many forms of commercial artistry.
2. What are the specialties in graphic design?
You can choose to specialize in any of the following forms of graphic design:
· Art direction
· Visual Communication Specialist
· 3D design
· Print design
· Web design
· Multimedia Artist
· Packaging Design
· Branding
3. Is graphic design the right career choice for you?
Graphic design can be a creatively satisfying and lucrative career option for you, especially if you are skilled in the following ways:
· You are passionate about communicating with the masses through creative, compelling and relevant art and design.
· You are keen to stay up-to-date with the newest software and technology relevant to design.
· You work well in a team and are open to constructive criticism.
· You have a good business sense and you can judge the clients’ needs well and implement the art accordingly.
4.  How can you become a successful graphic designer?
While some graphic designers were always sure of their passion for art, many others have acquired the right skill sets to become successful designers. If you wish to pursue this career path, then the right kind of study programme that is supplemented with sufficient hands-on experience is the one to look out for.
Discover the perfect career path in Graphic Design with the many offerings at DSK International Campus - Pune, a state-of-the-art residential institute that provides highly industry-centric, professional programs in Product Design, Transportation Design, Animation, Video Game, Fashion, Interior Design and Graphic Design.
Visit dskic.in for more information.
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dsksicpune-blog · 7 years ago
DSKIC Animation Students Headed To Monstra Film Festival!
There are many social issues that India faces currently, out of which Depression has long been considered a social stigma in our country. Despite celebrities and other public figures opening up about their struggles, there's still not enough conversation around the condition.  
Film and storytelling hold a mirror to society, and with this in mind, 3 animation students from DSK International Campus made a gripping animated film around depression. Film has the power to inform and reform, and "I Am Depression," with its honest depiction of a condition that afflicts all too many of us, has been well-received. The film has been selected to be screened at the Monstra International Animation Film Festival in Lisbon – a pre-Oscar film fest that chooses the best of the best.
What is the Short Film -I am Depression about?
In a world where depression is discussed in hushed tones, "I am Depression" gives voice to a complicated internal struggle faced by millions each day. Written by Rutuja Patil and created by Yadwinder Singh, Sanskar Chandar and Ankit Singh, "I am Depression" personifies depression and presents viewers with some stark realities.
Imagine, what if your depression spoke to you? What if it portrayed itself as your friend? A friend who would stay and refuse to leave? Watch this gripping 4 minute short - we guarantee it will alter your perception.
The Monstra International Animation Film Festival will be held in March and the winners will qualify for the Oscars. So please watch and share this film – we're pretty sure it will strike the right chord with the jury as well!
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
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DSK Supinfocom is the 1st International School of Animation, Video Game and Design Industry in India. Our curriculum is designed by global industrial doyens and our faculty consists of industry rich experienced professionals from Europe & France.
Visit: http://www.dsksic.com/
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
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DSK Supinfocom is the 1st International School of Animation, Video Game and Design Industry in India. Our curriculum is designed by global industrial doyens and our faculty consists of industry rich experienced professionals from Europe & France.
Visit: http://dsksic.com/
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
Start a career in animation, video game or industrial design simply by learning and getting a degree from DSK Supinfocom.
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
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Start a career in animation, video game or industrial design simply by learning and getting a degree from DSK Supinfocom.
Visit: http://www.dsksic.com/site/admission
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
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Students searching for the best product design school that offers them with a perfect product designing course, DSK Supinfocom is an ideal destination to explore your creativity and kick start your career.
Visit: http://www.dsksic.com/
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
DSK International Campus offers international standard education across the three sections of: Animation, Video-game design and Industrial design.
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
Learn the science of Game Design at DSK Supinfogame video game school in India. Covering all the creative techniques used to make up the game: game development, rules, emotions sought, interactivity, gameplay, etc.
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
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For a great career in animation study only in the best animation school . DSK Supinfocom is the best school for animation in the country.
Visit: http://www.dsksic.com/animation/careers
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
Learn the science of Game Design at DSK Supinfogame video game school in India. Covering all the creative techniques used to make up the game: game development, rules, emotions sought, interactivity, gameplay, etc.
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
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Considering the growing demand for the industrial designers, DSK ISD design school has designed industrial design courses that offer a thorough understanding of how the industrial design works.
Visit: http://www.dsksic.com/site/about_us
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dsksicpune-blog · 10 years ago
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DSK Supinfocom is one of the best animation schools in India. Animation is an art, a series of techniques involving different technologies and a world-wide multi-billion dollar industry. DSKSIC Pune, India offers foundation and advanced courses in animation.
Visit: http://www.dsksic.com/animation
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