dragonseternallove · 1 year
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That poor Chomby!!! Yikes!! Is this some new neodisease in need of treatment? That’s not clothing!! That’s just some poor Chomby in need of antifungal treatment!! And look at that growth on it’s eyes!! TNT sure made some nightmare fuel there lol *shudders*
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
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Boy, do I have some news for you both....
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
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Just another day on the Site Events board... *sigh*
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
Trailer for Digimon Seekers looks interesting. Hopefully they make this into another season.
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
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dragonseternallove · 1 year
Lockdown Browser is Evil
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dragonseternallove · 3 years
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More Gammamon's cuteness (◕‿◕)
Digimon Ghost Game Ep.2
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dragonseternallove · 3 years
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Digimon Ghost Game Episode 1 | The Sewn-lip Man - Gammamon appreciation post
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dragonseternallove · 3 years
Digimon Ghost Game Review - Episode 1
The Sewn-Lip Man
What a first episode! Toei is doing a frustratingly good job of raising my expectations more than I’d like for one episode.  I have been wanting to watch a digimon-as-yokai series ever since that episode of 02 that took place in Kyoto, so it’s great to finally get one.  
I had a bit of a debate with myself as to how I’d review this series.  While easier, I kinda got bored of basically summarising the episode and providing commentary as I went along for Adventure 2020.  Instead, I think I’ll try and pull out a few things the episode touches on and expand on those, but don’t be too surprised if that changes.
Spoilers below!
Keep reading
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dragonseternallove · 3 years
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Digimon Ghost Game Episode 2 | The Mystery of the Museum - Gammamon ➟ Betalgammamon
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dragonseternallove · 3 years
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Long time since I posted, but after watching the first two Episodes of ghost game, I think Gammamon became another favorite digimon of mine! So damn adorable!!
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