Reserved For Missed Drac Art
The second half of the missed art for the first two weeks of September. Again got busy and fell behind. Stay tuned here for the catch up pics!
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Reserved For Missed Drac Art
Yeah fell behind again, eheh. I be busy ^^;. This is gonna be for the 10 for the August postings. Stay tuned.
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Dracula Daily: August 18 (Extra)
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After a re-read, wanted to give an extra scene for the day because...yeah.
General Gist: Lucy snaps out of her trance while explaining her dream and laughs off the whole thing. But Mina is a bit disturbed by the very vivid recall and quickly changes the subject.
The two ladies have a wonderful day and head home where Lucy's mum is happy she's feeling better and they all settle in for a pleasant evening.
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Dracula Daily: August 18
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General Gist: Despite the previous night, Lucy suddenly loos and feels much better and Mina and she take a stroll up the hill and to the bench she was found sleepwalking some nights before. Even making jokes about that:
"My poor little feet didn't make much noise then! I daresay poor old Mr. Swales would have told me that it was because I didn't want to wake up Geordie."
However when Mina asks about her dreams, the mood becomes...awkward as Lucy gives an odd recollection of it. Finding it a bit real as she found herself outside her body and kinda moving through the town, seeing nature like fish. Hearing the dogs all howl through the night, the red eyes once more and the flying through the air before feeling like she was drowning. All while as felt a variety of sensations both good, bitter and painful before being awoken.
But surely it was all just a dream...right?
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Dracula Daily: August 17
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General Gist: Lucy's still sleepwalking and this time was the worst yet with Mina finding her nearly hanging outside the window, nearly soaked and breathing heavily. But what's more those little "pinprick" mark look to be getting bigger. Oh dear-ski.
Meanwhile fifty boxes are on their way to Carfax Abby with the transport company just shrugging that they're going to a creepy looking establishment. Hey a job's a job, they got paid for overtime, so what do they care.
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Dracula Daily: No August 16
Ha, psyche, no entry here. Mina's too worried about Lucy to write on this day. But don't worry, I'll use this to post some pics of days I missed. Stay tuned!
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Dracula Daily: August 15
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General Gist: Ho-hum day. Lucy still a little out of it but Arthur brings news his pops is better and looking forward to the wedding, how fantastic! Shame Mama Westenra has some bad news she shares only with Mina. Seems her old ticker isn't getting better and she's not long for this world. But she's happy at the least Lucy will be provided for and hopes to see her daughter wed before the inevitable. But for now, doesn't want to worry Lucy, she's got enough on her plate as is and request Mina stay tight lipped till then.
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Dracula Daily: August 14
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General Gist: Mina and Lucy go for a walk, things are going well...until they sit on a bench and Lucy suddenly spaces out and mentions about red eyes. But snaps out of it and back to perky. And oh hey some oddly shadowed guy sitting next to them. Eh he doesn't seem important | Lucy goes to bed early, doesn't look to sleepwalk and Mina goes for a walk and thanks about her beau. | She comes back and whoops, Lucy sleepwalks and...somehow opened the window (again Mina doesn't think this odd) and sitting on still next is to her is what looks like a shadow bird. Mina races back to the room but Lucy's back in bed. Huh....ooookay then.
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Dracula Daily: August 13
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General Gist: Lucy acting much more peculiar in her sleep, pointing at a window that night. Mina, well, finds it odd (but not "Wait this is a bit more then sleepwalking" odd). She goes to the window and find a bat flying outside that seems to get oddly skittish when she notices it. Hmmmm....
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Dracula Daily: August 12
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General Gist: Lucy still sleepwalking, oddly a bit more expressive when she can't leave. But Mina's got her on lock for the time being during the night hours | Mina worries about her wedding to Jonathan, Lucy tis a good friend and tells her "She got this" | Nuns at the abbey where Jonathan ended up looking after the dude. Writes a letter to Mina he's still alive and recovering. Also giving her congrats to their wedding. Daww.
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Dracula Daily: August 11
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Hey-o, I know I haven't posted anything lately, I got a bit busy with other matters and kept putting it off. But since today (or rather yesterday depending on your time zone) is a favorite part of the book for me. Thought I go ahead and make something for it. So here ya go, Drac about to snack on poor Lucy. Enjoy!
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Reserved for Catch Up Pic
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Lucy and Mrs. Westerna
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Belated mother's day pic and just a little something since were past the point (at the time of this writing) that Lucy is introduced into the story, so here's her and her mother (whom I dub Minerva in the AU version of Dracula I'm doing). Still human and taking a nice serene picture against their summer home landscape. Enjoy!
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This is a sub account for my Dracula Brides Tumblr page and for the Dracula Daily event which, at the time of this writing, has started on May 4th. Yeah I'm little late to this, life and commitments held me up, so the first few pages will be playing catch up till we hit the current time.
Right now this is the 2024 rendition of Dracula Daily. Hope you like my art and my version of the story. Enjoy!
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