donutcries · 5 years ago
To say she was a horror fan was an understatement. Asia spent most of her time on her personal goal to watch ever horror movie ever made and when she wasn’t se was reading creepy pastas and lore around the internet. She had done it all, too” Bloody Mary, Candyman, Charlie Charlie, Ouija Boards, Midnight Man… Though those were more about scaring her friends and less about trying to summon a dark being. Still, she loved the thrill of finding something new. Jumpscares and gore were abundant, but something truly skin-crawling creepy? Too good not to share.
With her iPad and black coffee in each hand, she made her way to the spot where he group of friends usually hung around with a glint in her eye that they would recognize as pure glee and groan as they knew they were about to get roped into another game. “ You guys are never gonna guess what I found.” She exclaimed as she plotted on the grass and displayed the screen. “ This old church in Mexico that literally every comment I read said was haunted. There were pictures and video and even the police tried to block it off to keep people from going in there but wont keep guard themselves because they say it’s haunted too – And it’s only a couple hours of a drive away….”
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@lobitas1x1 @donutcries @ofdoycnnes
With one earbud in, Hazel listened to the recent news of the Notre Dame’s collapse. The video displayed itself in the corner of her phone, though she was more interested in what else the newfeed had to offer her. The Notre Dame was old news by now. Yeah, it was very sad some lunatic had left the stove on or whatever, but there was nothing to do about it. Buildings came and went all the time, even though this was a historic piece, she rather shrugged about it. It meant nothing more to her than any other building. The ones she slightly showed more interest in were the ones that had been lived in. Rather negatively than positively, the ones that showed signs of haunting. Spirits that had never been granted closure and collided enough energy to make changes in the land of the living, and the ones that were even worse than that.
‘‘Wha—??’‘ she half assed replied, squinted her eyes when she got pulled from her dreamy state, forced to look into the sun that brought out her friend even more beautiful than she already was. Though she decided to keep her mouth shut about that, with more people around it wasn’t a wise move. Instead, she popped a Pringle into her mouth and chewed, rather unimpressed. ‘‘Yeah, right. It’d waste more gasoline than anything else, I’m sure. If not our time.’‘ Yet, she swiped the video away and ripped her earbud out so she’d seem at least more focused. ‘‘But hey, if your gut says it’s worth it, I’m game.’‘ It wasn’t like she had anything else to do anyways.
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donutcries · 6 years ago
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See you soon, 💋
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donutcries · 6 years ago
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donutcries · 6 years ago
christ. it’s been forever since i’ve been on here and i honestly can’t believe i still got so many followers ?? thanks darlings, for still having faith in me lol. but honestly, i feel like changing up everything since i’m not feeling rebecca ferguson as my mascot any longer but i’m not sure who else to use. catch this mess quit halfway through and just do whatever i guess.
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donutcries · 6 years ago
Winona Ryder © Amanda Friedman // Stella Magazine // The Sunday Telegraph, March 2, 2014
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donutcries · 6 years ago
Pyper: What do cats 'drag' in exactly? Rats? Vermin of some kind? Yikes, Sera.
Pyper: I'd insert a smiley emoji, but they all creep me out if we're being honest.
Pyper: Aphrodite. Is this what you saw when you had liquor seeping out of your pores?? Of course you did. ♛ Aware of seasons? Or just looking for some small talk to chew on?
Sera: I was more thinking of roses or marigolds, unless you're comparing yourself to a rat?
Sera: Don't you yikes @ me, I'll yikes you right back, watch me.
Sera: Whoever invented them truly made the conscious choice to creep people out and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Sera: Probably? I guess I still must've been drunk when I woke up and discovered a Goddess in my bed then.
Sera: I got a few before I have to show up on set and miraculously you've texted me, so here I am. ;)
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donutcries · 6 years ago
y’all.... cher’s abba album in 4 days will be my resurrection.
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donutcries · 6 years ago
Pyper: London Fog.
Pyper: Yes you.
Pyper: Days later and I'm thinking about that breakfast I turned down. Sad state of affairs.
Pyper: Also, tomorrow is the first day of fall...I think
Sera: Well, look who the cat dragged in.
Sera: You got me confused at first, but I know who's hit me up now.
Sera: It's Aphrodite, who stole my number when she had the chance, I see.
Sera: Is that a hint to something, or are you just extremely aware of the seasons at all times?
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donutcries · 6 years ago
Jessica Chastain looking at Emily Blunt like she’s ready to risk it all is a big fucking mood
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donutcries · 6 years ago
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           It had to be early morning. (The sun through the strange curtains revealed it was in soft illumination.)  In routine, after a scheduled alarm, Pyper would reach onto her night table and grab her phone. The piece of technology was to refresh her mind with a list of things to do for the day, and meetings to attend. Now, she was at loss of where her device was located, and certain her meeting was going to go on without her attendance. It was in poor responsibility to become so entirely drunk that her mentality felt as if it had crumbled. The pounding of her head grew stronger when she thought back on what actually had happened. When she decided to give into defeat, it was because her sense of smell was now being overwhelmed in a savory, with a hint of sweet aroma. Breakfast. Pypers eyes closed momentarily. She couldn’t tell if her stomach could even handle anything. “I feel molded to your bed.” She groaned. It had to be the woman she had slept with. –Slept with.. suddenly with that thought, green eyes opened and her hands pulled the blankets a little more snug against her. “I ..uhm.” double blinking just to wake herself up, Pyper’s tongue slid to lick her lips. “You’re heaven sent.” A small grin curled up at her lips. The gesture was more than anything Pyper deserved, and well over anything she would give. “–but I feel like a train has smashed into me..” Was her stomach suitable to eat? Truth be told, Pyper just wanted to slide beneath the foreign blankets and soak in her gut rotting hangover. “I can handle my liquor..” Dryly she spoke. It was true, Pyper’s intake was well over what most women could handle. She often drank ambered alcohol socially. “Safe to say I went over my offense to you,” –picking up the woman’s name, Pyper took in the softness of it’s sound, “but in the normality of this situation, if I had been responsible, I would have left before you had waken.” –this was the moment where Pyper first looked at Seraphina. Her eyes were heavy with trying to recover from an alcohol takeover, but she was apologetic to the kindness the woman was offering her. The woman was beautiful, making the red head understand why she ended up in her bed. Even with a sinfully liquidized mind take over, she still could pick out a beautiful woman. 
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    Oh, she knew that tone all too well. A mix of regret and hangover coating the stranger’s voice was no stranger to the brunette. But the words she was saying, it cracked the stunt performer up. ‘’Well, I’m surely not complaining, love. And my bed isn’t either.’’ She said with a lightness she even surprised herself with. Sera surely was no morning person - if there was anything she hated the most in life, it were the mornings without a doubt. Shared with Mondays on top of her mental list of ‘things I hate’. Her gaze drifted off to the curtains that were barely shifted open, just a crack of light gracing the room, that surely was still enough to hurt one hangover’s eyes with a splitting headache. ‘’Who says it was a train, maybe it was me who run you over with my car. And got you into thinking we had sex. --- Although I do like to think I’ve been too much for you to handle.’’ A shaky sigh escaped her lips, one that normally would be easily ignored -- now was the loudest sound in Seraphina’s own ears. Silence remained after that for a bit, the brunette glad she had run into someone who was similar to her own way of thinking. So to distract herself from perhaps sounding like a creep, her fingers pick up a piece of toast, although the first bite tasted like nothing at all. As if she had taken a bite out of a cardboard - however the salty butter reached her taste buds not too long after. ‘’You sound like me, you know.’’ Her British takes over the conversation after a short while, turning her head towards the redhead in the process - only to find out she had finally opened her eyes. ‘’It’s creepy.’’ Sera tried to say seriously, but breaking into a chuckle the next. ‘’I try to do the same, too. Sometimes I fail, call it my bad habit of loving sleep - especially when my veins are soaked with whiskey.’’ Blue eyes meet green with an understanding expression, rolling her eyes away the next. ‘’I hate it when I wake and it turns out my drunken self picked out a very clingy someone and they won’t let me go cause ‘oh suddenly I’ve fallen in love with you’ -’’ the words leave her lips in a breath. ‘’- Like come on, it was just sex, you know. No ‘we got wasted in Las Vegas and jumped right into marriage’ kind of thing.’’
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donutcries · 6 years ago
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donutcries · 6 years ago
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It was some kind of miracle, or some kind of something that Camille was with someone like Maddie. Not that there was anything wrong with the blond, but sometimes she reminded Camille of her mother but maybe the old saying of opposites attracted was the truth? The other woman had a habit of talking and talking, and even though the blond would say that it annoyed her and she wanted to get off the phone with Harper, Camille secretly had considered her girlfriend enjoyed the attention. “Did i say that was a bad thing?” The redhead asked raising her eyebrows at the other woman in response, “you’re putting words in my mouth sweetheart.” Camille murmured and smiled affectionately at her. “You know my favourite thing is to spend time with you. Well that and drinking, but can you blame me?” Camille then pressed a soft kiss on the other woman’s lips and shuffled across the living room to where the bar was. “Do you want a drink? And uh, what are we doing tonight? Please say we’re staying in.” Tilting her head to the side, Camille eyed Maddie with trepidation, “why you want to spend all your time with me though, I still don’t understand and I won’t understand in a million years when you could have anyone that you wanted.”
    The redhead’s put a building smile on her lips, one that resulted with a nod and a slight shrug, she couldn’t argue against that. For some reason Camille managed to put up with her way more than all her past lovers had, both on and off the record. ‘’Oh honey, you really flatter me - especially the drinking part,’’ there was a teasing to her voice. If she had to be honest, then no, she couldn’t blame her. If it wasn’t for her children and her best friends to distract her mind from drinking throughout most of the day, she’d be popping a bottle of wine every single day before noon had even hit, she was sure of it. It was the pleasant surprise of a soft kiss that brought her back from one redhead in her mind to another she loved seeing even more. Tracing her lips with her fingertips after, she parts them with confidence. ‘’You did that to bribe me into staying home, right?’’ The blonde says with all seriousness before breaking out into a breathless chuckle. ‘’Sure, we’ll stay home because if there’s anything I want to avoid right now it’s men.’’ She couldn’t stand the sight of them anymore, not after everything that’s happened, no. The emotional damage Celeste and Jane were going through... she couldn’t even imagine half of it, but she was there for them anytime they needed her. ‘’But yeah, I’d love some wine actually, fuck it. Fuck time of day! It’s just you and me, we can do whatever we want.’’ Madeline’s voice coaxes with excitement before she got up and stalked over to the stereo to put on one of the playlists Chloe had made. As she was messing with her phone and the bluetooth connection the device acquired, her mind trailed off partly to find a reply to Camille’s question, or rather statement. ‘’-- Because you can actually put up with me. I can say the exact same thing, I swear if I received a penny for every bitchy thing any mother has said about me, I’d be a millionaire right now. I mean, I know I’m not exactly the nicest angel in town, but at least I’ve got my ducks in a row, ‘lright? -- I don’t know where I was getting at with that, sorry. Just..’’ her gaze moves up from her phone, putting it down on top of the stereo with a defeated sigh after the music softly swayed into the room. ‘’The point is, I like you because you’re not from here and it’s nice... to know there’s more out there, out of Monterey, and this fucked up community. I constantly feel like the whole world’s against me and you aren’t and I like that. I like you. Your brilliant, perfect mind and looks and - seriously is every redhead automatically blessed with those things or is it just me?’’
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donutcries · 6 years ago
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Blue Valentine (2010), dir. Derek Cianfrance
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donutcries · 6 years ago
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                           I’LL BE A GOOD MUN, I SWEAR
                                         you’ll SEE how much i care, when you MEET write with me
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donutcries · 6 years ago
I’m yours — you know it.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise (via goodreadss)
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donutcries · 6 years ago
𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔: anyone ( all welcomed/connections welcomed )
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    God damnit, Pyper. Green eyes opened to an unfamiliar place. When the realization sunk in of waking up in another’s bed, the woman cursed herself. How many sinful drinks had she consumed the previous night? Laying, the red head couldn’t keep track. When remembering the night before, some bits and pieces became blurry and unknown. She usually had more control of this sort of situation. –and if she had went home with someone, it was always marked in her book of reason to leave before the sun came up. Here she was, lying in a tanglement of someone else’s sheets. The bed was empty, clarifying that the other was somewhere about their home, and had known she was still there, in their bed. “Jesus…” the woman groaned before wiping her regretful hands over her face.  
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    Maybe she shouldn’t stare so much - but the truth was: this stranger was more than beautiful. She looked like a Goddess, to say the least. And through the blackouts her mind had formed from the amount of alcohol she had consumed, there were some remaints of how she had rescued the other from a group of men who hadn’t had the best intentions. Blue eyes manage to rip themselves off of Aphrodite, the name she had mentally given her, as she leaves the bed with the struggle of last night’s aftermath swaying through her body. A cup of tea, as she normally starts the day with, is doubled in amount this time, figuring it would at least be nice to gift the stranger with breakfast. So with a tray that’s filled with toast, eggs and anything the brunette was able to prepare in the kitchen, she comes back into the bedroom, a grin building on her face. ‘’You can call me Seraphina, I’m not really a big fan of Jesus.’’ The stunt performer introduces herself, not entirely sure if she had done that last night. Not sure what had happened last night at all. ‘’I made some tea and everything your stomach can desire, if you’ve drank as much as me, that is.’’ A gentle laugh escapes her lips as she sits down on the edge of the bed, trying not to stare - although she’s sure she’s failing that step already.
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donutcries · 6 years ago
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     “Sshhh…just lay down with me. Quit thinking for a bit and close your eyes.”
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    Hazel eyes dreamily looked into blue ones, a smile curled on peach-colored lips as her laughter lines gently deepened. ‘’There’s nothing more I’d love than to sleep for a bit.... but like Aerosmith.... I don’t want to miss a thing, darling..’’
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