va1keus · 30 days ago
@honorhearted starter.
It might have looked like he was trying to flee from a group of ladies who were still following him, but Benedict would come up with any other excuse to be walking as quickly as he was. He didn't want to be rude, no, he just didn't want to entertain the idea of giving any of them interest when they were after one thing while he would rather be anywhere but in this room.
As he paced the room his shoulder bumped into somebody else's and he quickly stopped in his tracks to look to the other man. " Sorry, my apologies, I was not looking where I was going - " He glanced back to the ladies again and his eyes widened. " I uh, sorry. I'm Benedict. Who are you? could you do me the smallest of favours and look as if we're having an interesting conversation. "
He hoped having a conversation with somebody else might at least deter them away. " Again I'm sorry for bumping into you, I was trying to escape a hoard. "
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folkorae · 3 months ago
@essentiamortis liked for a starter !
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" I'm okay, I'm just . . . I just need to be alone. " ; Honestly, Annabeth wasn't so sure if she wanted to be let by herself now. The daughter of Athena knows that she is just stressed but every time it happens, her feet hurt like hell. She tries a lot to hide it from the others but sometimes, the pain is just too strong to hide any trace of it.
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guscaldwcll · 9 months ago
who: GUS & JD. @jcksonfields
where: Mardi Gras parade.
when: during the February NOLA 2024 trip.
Gus had always loved celebrating Mardi Gras back in Merrock, so getting to do it in New Orleans was even better. Even though it was February, Gus felt sticky and hot as he made his way through the crowd that was beginning to gather. The city was bright, buzzing with a strong, boozy energy that pumped life and excitement into the surrounding area. Gus was looking for JD at the spot that agreed to meet up at to watch the parade go by. It didn't take long before he saw the familiar face. "Hey man! Didn't think I'd be able to find you with how many people are here," Gus spoke with a laugh as he greeted the younger man. Gus didn't know what to expect, but he was starting to feel a little overwhelmed. And in true Mardi Gras fashion, there were dozens of people throwing beads to anyone (but mainly women) willing to expose themselves to the crowds. "Are you excited for this?"
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aiylademirci · 8 months ago
LOCATION: Covington Hospital Emergency Room WITH: @jamesonxcarter
The emergency room was relatively quiet, which for a small town, could become hectic in the snap of a finger. Instead there was a gentle flow of kitchen mishaps with knives, clumsy children, and the occasional drunk. Pretty standard for a Wednesday evening, and so Aiyla found distraction in a crossword puzzle. She was chewing on her pen, her frown deepening at a particular clue that had been puzzling her for a few minutes now. But all of a sudden there was a flurry of crying and panicked footsteps bursting through the door, and in one fluid muscle memory movement, Aiyla pushed her chair back and rose to her feet.
The man was visibly panicking as he clung onto the child in his arms, who was throwing his head back and screaming. Shit - she knew that face. Shit - they had shared drinks together. Aiyla stood frozen for a split second, watching as a nurse tried to scurry them to a private room. "It's okay - It's okay." Aiyla called out, her attention zoning in on the cries from Asher. "It's okay, I know him." her steps quickened as she stepped into the room.
"Hey-" she did her best to keep her voice steady and calm as she could feel the panic rising from Jameson. "Look at me," Aiyla moved to stand beside him so she wasn't obstructing his view of Asher, a hand moving to rest upon his shoulder. "Can you tell us what happened? We need to know what happened leading up to this, okay? We're going to help him the best we can, we just need to know what we're dealing with first."
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chmydarling · 1 year ago
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was it possible to have everything you wanted, whenever you wanted it and to have anyone and everyone at your beck and call and yet still feel like you were lacking something? and to not be a selfish, ungrateful asshat for feeling so. for feeling like you needed something. something very important, that you couldn't quite put your finger on or put into words. and yet, you felt it. a longing, an ache. a n e e d.
these are the questions that are circling around and around in his head, whilst his feet are taking him who knows where... just far, far away from the palace walls. and the king. lesser known as his father. as far as possible. the palace was beginning to feel more and more like a prison. a very cushy prison, true. but, a prison nonetheless. he just wanted to live and breathe the city and its people and the sky and the stars in, not just see it and them through a skylight or from a balcony. from a cell. so that's what he'd finally decided to do. he'd break out of his cell. and he'd run for it. and he wouldn't stop. running.
night's beginning to fall by the time he snaps out of his reverie. and he has no idea where he is. he's suddenly very aware of being a prince in the middle of nowhere. with zero street smarts. surrounded by any number of unfamiliar faces. some peer at him with mild curiosity. some walk right by him. he has went relatively unseen. unnoticed. unremarkable. which is a comfort. for the first time in what feels like forever, he feels free. he's just taking a deep breath, drinking in the sights and sounds of the city, of the night air when a slight brush against the pocket of his jacket catches his attention. he checks for his wallet. what was he so worried about? it's right- wait. it's not there. and now he's thinking that maybe his designer coat hadn't been the best item of clothing for going incognito.
❛ hey- thief! THIEF! that guy has my wallet! ❜
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pckdrop · 10 months ago
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷ a closed starter for @frozcnhcarts.
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“as long as it’s not too much trouble… do you think i could spend the night with you tonight? i don’t want to be alone right now.”
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svndowning · 10 months ago
@popularmxnster said “ why are you asking me for help? ”
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This was a good question — out of all people in this world why had she come to him for help? The answer came down to one thing: desperation. Sam felt her jaw clench subtly as her gaze was trained on the ground for a few moments, mentally debating whether or not she wanted to be honest and upfront. “Do you think that I would come here if I had another choice?” Her lips pursed into a thin line before she finally met his gaze. “You’re the only person that understands me and what I’m going through.” That was a terrifying realization. She knew that just being related to him had left a mark on her, but she wasn’t aware of just how deep it ran until she had a knife in her hand. She had only killed out of survival, but it had awakened something different inside of her. “Maybe I’m stupid for thinking you’d care or want to help.” It was the bond she had always wished for but knew she could never have.
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jj-hayes · 1 year ago
STATUS: Closed. (@ashaisabelle)
LOCATION: Coral Cove Beach, Music Festival, Day Three.
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As the crowd dispersed following the last set of the evening, JJ finds himself heading to the bonfire on Coral Cove Beach. Though it was well into the early hours of the day at this point, his head is still buzzing with adrenaline, and he has had too much fun hanging out with all of his friends that weekend to let it all come to an end just yet. Perhaps a little unwinding was what he needed to replenish some of his energy, and return to the last day of the festival. But for now, he grins at all of the familiar faces he finds once he reaches the bonfire, and plops down on a folding chair on the sand. "Asha? Is that you?" His brows furrow upon seeing the younger woman sat next to him. "Are you doing alright?"
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rosefromdeath1 · 8 months ago
@shchvnts ♥ ( TRINI ) liked for a starter
"You're not saving me from anyone! My family would never hurt me!" Sweet Gabriella exclaimed in a voice of utmost disbelief. She'd never even heard of a vampire hunter before. Did such a thing even exist? How was the girl not dead yet? "Please you can't hurt them." Gabriella pleaded softly, "They're good people."
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haunted-linguini · 2 years ago
hallo, I feel like you dont have many uploads and I was wondering if you could do a ben drowned x reader in the kitchen and being all lovey dovey that can turn into something hotter but not too NSFW
Also can I be ♤♡◇♧ anon
-♤♡◇♧ anon
hi! :D yes you can be assorted card symbols anon :,) <3
this ended up being longer than expected
Ben pulls his attention away from the TV, that currently has The Amazing World of Gumball playing, to look at you.
"Hey y/nnnnnnn" he says in a singsong voice.
You look over at him before simply responding with a "what do you want".
He taps the tips of both his pointer fingers together. "Can you make cupcakes or a cake or something pleaseeee".
The blank stare that sat on your face made him chirp out, "I can sit in the kitchen with you and help you if you need itttttt....."
You pinch the bridge of your nose and laugh a little bit. "It is literally almost four in the morning my love".
He gives you those stupid puppy dog eyes you can't say no to, so you just sigh and smile at him. "Alright, alright, I'm going. WE'RE going."
He fist pumps the air and tumbles out of bed, trailing right behind you the entire way to the kitchen. A cabinet is opened looking for a spare box of cake mix that you know for certain Slender has sitting somewhere. Ben, being the helpful (goofy) person he is, climbs onto the countertop and checks the really high shelves. He grins as he pulls out a box of Funfetti cake mix. "I found it! See y/n I am SO helping".
You roll your eyes and laugh, "Yes I see that, thank you very much bb".
The eggs, water, and oil are all being mixed in when Ben reaches in between your arms and wraps his around you. Kisses are peppered on your jaw and he whispers a thank you in your ear, which sends goosebumps down your spine. You turn your head so you can give him a quick kiss before asking for the pan for the cake.
The oven lets out a series of three beeps to signal that it had pre-heated, and you were just scraping the last bit of the mix into the pan. You hand the pan to him to put in the oven and go set the used dishes in the sink. As soon as you go to move from the sink he is right behind you.
"Well. Hello there cutie", you playfully flirt at him. Ben's face somehow still manages to blush despite the amount of time you've been dating. He winks in the same playful tone and grabs you by the waist, "Come here often sexy?"
You throw your head back in laughter and eventually lean in to give him another kiss. One of his hands slips it's way under your shirt and grazes across your chest. 'Well two can play that game', you thought. Your own hand moves from his shoulder to the back of his head and pull a little, not enough to not be played off as an accident. He immediately pulls back from the kiss, his eyes starting to get that dark look in them.
"I assure you, my love, that's not a game you want to play right now". He has a stupid mischievous smirk plastered to his face that makes you want to do it again JUST to see what happens. And that is exactly what you do. Another gentle tug on the back of his head.
Ben has managed to hoist you up onto the counter and is now sucking marks into your neck. A gasp leaves your mouth the minute you feel sharp teeth pressed against the soft skin. Almost instinctively your legs come to wrap themselves around him. The both of you are way too invested in each other to notice Slender in the frame of the kitchen door.
"I understand, hormones and what not, but you HAVE a ROOM", he sighs, exasperated.
You jump first at Slender's voice and quickly slide off the counter. Ben glances over at him, looking more annoyed than anything, "We're baking a cake too".
Slender appears agitated despite having no facial features to show that. "You're WHAT?"
"Making a cake."
"With what cake mix?"
Ben shuffles a little bit. "The Funfetti stuff? It was in the top most cabinet."
"You mean the cake mix I deliberately put there for myself?"
Ben shuffles even more. Your palms start sweating. "You can have some of the cake if you want?", he sheepishly says with a small side smile.
"Get out."
"Done and done!" Ben chirps, dragging you behind him out of the kitchen. Once you two are a safe distance from the kitchen, you both are in hysterics.
Ben pulls you into his room, still laughing. You settle into the bed again, and suddenly the lights are off and he's on top of you, hovering an inch away from your face.
"You shouldn't have done that, my love."
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libbystcwart · 1 year ago
who: LIBBY & LEYLA! @leyla-tehrani
where: beach bash.
when: sometime during the late afternoon (August 26th).
Libby was reading one of her spicy romance novels and listened to Hozier's new album in her earphones, and it was her perfect way to spend a day on the beach. Especially after the big volleyball game. An hour or so passed before she realized that she needed to reapply her sunscreen, wanting to avoid her already pink-tinted skin getting sunburned. The squirt of the lotion bottle sounded and Libby massaged some between her hands, trying to get every bit of skin she could. Libby struggled a moment to get a certain area on her back and when she couldn't fight it anymore, she decided she needed to ask for a little bit of help. "I'm so sorry to bother you, but could you please help me put some sun lotion on my back? I've tried to do it myself and I've learned that I don't have long enough arms."
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jacobhartland · 1 year ago
LOCATION: Denver Health Medical Center.
STATUS: Closed. ( @xallmywolvesx )
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Jacob had been sitting at of one of the computers behind the nurses' station, refreshing the screen before him while he waited for the MRI scans he had ordered almost an hour ago to be uploaded. According to the sleep deprived, and over-caffinated surgical resident who had paged him down to the Emergency Room, the patient had been brought into the hospital after experiencing some cardiac symptoms. The initial exam had revealed a midsystolic murmur, which only meant that this patient had a heart defect. However, they needed to run a few more tests to confirm the diagnosis, and decide how to proceed; radiology was backed up that day, but when was it not? Jake let out a rather exasperated sigh as he ran a hand through the disheveled locks of his hair, leaning back in his seat as he stared at the screen as though it would make the scans magically appear. "I can feel you hovering, Mel..." He called out to the older woman, his lips curling into a rather tired smile as he twirled around in his seat to meet her gaze.
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folkorae · 6 months ago
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@deathsconsort liked for a starter with Elain !
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Elain is not the type to get angry easily, but today was different ; it seemed like everything was going against her since the news broke that Lucien was coming for some kind of meeting. She is not that aware of the inner circle matters unless something reaches her ( and such power one holds like visions sometimes are difficult to control ). Elain had to redo the cupcakes because the first ones had burned. To say she's nervous about meeting Lucien is an understatement, she is . . . confused. It's not that Elain didn't like him — or thought he was a bad fae. Elain just . . . she doesn't understand why she is tied to him. That faerie bond connected her to someone she barely knew. She doesn't know how to react, she doesn't know how to make it stop. She doesn't know how to talk to Lucien without giving him false hope so she spent the day hiding in the kitchen or the garden. And she didn't leave even when Lucien showed up. Elain heard footsteps in the kitchen and saw Nesta approaching. She looked at her sister for just a moment before breaking her gaze. “ I am not going there. ”
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despaircrown · 1 year ago
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     Tsubasa was hella dope in Sonia’s eyes. The freedom which they must have experienced from being the Ultimate Skater was mesmerizing. Though she knew it wasn’t proper for a princess to skateboard, she couldn’t help but yearn for it. Perhaps it was that fact alone that made it so tantalizing. The Forbidden Fruit so to speak.
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    It was a beauty to the way Tsubasa moved on a skateboard. Honestly it left Sonia absorbed. When the demonstration was over, Sonia couldn’t help but clap. “Bravo! Bravo!” Sonia tentatively approached Tsubasa, serene smile upon her face. “Tsubasa I have an inquiry, I do not mean to put you out of course…”
    Suddenly Sonia bowed her head in Tsubasa’s direction. “Please teach me the ways of the skateboard.” She wanted to experience that freedom, that look Tsubasa had in their eyes. “I promise I am a quick learner! I shall put all my might into it!”
@quickdeaths ღ
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chloenwckobia · 2 years ago
🎶 - musical games! • with @charlie--fry
If you would've told Chloe that she'd quit her job and move to a small town in Maine just so she could work as a record store employee this time last year, she wouldn't have believed you. But as she knew all too well, things didn't always go according to plan. Chloe was grateful that she was hired to work for the store, being able to spend her days surrounded by music and people who loved it just as much as she did felt more like a privilege than an actual job.
There was something soothing about working in a music store. Music served as an outlet for Chloe, and it was one of her favorite forms of art. The young woman felt at ease there. It was the same feeling she used to get stepping onto the hard surface of the tennis court in anticipation of a match when she was in high school. Instead of the cheers of the crowd and the encouragement of her peers, there was the crooning vocals of up-and-coming artists or well-known musicians who had their demons played for everyone to hear. Currently, Chloe was in front of the extensive collection of vinyl records, stacked meticulously in banks of racks all separated by genre and artist. She bopped her head to the song that was playing over the speakers, losing herself in the lyrics and melody as she put a price label on the newer vinyls that just came in. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a familiar face near the section of the store. "Hey, boss! Want to play a game?"
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ofdamnation · 2 years ago
muse  :  kang  aecha  ,  26  ,  bisexual  . plot  chosen  :  this  post  . closed  starter  :  for  @decadentias​  . possible  connections  :  m / f / nb  .  
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             ‘  have  you  lost  your  mind  !?  ’   eyes  widen  as  the  person  she  was  locking  lips  with  suddenly  falls  to  the  ground  in  front  of  her  .  eyes  turn  towards  the  perpetrator  to  see  it’s  none  other  than  the  other  person  she’s  been  messing  around  with  .    ‘  what  did  you  do  that  for  !?  ’
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