David Nigel
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dnactmblr · 6 years ago
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La Ciudad de los Palacios 🇲🇽❤️ . . . . . #SabadoDistritoFederal #CDMX #BelloMagico #Chilangolandia #BellasArtes #Soumaya #LaMexicana #Palacio #Museo #Parque #NoFilter #Building (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzuD1q7H1unJG8dGEv-lZ-X21HWxPYP0VV4h-I0/?igshid=ddgez83ivyml
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dnactmblr · 6 years ago
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We went down to Playa de los Muertos and let our bodies get tossed among the Waves Then we drank the world's largest margarita...” . . . #Sayulita #Color #Beach #TBT #PuebloMagico #BiggestMargarita (en Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/davidnigelac/p/BwaDx0WnP21-gMcgWXU18fT-Si6P8grvPjKzfE0/?igshid=sdzdn80nl5h7
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dnactmblr · 6 years ago
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Keep growing. Grow, grow, grow. Be relentless and always push forward. . . . . . #Chalet #Desk #Thinking #Breathe #Labyrinth #Books #TBT https://www.instagram.com/davidnigelac/p/BwJGJXXnW2H0I5b6z1QgBtL4GHAFMr59gu5NXk0/?igshid=jv05jncsupcy
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dnactmblr · 6 years ago
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... Perla de Occidente para ser exacto; Plaza los Mariachis (Bueno cerquita) . . . #GDL #Tlaquepaque #PuebloMagico #TBT #Tejuino #UnHombredeNegro #NomasNoChilleMiChuy (en Tlaquepaque, Jalisco) https://www.instagram.com/davidnigelac/p/Bv2vPeaHk1YOGSH1x0fSFlDJalDVNq1jBUbp5w0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19vjxzyx60nma
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dnactmblr · 6 years ago
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Y que el tiempo cura todo ¡No es cierto! Y que la luna es de queso ¡No es cierto! . . . . . . . #Nevado #Tiempo #Time #Luna #Laguna #TBT #Queso #Pájaros #Blue (en Nevado de Toluca) https://www.instagram.com/davidnigelac/p/BvkqmNIH9BetXGlWGpV_hy9_iBxfFvpbZYR9oI0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qazoh2mnv34g
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dnactmblr · 6 years ago
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The revolution will not be televised 📻🎙 ... .. . #Radio #OnAir #TBT #Revolution #Resistance #Microphone #MusicIsLife https://www.instagram.com/davidnigelac/p/Bu-4DEkH5S5ZG97zYlqfMiq6K-eeCb_0EJEtQQ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l2ab0euuwuxi
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dnactmblr · 6 years ago
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Try to make it right love is the way #Tequila #Mural #TBT #DejaTeConecto (en Tequila, Jalisco) https://www.instagram.com/davidnigel_/p/BuslDRBHgc7deTuwlGg2wVS1moP3-dLbP9sLnE0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17ttf4dmibt6x
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dnactmblr · 6 years ago
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Aimer, c'est vivre; aimer, c'est voir; aimer, c'est être #Love #Live #See #Be #Beach #First #ALotOf (en Diamante Acapulco) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPT_-qn3EJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17qw00bw7pf4
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dnactmblr · 7 years ago
Halitrephes maasi is a species of deep sea jellyfish. The look like fireworks deep in the ocean.
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dnactmblr · 7 years ago
French Quotes About Love part 1
Life- 1, 2, 3.
1. Aimer, c'est vivre; aimer, c'est voir; aimer, c'est être- To love is to live; to love is to see; to love is to be.
2. J'entends ta voix dans tous les bruits du monde- I hear your voice in all of the world’s noise.
3. La vie est faite de petits bonheurs- Life is made of little pleasures.
4. L'amour est une rose. Chaque pétale une illusion. Chaque épine une réalité- Love is like a rose. Every petal an illusion. Every thorn a reality.
5. Le désir s'exprime par la caresse comme la pensée par la langage- Desire is expressed by touch like thought is expressed by language.
6. Une femme qui connaît sa valeur ne mendie pas l'amour- A woman who knows her worth, does not beg for love.
7. Je viens du ciel et les étoiles entre elles ne parlent que de toi- I come from the sky, and the stars only ever speak of you.
8. La vie est belle, et vous êtes comme elle- Life is beautiful, and you’re like life.
9. L'amour, parfois, c'est aimer quelqu'un qui ne t'aimera jamais- Love is sometimes loving someone who will never love you back.
10. L'esprit s'enrichit de ce qu'il reçoit, le cœur de ce qu'il donne- The spirit grows with what it receives, the heart with what it gives.
Part 2?
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dnactmblr · 9 years ago
Each person interprets something in different ways. Particularly, when someone listen this song it could think the songwriter was inspired by "a broke up story" about a girl and a boy. However, I think the main message goes further than the classic story where two pathetic lovers broke their hearts because they damaged themselves. I think this song describes a guy who after try and try several times don't get anything that fill his absurd and void existence. But, despite of this, this guy try to don't let die the hope of achieve that moment full of glory and victory that still without success has gotten. This guy has waited for a long time that moment. This guy cries to this moment be of him, because he is a hopeless person too. This guy probably is looking for a part of him that was lost long time ago. All these centrefolds are fake faces, fake feelings. He only shows that the others want or need to see. Because is evident that everything is wrong. Maybe the unique that this guy has gotten is his mental sickness... And perhaps all of this be fair. This is a Placebo's song. It is pretty depressed but I hope enjoy it. This is called Centrefolds and appears in Sleeping with ghosts.
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dnactmblr · 9 years ago
I want!
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I saw this a long time ago and finally got it to convert to GIF format on tumblr. It shows how it’s the Earth that’s moving, space is standing still. I love this perspective. 
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dnactmblr · 9 years ago
We weren't, we aren't, either we'll be...
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dnactmblr · 10 years ago
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dnactmblr · 11 years ago
Julio Ramón Ribeyro
Acerca de como escribir un cuento.
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Yo aprendo a escribir
Decálogo para cuentistas
1. El cuento debe contar una historia. No hay cuento sin historia. El cuento se ha hecho para que el lector pueda a su vez contarlo.
2. La historia del cuento puede ser real o inventada. Si es real debe parecer inventada, y si es inventada, real.
3. El cuento debe ser de preferencia breve, de modo que pueda leerse de un tirón.
4. La historia contada por el cuento debe entretener, conmover, intrigar o sorprender, si todo ello junto, mejor. Si no logra ninguno de estos efectos, no sirve como cuento.
5. El estilo del cuento debe ser directo, sencillo, sin aspavientos ni digresiones. Dejemos eso para la poesía o la novela.
6. El cuento debe solo mostrar, no enseñar. De otro modo sería una moraleja.
7. El cuento admite todas las técnicas: diálogo, monólogo, narración pura y simple, epístola, collage de textos ajenos, etc., siempre y cuando la historia no se diluya y pueda el lector reducirla a su expresión oral.
8. El cuento debe partir de situaciones en las que el o los personajes viven un conflicto que los obliga a tomar una decisión que pone en juego su destino.
9.- En el cuento no deben haber tiempos muertos ni sobrar nada. Cada palabra es absolutamente imprescindible.
10. El cuento debe conducir necesaria, inexorablemente a un solo desenlace, por sorpresivo que sea. Si el lector no acepta el desenlace es que el cuento ha fallado.
Julio Ramón Ribeyro
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dnactmblr · 11 years ago
1.-Check 2.-Check
...According to the plan :)
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Low expectations, so I won’t feel guilty when I accomplish absolutely nothing all summer! :D
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dnactmblr · 11 years ago
Change Your Mind
If my heart should grow Closer than I know it's worth Then my heart should know Better not to fall in love...
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